Muslim Brothers of Indian Subcontinent: It's Time for Homecoming, Part II
01 Dec, 2008
Editor note: We are in favor of leaving religions altogether. However, this article is published here, because, a peaceful appeal to Muslims for their return to their roots, from which they were brutalized to accept Islam, deserves a place here and everywhere else.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4a –
Part 4b –
Part 5a –
Part 5b
Islamic God Allah
Muslim intellectuals try to convince that by embracing Islam they are following monotheism, which is far superior to polytheism of Hinduism. According to them, Islam is the only religion that is strictly monotheistic, as its followers worship only one God Allah. But it seems, from Koran and other Islamic scriptures, that Allah is not confident that he is the only God in the world (not in the universe as Allah is aware only about heaven and earth).
Had Allah been the only God, it would not have been possible for man to find another God to worship. And had Allah been confident that there is no other God except him, he should not have been jealous of another God. For example, let us imagine a village where there is only one well as the source of fresh water. Hence there would not have been any difference whether the villagers drink water from a glass or from a pitcher, or from a jug. And as there is not an alternative source, it must have been derived from that lone well. In a similar manner, if Allah knew that there is no other God, he would have been confident that people will not find another God to worship.
But the behavioral pattern of Allah suggests that he is not confident that he is the only God. He seems always to be suspicious that there may be other Gods and people may worship those Gods instead of him and thus they may create a partner to him. So the scared Allah warns man not to worship another God or create a partner to him and says,
“Say, ‘people of the Book, let us come to an agreement: that we will worship none but Allah, that we will associate none with Him, and that none of us shall set up mortals as deities besides Allah” [Qurab 3:64, tr: N J Dawood, the word 'God' replaced by 'Allah', because, according to Dr Zakir Naik, 'God' is not a true translation of 'Allah'].
In this context, it should be mentioned here that, as the Hindu God is confident that He is the only God in this universe, He does not become jealous of another God. Bhagavadgitâ 9: 23 says,
“O Kaunteya (Arjuna), even those who worship other gods with devotion (bhakti), they do really worship Me, though the rite differ from the norm” (tr: R C Zaehner).
The Hindu God does not become angry and say, “you have committed the foulest sin by worshiping other gods or associating partner (shirk) with Me and I shall throw you in hell fire as a punishment for this sin, because He is confident that He is the only God, and no one could find another God to worship.
To speak the truth, Allah is not a god at all. Allah is a cruel
tyrant, a brutal killer and a violent despot. Evidently, the Islamic
Umma has excelled the rest of humanity in criminality on
earth. Their criminal behavior is fostered by Allah's violent
teachings for establishing Himself as the sole God of the world (not
of the universe). Allah is always scared that a member of his Muslim
gang may slip out of his grip and start to worship another God,
probably the real creator of the universe. So he has enforced strict
law that if any one of his gang tries to desert Him, he should
immediately be put to death for apostasy. This is similar to
standing rule of underworld criminal gangs. If a member of the gang
leaves it, even with the intention of leading a decent life, the
other members of the gang murder him instantly fearing that he may
disclose their secrets.
Though the Muslim clerics treacherously portray Hinduism as a polytheist religion, only to highlight the crude and false monotheism of Islam, Hinduism is the oldest monotheistic religion in the world. Hinduism may appear to a commoner to be a polytheistic creed with many deities. But at its heart, Hinduism is absolutely monotheistic. In Hinduism, God (or Îshvara) is one, but deities are many. The deities are only the manifestations of the one supreme God (Ishvara or Brahma). The Rigveda says,
God is one but people call Him by many names like Agni, yama, Mātariúvā etc. [RV 1/164/46]
With fair wings though there is only One (bird), sages imagine many [RV 10/114/5]
So, when Muslim clerics describe Hinduism as a polytheistic religion and ridicule Hindus for worshiping many Gods, they display their utter ignorance about even the basic ideas of Hinduism. While commenting on this aspect of Hinduism, Abdul Aziz al-Aman, a renowned Bengali author and publisher, writes, “The doctrine of monotheism is much deeper and pervasive in the philosophy of the Upanisads… So, there is no doubt that, before the revelation of the Koran, monotheism had been well established in Vedas in India” (Preface of the Koran, tr. by Girish Chandra Sen).
According to Muslim scholars, Allah is best defined by 4 verses of the 112th Sura (Sura Ekhlas) of the Holy Koran that says, “Say; Allah is one, the eternal Allah. He begot none, nor was He begotten.. None is equal to Him” [tr: N J Dawood].
Let us investigate the real nature of Allah as narrated in the
Koran and reliable Hadith. Islamic scriptures cannot say what Allah
was doing before he created this heaven and earth. However, a hadith
throws some light on it and says, “I asked the Prophet, ‘Where was
Allah before His creation?’ Muhammad replied: ‘He was in a cloud
with no air underneath or above it” (Tabari I:204 ). But the
question remains: Who created those clouds in which Allah took
shelter, before Allah had begun his creation?
As Muslims do not worship the idol of Allah, many believe that
Islamic Allah is formless. But the notion is entirely wrong. Islamic
Allah has a physical body, which is 60 cubit tall (Shahih Muslim
6809). Furthermore, Allah’s appearance is like a human being, as
Allah created Adam in his own image (SM 2872). Another Hadith (SM
6325) says that a Muslim, during a conflict, should not deface
another Muslim, as Allah has created every human face like that of
his own. This Hadith confirms the notion that the physical
appearance of Allah is more or less like human beings, but he is 60
cubits tall and, perhaps, he remains invisible to man. Quran 6:101
says that Allah does not have a wife; this confirms that Allah is
almost a male human being, but he has extraordinary miraculous power
(qudrah). Moreover, Allah is a sexually capable man.
During the life-time of Prophet Muhammad, a debate arose between
the Jews and the Christians of Medina, where the Prophet himself was
present. In that debate, the Jews were refuting the claim of
Christians that Jesus was the son of Allah. The Jews ridiculed the
Christians and said, “Did Allah sleep with Maryam?” This could have
been a basis for the Christians to establish their claim. But the
Prophet was not ready to admit the same as in that case Allah could
have been convicted of committing adultery as Maryam was already
married. At last, the Prophet could settle the dispute by saying
that, as Allah had created Adam from clay by his extraordinary
miraculous power (qudrah), in a similar manner, Allah created Jesus
in Maryam’s womb with his qudrah. The incident confirms beyond all
doubt that Islamic Allah is almost a male human being capable of
procreating a baby in the womb of a woman by sexual intercourse.
[The incident has been narrated in KABAR PATHEY (On the Road
to Kabaa),Vol. 2, p. 190) by the reputed Bengali author Abdul Aziz
al Aman]. One may note here that, though Allah is a male human
being, his masculinity has ever remained unused, as he has no spouse
and he does not commit adultery with any other woman. So, it becomes
evident that, though Allah is a sexually capable masculine, his
masculinity has never been put to use.
In this context, it is important to note that, in one of his
lectures on the Similarities Between Hinduism and Islam, Dr
Naik tells a naked lie that the Quranic Allah is 'genderless'. But
we have seen above that, Islamic Allah is almost a male human being.
However, the present author cannot read Arabic and hence he is
unable to say what is written in Arabic Koran. But in all its
English translations, the authors have mentioned Allah as “He”. Had
Allah been projected genderless in Arabic Koran, they would have
used the word “It”, instead of “He”.
In addition to a 60-cubit tall physical body, Allah has human
attributes like vengeance, envy, cruelty and so on. Due to his
enviousness, Allah becomes violently angry when a man worships any
other God besides Him. He punishes such sinners with grievous
punishment (azab), either in this world or with hell-fire in the
next life. Moreover, Allah is highly biased or discriminative. He is
most merciful (Rahmanir-rahim) only to Muslims, but a cruel despot,
a ferocious demon, to non-Muslims. A imagined god with such humanly
body and attributes is incapable of withstanding the onslaught of
time, cannot be eternal. Such a deity is bound to age and ultimately
perish all humans.
It should also be pointed out in this context that in every
lecture, Dr Naik says that Allah of Quran is omniscient and
omnipresent. But an Allah, 60-cubit tall stature, can never be
It becomes evident that the mostly illiterate pastoral Bedouin
Arabs had no capacity to conceive of an eternal, omnipresent and
omniscient God. So the Islamic God is more or less a male, sexually
capable human with a defined physical stature. Undoubtedly, today,
only the intellectually incapacitated people, devoid of
spiritualism, can worship a ridiculous deity, called Allah.
To be continued
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Name: Good Thought
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 23:56:40 -0500
While I personally believe that it will take a long time for Muslims to leave Islam, hinduism is a good choice for the subcontinent Muslims. It will definately bring more peace and stability in the region. It is important to see here that while most intellectuals can do without religion, the masses cannot. Hence it is imporatnt to show them a way of life which will enhnace the chances of Ex-Muslims to strive for peace, stability and universal brotherhood. Let us hope that we see the homecoming of Indian Muslims sooner than later. Beacause the sooner it happens the better it is for the subcontinent and the rest of the world. Peace.
Name: Mad Mo
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 00:49:36 -0500
Mad Mo made a fool on all Muslims. A deadly fool that is.
Name: An Ex -Muslim
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 01:42:37 -0500
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 01:44:00 -0500
Muslims wanting to leave Islam can try spirituality where they can find peace within themselves.
Name: An Ex-Muslim
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 01:49:50 -0500
Dear friends and brothers in the form. I was close to tears when I first realised how my ancestors were converted to Islam. Today most Indian Muslims feel pround of being what they are. The reason is that they have never been told the truth by the unscruplous Mullahs and the stupid governemnt of India and Pakistan. Most Muslims from the subcontinent feign foreign ancestory. The biggest myth is that most Indian muslims are direct descedents of Mir Qasim. What I fail to understand is that how can someone feel pride in an ancestor (real or imagined) who ruthlessly killed millions without hesitation just for being what they are. The time has come for us Muslims of the subcontinent to throw off the yoke of Arabic imperialism off our shoulders and that of of our Children.Our youngsters are being used as proxies by the Saudis in this war of terror against humanity. Sooner we realise that we mean nothing to the Arabs the better it is for us. I dont know whether Hindus will really accept us even if we were to convert. The idea of conversion is still alien to most Hindus. I hope that if Muslims were to accept Hinduism they dont end up trading masters from Arabs to Hindus of India who did not convert to other religions. That is my only fear....
Name: Kinky smith
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 02:11:51 -0500
A decent article though slightly convoluted in areas. It seems the doctor is essentially trying to flush-out the fact that humanity will always have a desire for spiritual understanding, and vast historical experience clearly shows us we ought to consider such related beliefs carefully and honestly before embracing them personally. Something many fail to do concerning islam. If they had, in my opinion, far fewer people would count themselves among its adherents.
Name: to the ex-muslim who is afraid of hindu is the fact
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 03:11:23 -0500
dear ex-muslim friend,i am myself an ex-muslim from mumbai and seen the horrible carnage.reg to hindus, hindus r forgiving but pls note : no god/allah created man from mud/dirt,man is evoled by nature from 1 celled organisms and proof is in human dna.all the creatuionist religion r false.nature is the only truth.if u want to convert to hinduism or any religion its yr choice. i myself converted away from islam,and am more into spiritualism,ie kundalini yoga,etc...and a follower of baba ramdev,and sri sri ravishanker,who is a real miracle worker through their yoga. surely if u convert to hinduism,it shud not be a problem. final decision is yours.maybe u can join into ARYA SAMAJ or some NON-CASTIEST group.but be careful,as prejudice may is to be wife is a devotee of lord ganesh,and goes to siddhi vinayak temple and also mahalaxmi regularly.i just worship the rs1000 note [ ha ! ] anyway being spiritual or hindu or whatever is much better than being muslim or christian who also have a history as blood soaked as islam.pls google evilbible to know more abt islam....i myself thought of christianity but looking to the equally bloodsoaked history of christianity which is same as islam,i decided to be a human being and not be in any religion per se.
Name: dd
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 03:12:34 -0500
"Hinduism may appear to a commoner to be a polytheistic creed with many deities. But at its heart, Hinduism is absolutely monotheistic." The propaganda that monotheism is much better than polytheism has been strengthened so much that even Hinduism has been insisting that it is monotheistic. But then Hinduism can claim to be anything because it is so accepting of all faiths. But polytheism is much better and much more peaceful than monotheism. Its time we busted the lie that monotheism is better. Read
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 03:17:38 -0500
HI EX-MUSLIM BROTHER,I FORGOT TO MENTION ABT KUNDALINI YOGA.i read the vedas,and puranas,and finally found that nature is a god : in the srimad devi bhagwat purana durga-mahalaxmi is called nature=prakruti.SO IF A GOD IS TRUTH THEN ITS NATRE.PLS READ SRIMAD DEVI GEETA,very beautifl book,and gives deep secrets of yoga etc...yes i do believe in nature.the same is our kundalini energy,its the same shakti-energy as the universal energy.and yoga is a great way to acheive mental calm,when i left islam in 1992,i was deeply insecure,and wanted to have mental calm,and finally meditation,kundalini yoga,and hatha yoga gave me that stablity to step out of the evil shadow of i am fine,health,and an avid meditator,yoga and nature buff.maybe u can try this also.
Name: TO : EX-MUSLIM BROTHER...difference between hindu gods and allah
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 03:38:31 -0500
dear ex-muslim brother : difference between hindu gods and allah : allah created satan and let him loose on mankind ie,allah is the creator-root of evil,and he gives u only 1 chance,if u dont bow to him,he will roast u in his imaginary hellfire forever.but look at hindu gods,shiva kills his enemy and gives him salvation [ as in tripurasur in shiva purana ] ram killed ravan and gave him salvation,durga killes mahisasur,etc...innumerable demons and gives them salvation.beside this,they never force u to bow to them alone ie,if u bow to ganesh and not to shiva or vishnu,they dont put u in hell,instead the god u choose gives u salvation without interefence from any other god,and there is no bitter rivalry or enimity between any gods.bcoz all the gods r part of the supreme divinity nature paramatma-supreme soul supreme energy and hence there is no competition.also,if u fail in 1 life time there is always another life time to try. this is absent in islam and christianity,jesus say bow to be or burn in hell,same is said by allah.these 2 r egoistic and cant be real gods.real god is loving caring and accept us the way we r,bcoz we r children of god=nature.having read the ved,puran,upanishad and also bible/koran etc...i can safely conclude that surely allah/jesus is not a real god,and the real god,nature-paramatma,is very loving and dotn worry whatever path u choose other than islam/christianity its important to be MORALLY good person and live life peacefully and not harm others[ BUT DO SPREAD THE KNWOLEDGE THAT ISLAM IS FALSE TO ALL TO SAVE THEM FROM FALSEHOOD ].in hinduism....if u dont worship a god,or worship a god is not that important,but its more important to watch yr KARMA actions,thoughts,deeds,and not hurt others,and lead a life which is an example for others to,EVEN IF U R AN ATHEIST OR A HINDU IE BELIEF IN GOD IS NOT IMPORTANT BUT LIVING A MORALLY GOOD LIFE IS MOST IMPORTANT.pls also chk : , , ,
Name: seeker
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 04:55:00 -0500
Contrary to the popular misconception, Hinduism does accept converts. The conversion ceremony is carried out at Arya Samaj temples across India. The conversion rite is known as the shuddhi (purification) ceremony and it takes half an hour amidst chanting of sacred vedic hymns. The convert is given a Hindu name and a certificate. The Arya Samaj is a reform movement in the Hindu society and they refrain the convert from idol worship and becoming a member of any caste. However there is a catch. The Hindu society is caste ridden and the convert way find himself being asked uncomfortable questions about his lineage. Once you are within the Hindu fold you can do as you please. Even if you are an atheist, no one gives a damn. To the Ex-muslim who was asking that he is afraid that he may be trading masters, do not fear a bit. Hindus are as tolerant as they can be regarding personal beliefs.
MA Khan: Allah claims to be He, not She or It
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 04:55:00 -0500
To Prof. Brahmachari's query on whether in Arabic Quran, Allah claims to be 'He' or 'It', let me prove that Allah is He, not She or It in Allah's own words. Look at the following verse (Q 2:29) with transliteration and translations.
Yusuf Ali:
It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; Moreover
His design comprehended the heavens, for He gave order and perfection to the
seven firmaments; and of all things He hath perfect knowledge.
He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth. Then turned He to the
heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens. And He is knower of all
In Arabic 'He' is huya, 'She' is 'hiya'. In the transliteration of the verse at two places, we clearly see 'He' has been put as 'huwa'. Firstly 'huwalladhiy' (huwa + alladhiy); secondly, 'wa huwa bi kulli...'
Obviously Allah is 'He' in his own words. Alternatively, there was probably no suitable word to express his 'genderless' trait in Arabic; so Allah chose 'He'. This again shows that Allah is totally impotent to create a suitable word to describe his characteristics and that he prefers a 'male' pronoun over the 'female' one.
Name: Muslims are victims of islam.
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 05:51:00 -0500
Muslims are victims of islam.They are hepllessly trapped in it.I have many muslim friends.They are good and rational in all maters except in the eligoius matter.When questioned they say god knows better.This is how islam and mullas made them drones or robots with out any introspection and rationality.i hope they may soon know the real ugly face of islam based on lies and black mail of hell.
Name: mohammad(Let piss of entire humanity be upon him) was worse than animal.
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 06:01:31 -0500
mohammad(Let piss of entire humanity be upon him) was worse than animal.Animal do not harm nay one if they are not disturbed but mohammad hates evry one and enitier humanity just because he was mad and suffered from schizophrenia and thought hallucinations as god revelations.stupid mohammad later became looter and sex maniac and gave HIV(hatred,intolerence,And voilence)to his islamists
Name: Allah got a shin,then should have thighs and full body.
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 07:18:48 -0500
On judgement day allah is not identified by humans and they ask for the proof, then he shows his shin. Quran verse 68:42; I wonder how can humans identify Allahs shin since they have not seen it first., This defies logic. First of allah the creator is an embarassing postion to show his identity by huamns. Then he shows his shin. Then all people are convinced that it is Allah aonly and they try to prostrate before him but they could not because allah wanted them to go to hell. The quran is stupid, childish and foolish to the extreme bottom. May I ask one question. What is there in between his thighs? If he got a shin thighs are natural and what he will do with his organ?
Name: "Muslims are victims of Islam"
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 08:30:00 -0500
Whenever there is a terrorist attack someone always posts this nonsense.
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 11:32:16 -0500
Another fine article by Dr. Brahm Yes, I know Arabic. It is in the Masculine in arabic. No doubt about it. Ask anyone who knows arabic. it translates as "He" in English. Peace to all
Name: Question to my Hindu brothers ans sisters in Humanity - Ibn kammuna
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 12:05:50 -0500
I am not a Hindu. An Indian friend and brother of mine told me that becoming a Hindu for an outsider in India is very difficult. In most major Hindu sects, it is very difficult to become a convert in it. Its like being a Jew (for analogy here). You pretty much have to have been born in it to be Hindu. Is this correct? If this is in fact the case, then it is probably a good place for Hindu writiers like Dr. Brahm and others to write and help open the Hindu closed community in India to accept converts, and encourage that, especially from Islam. Again, I am not a Hindu, and never been to India, but i am just asking this because this is what I was told. I would appreciate feedback responses from Hindu brother and sisters living in India. Thank You
Name: Snake Oil Baron
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 19:41:31 -0500
I am far from being a booster for any religion and recent Hindu violence against Christians in parts of India prove that mere adherence to Hinduism is no vaccination against being used as instruments of political and ethnic violence any more than adherence to other faiths is. But Hinduism is a far better belief system than Islam on so many levels. The future of the region would be so much more secure and prosperous if Islam were to decline in it's number of adherents.
Name: Re: Question to my Hindu brothers ans sisters in Humanity - Ibn kammuna
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 19:43:51 -0500
Dear Kammuna, The idea that one has to be born in a Hindu family to be a Hindu started only in the medieval ages. If we go beyond that we see great Pundits such as Madhvacharya, Ramanujacharya, Shankaracharya and others debating with scholars from other religions. Those who lost the religious debate were asked to convert. These Hindu scholars (acharyas) defeated many Buddhist, Zoroastrian, and Jain monks and converted them. In the distant past, Indian Kings used to marry princesses from distant Iran, Iraq (who were non-muslims at that time)and they had no problems accepting them as Hindus. Even Hindu princesses got married to others. Now, Arya Samaj, Brahma Samaj, ISKCON, and other organizations are openly accepting people from other faiths into Hinduism. The Head of a Vishnu temple in Sydney is a Jew who converted to Hinduism about 7 yrs ago. Hinduism's best aspect is that it asks its followers to respect nature. Even its scripture Gita says "whatever form you worship, ultimately it leads to God". Truth is one and wise see it in various forms; Let everyone be happy--these are some of the wonderful sayings from Hinduism. Hindus openly accept others into their fold. Caste system has been a bane to Hinduism for over 800 yrs now. If you read Gita, you will find the reality. At any given time, mankind consists of 4 varnas-- preistly class, warrior class, business class, and labour class. None of these is based on birth. Even if you see the current society, only 4 classes exist. Take whatever religion, tribe, sect--everything is based on 4 varnas.
Name: To Snake Oil Baron
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 19:58:37 -0500
Snake oil, it is important to understand the clashes between Hindus and Xians in India. You know very well from history how destructive Xnity was on other civilizations. It destroyed Greek, Roman, Mayan, Aztec, Incas and other ancient civilizations just for the belief that those civilizations didn't believe in Jesus. Have u heard of Goa inquisition? The terror perpetrated by the Catholic Church on Hindus in Goa is the most horrible thing you will ever see in your life. Xian missionaries are perfect nuisances. With their belief--Jesus is the only Son of God, and salvation is POSSIBLE ONLY through him"--they published and propagated horrible things about Hinduism. They enter ur house without your permission and start talking negative about ur culture and religion. Will you accept that? They killed a Hindu swamiji in Orissa because he was teaching excellent principles of Hinduism. It affected their conversion tactics and as as result they eliminated him. Swamijis followers couldn't bear it. The killers were all Xians. It resulted in voilence. So first ask dirty missionaries to mind their own business. Else they will face the ire of cool people like Hindus.
Name: To Ibn Kammuna--from Ajay
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 20:03:10 -0500
To continue from where I left, I wanted to inform you that it is an accepted norm in Indian religions that those who lose religious debates would become the disciples of the person who defeated them. It was not a compulsion but the defeated used to uphold the knowledge of the Champion and accept to become the disciple. The revered Shankaracharya defeated many Buddhist and Jain monks and accepted them to Hindu fold.
Name: re Ibm Kammuna
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 21:21:46 -0500
Brother Ibn.Conversion to Hinduism by the Arya Samaj is recognised by the government.The certificate issued is considered valid for marriage and legal purpses.Moreover the Arya Samaj conducts simple marriage ceremonies according to Hindu rites in their temples.The Arya Samaj is a reform movement within the Hindu society.Their motto is Back to the vedas and the world is one family.They are againts Idol worship, meaningless rituals and the caste/sect system. The convert is strongly discouraged againts these practices.Fact is the Arya Samaj has converted thosands into the Hind fold,even some celebrities from south India.However the Samaj is just a way to enter Hinduism. Once you are in, you are free as a bird.The Hindu religion has place for the atheist also as the theory of Karma is the central belief of Hindu philosophy.Believe me.The convert does not face any problems whatsoever.Regards.
Name: Rashmi sahu
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 22:41:15 -0500
The mumbai carnage and series of bomb blast in india on name of God in India, has caused me to write this.Yes on my own efforts i have read the blood soaked history of India post 700 AD by Islam and Britishers, portugeses etc. It pains what lie we read on the name of history in Indian schools.My Guru says, "It is said that to destoy Nation, destroy its cultur".So britishers did that and the result is that what we are reaping today.The God of vedas is One he is formless, you can not measure him, he is known as brahma vishnu shiva etc as per qualities.Our great ancestors were follower of this God. In addition they used to do Astanga yoga(eight fold path of yoga) for realisation of God and vedas in heart called as tapasya.The truth of these austere practices and tapasya is clearly seen in lives of great yogis like sai baba of shirdi (Did tapasya for 12 years), Swami Nityananda of Ganeshpuri(A spritual force to reckon with, a sthit pragna (achieved supreme one ness with God and avadhoot), Sri gajanan maharaj etc.Infact when you follow path of vedas and astanga yoga God blesses you with 8 siddhis and 8 vibhutis as Patanjali Yoga sutra says on realisation .These are bestowed by God when the yogi realises God at the eighth stage of Yoga in samadhi. Thus he is librated and free from prejudices, sanskar and perception forever. Lord Rama, Krishna,all nathas (9) were great yogis. Please every indian should read "Autobiography of yogi - by swami Paramhansa yogananda, ", it is available online. I suggest only Yoga , eight fold path of yoga mentioned by rishi patanjali is the solution to all violence and hatred of muslims brothers. Mr Ibrahim lone i request you to propogate this yoga which unites soul with God, its basis is non violence, truth etc.I have seen wonderful effects of yoga , which calms down mind and emotions, as a practioner of Yoga.I have met a great samadhist yogi Swami Ramswarup ji his website is, you can contact him to learn yoga and veda.This alone can give peace to suffering humanity and vicious minds. My humble request please teach my muslims brother and sister this ancient practice to live a happy life. We want India to be peaceful and world spiritual reader like earlier days
Name: Rashmi sahu
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 22:41:17 -0500
The mumbai carnage and series of bomb blast in india on name of God in India, has caused me to write this.Yes on my own efforts i have read the blood soaked history of India post 700 AD by Islam and Britishers, portugeses etc. It pains what lie we read on the name of history in Indian schools.My Guru says, "It is said that to destoy Nation, destroy its cultur".So britishers did that and the result is that what we are reaping today.The God of vedas is One he is formless, you can not measure him, he is known as brahma vishnu shiva etc as per qualities.Our great ancestors were follower of this God. In addition they used to do Astanga yoga(eight fold path of yoga) for realisation of God and vedas in heart called as tapasya.The truth of these austere practices and tapasya is clearly seen in lives of great yogis like sai baba of shirdi (Did tapasya for 12 years), Swami Nityananda of Ganeshpuri(A spritual force to reckon with, a sthit pragna (achieved supreme one ness with God and avadhoot), Sri gajanan maharaj etc.Infact when you follow path of vedas and astanga yoga God blesses you with 8 siddhis and 8 vibhutis as Patanjali Yoga sutra says on realisation .These are bestowed by God when the yogi realises God at the eighth stage of Yoga in samadhi. Thus he is librated and free from prejudices, sanskar and perception forever. Lord Rama, Krishna,all nathas (9) were great yogis. Please every indian should read "Autobiography of yogi - by swami Paramhansa yogananda, ", it is available online. I suggest only Yoga , eight fold path of yoga mentioned by rishi patanjali is the solution to all violence and hatred of muslims brothers. Mr Ibrahim lone i request you to propogate this yoga which unites soul with God, its basis is non violence, truth etc.I have seen wonderful effects of yoga , which calms down mind and emotions, as a practioner of Yoga.I have met a great samadhist yogi Swami Ramswarup ji his website is, you can contact him to learn yoga and veda.This alone can give peace to suffering humanity and vicious minds. My humble request please teach my muslims brother and sister this ancient practice to live a happy life. We want India to be peaceful and world spiritual reader like earlier days
Name: Rashmi sahu
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 22:41:23 -0500
The mumbai carnage and series of bomb blast in india on name of God in India, has caused me to write this.Yes on my own efforts i have read the blood soaked history of India post 700 AD by Islam and Britishers, portugeses etc. It pains what lie we read on the name of history in Indian schools.My Guru says, "It is said that to destoy Nation, destroy its cultur".So britishers did that and the result is that what we are reaping today.The God of vedas is One he is formless, you can not measure him, he is known as brahma vishnu shiva etc as per qualities.Our great ancestors were follower of this God. In addition they used to do Astanga yoga(eight fold path of yoga) for realisation of God and vedas in heart called as tapasya.The truth of these austere practices and tapasya is clearly seen in lives of great yogis like sai baba of shirdi (Did tapasya for 12 years), Swami Nityananda of Ganeshpuri(A spritual force to reckon with, a sthit pragna (achieved supreme one ness with God and avadhoot), Sri gajanan maharaj etc.Infact when you follow path of vedas and astanga yoga God blesses you with 8 siddhis and 8 vibhutis as Patanjali Yoga sutra says on realisation .These are bestowed by God when the yogi realises God at the eighth stage of Yoga in samadhi. Thus he is librated and free from prejudices, sanskar and perception forever. Lord Rama, Krishna,all nathas (9) were great yogis. Please every indian should read "Autobiography of yogi - by swami Paramhansa yogananda, ", it is available online. I suggest only Yoga , eight fold path of yoga mentioned by rishi patanjali is the solution to all violence and hatred of muslims brothers. Mr Ibrahim lone i request you to propogate this yoga which unites soul with God, its basis is non violence, truth etc.I have seen wonderful effects of yoga , which calms down mind and emotions, as a practioner of Yoga.I have met a great samadhist yogi Swami Ramswarup ji his website is, you can contact him to learn yoga and veda.This alone can give peace to suffering humanity and vicious minds. My humble request please teach my muslims brother and sister this ancient practice to live a happy life. We want India to be peaceful and world spiritual reader like earlier days
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 23:32:51 -0500
I have often written in this forum that islam is just an arabian cult to promote arab imperialism and the so-called superiority of the arab race,which is plain bullshit as we all know that arabs were always ,as they are now ,the most backward people living by plunder,loot and slave-trade. They have always been the most barbaric people and this reflected in their 'quran', which is just a hotch-potch of arabian barbarism supplemented by annexing jewish mythology to find justification for their cult sa a religion. Muslims in India , Pakistan and Bangladesh have been brainwashed thoroughly and conditioned to denigrate their origins ( that is their ancestors were hindus/budhist/jains/tribals/charvakas/atheists/agnostics,etc). Today they are just zombies,slaves to the arabian barbarism and the cult of islam. It shows how islam can corrupt your mind irreparably. I am not advocating their return to hinduism,lest I be mistaken for having a hindu-bias. All I am saying is that they should give up that mad cult of islam and stop being arab arse-lickers and try to be civilised human beings .
Name: Spiritualism
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 01:16:11 -0500
To brother Ibn Kammuna There are so many spiritual systems available that you worship god almighty as a formless god in your heart in deep meditation. For entering the spiritual systems you need not even convert.
Name: vm chopra
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 02:14:25 -0500
Name: World - Islam = Peace
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 03:33:36 -0500
World without Islam means peace.
Name: A despicable kafir
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 07:27:19 -0500
Can a believer throw some light on the dimension of the private part of 60 cubit tall Allah, particularly when it erects? Do Islamic scriptures provide any clue on this matter? Definitely it must be several feet long and proportionately fat. I totally disagree with the arguments of the Jews of Madina, as it would have been horribly impossible for Allah, with such a terribly long and fat thing, to sleep with Mariyam and procreate Jesus. It is really amazing that such vital argument escaped Prophet's notice.
Name: jebamani mohanraj
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 11:36:51 -0500
ok. people say that muhammed is an illiterate. how come he deleivered this kuran which people say is a guide to a good life with lots love and peace.
Name: allah=demon
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 12:45:31 -0500
Allah is no GOD. allah is a murderous demon that encourages it's followers to kill the non-muslims. Equating allah with GOD is an insult to GOD
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 13:39:21 -0500
To all : Mr. Abul Kasem - an EX.MOSLEM has written several books and articles on ISLAM, MO, ALLA , Moslimas after thorough research from QQURRAN, SIRA, HADITHS . He provided conclusive proof for so many contradictions, hatred, killings, and to show that ALLA is a human with all human functions and attributes. please read them. ABUL Kasem is an expert on ISLAM/ QQURRAN, a scholar, a free thinker and an intellectual of high caliber and also with direct experience with ISLAM . ISLAM is the greatest hoax, a falsehood and a dark chater in human history.
Name: "Hindu"
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 17:52:51 -0500
Who says that "Hinduism" (there is no such word from ancient India) polytheistic? There is lies the flaw. "Hinduism" is perhaps the first monotheistic religion.
Name: To: Jabamani Mohanraj
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 17:53:22 -0500
Hey, why can't you write under your Jihadi name. Why are you shamelessly using a South Indian Kaffir name. I hope your mom sexed up with a Hindu when ur father was on Jihad... Quran was sexed up by pedophile Mohammed. Everyone has read it; it is an a$$hole's book. Even Pig's brain is sharper than Mohammed's. I say "piss be upon him"
Name: re HINDU
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 22:51:09 -0500
You are correct.Since the common masses could not fathom the vedas,Gods and the epics were invented by the rishis to appeal to everyone. Hinduism in essence is monotheism.
Name: Christianity is beter choice for them.THere is no bramhin supremosy there
Date: Thursday December 04, 2008
Time: 00:45:26 -0500
Christianity is beter choice for them.THere is no bramhin supremosy there .Thye build schools and hospitlas to serve poor.
Name: Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Date: Thursday December 04, 2008
Time: 03:09:46 -0500
The despicable kafir, who has enquired about the private part of 60 cubit tall Allah, though seems to be a well read man, failed to notice that Allah possesses the unique miraculous power or qudrah with which he can do anything he wants. And there is no doubt that Allah can make his stature as well as his private part longer or shorter, fat or slim, within the twinkle of an eye, with the help of his qudrah. So, one cannot rule out the possibility that Allah had gone to Mary by making his stature fit for the purpose. The notion is supported by the verse (66.12) of the Koran. The verse reads: “And Mary, daughter of Imran, whose body was chaste, therefore We breathed therein something of Our spirit. And she put faith in the words of her Lord and His scriptures, and was of the obedient.” (tr. M M Pickthall.) “And in Mary, Imran’s daughter, who preserved her chastity and into whose womb We breathed Our spirit; who put her trust in the words of her Lord and His scriptures, and was truly devout.” (tr. N J Dawood). “Mary the daughter of Imran; who preserved her chastity, and into whose womb we breathed of our spirit, and who believed in the words of her Lord and his scriptures, and was a devout and obedient person.” (tr. George Sale). From the translations of Pickthall and Dawood, it seems that Allah approached an unwilling and chaste Mary. But as Mary was a devout believer of Allah and His scriptures, she finally submitted to His will and Allah had sexual intercourse with Mary to procreate Jesus. Moreover,the verse suggests that Allah, in the name of breathing spirit into mary’s womb, raped unwilling Mary to help her conceive a son. According to George Sale, the job was done by Gabriel on behest of Allah (19:19-22).
Name: Ibn Kammuna- Just some additional info
Date: Thursday December 04, 2008
Time: 14:50:06 -0500
1 cubit= 1.5 feet. 60 cubits is 90 feet. That is a whole lot of height.1 foot = 12 inches which is about 30.5 centimeters. So, 60 cubits=90 feet=90*30.5 cms= 2745 centimeters. this is a rough approximation. that is about 27 + meters long.
Name: 60 cubits deity (27+metres long))
Date: Thursday December 04, 2008
Time: 21:12:19 -0500
I dont know from where this golden nugget about the angry Allah`s dimensions came from.If it is true(authentic sources) it is most laughable.What is no laughing matter is the blood of innocents on the streets.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday December 05, 2008
Time: 11:32:24 -0500
TO all visitors of this site : ISLAM by any stretch of imagination is not a religion, no spirituality in ISLAM, no great ideas ,concepts,no great philosophy, no great value system ,no peace, no universal value, no progressive,no liberal, no democratic system is present or exist in ISLAM. Study and look at any ISLAMIC society, or country - most darkest laws, socieites, inequality is present in ISLAM. Freedom is entirely absent in ISLAM. ISLAM is the originator, perpetrator ,promoter of slavery. ISLAM is racism - read QQURRAN - how much emphasis is placed on white skin !!!!! ISLAM is the most cruel,wicked, hateful ,killing cult there is on this earth. ISLAM is sewage. Humanity do not need ISLAM. Discord ISLAM - burn QQURRAN. Flush QQURRAN into sewage where it belongs. All Moslems live in fear and terror and hatred and in persecuting ,killing nonmoslems . Moslems terrorize and instill fear in moslems and nonmoslems alike.
Name: dd
Date: Monday December 08, 2008
Time: 02:04:11 -0500
"ok. people say that muhammed is an illiterate. how come he deleivered this kuran" There is no law that says an illiterate can't become literate. No matter how disgusting moha was no one is doubting his cleverness, so there is no miracle in his learning Arabic.
Name: Zia
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 20:32:41 -0500
I left Islam roughly 3 years ago and returned to a special group within Hinduism called the Arya Samaj which is against idol worship and believes only in the Vedas. I have so far not faced any discrimination from within that group. I do not tell most hindus I meet that I was once a muslim. I have adopted a hindu name and that is how I introduce myself. I don't know sanskrit, so I was unable to read the Vedas directly, but I have read the Arya Samaj tafsir on the vedas called "Satyartha prakash" which is available online (google it if you want to read).
Name: To Zia
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 10:52:03 -0500
Congratulation for leaving Islam, the world's deadliest menace. Follow the path of love and you'll never regret it.
Name: Vp
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 19:46:04 -0500
There is caste system everywhere. Professionals, to garbage workers. Each one subjected to different standards. Celebrities are a different status etc. All this BS and bad mouthing Hinduism is from ignorance and sheer need to move their own agenda. Hindus can move a head in the modern era and bring about the promises for their own. Providing services to many of the Hindus who still lack basic needs; Education and also to provide services to those who want to study Hindu scriptures and traditions. After many years of foreign rule which caused great damage to Hindus, but also some good did come from it, Hindus can again take pride in their rich heritage and develop further into the future. Hindus never went out of their land to conquer or oppress other cultures.
Name: Vp
Date: Monday January 26, 2009
Time: 11:11:03 -0500
Christianity does not belong in India, nor does Islam. These cults are both foreign ideologies whose whole purpose is to eradicate and hate indigenous cultures in order to expand their imperialist ideology. Hindu Indians never imposed upon other cultures and India is Hindu land. So I believe that every Hindu has the right to defend against these evil ideologies of Christianity and Islam that is trying to subvert their way of life. They should fight and drive them out of India to where they belong in the west and middle east. It is that simple, Hindus have every right to defend their own territory and culture which is the land of Bharat and India.
Name: venkat
Date: Monday February 02, 2009
Time: 07:46:09 -0500
hindusim is complex,just by reading translations we cannot understand it completely,it has absorbed so many philosophies(dvaitha advaitha,madhva)etc yet it only says you are free to follow what ever philosophy,be a dharmi,follow dharma its actually dharma each and every one is to be concerned with,the scriptures are just guidelines no mullah is going to come and check weather you are following it or not..if believe then follow it else don't(i think its freedom) its actually a way of life
Name: venkat
Date: Monday February 02, 2009
Time: 07:55:14 -0500
why should Hindus be ashamed of being polytheistic? i can't understand whats so great about a single great ruling everyone... in hindu puranas shiva praises vishnu,visnu praises shiva etc they themselves don't fight. may the concepts in vedas,advaitha and bagwad gita are themselves too high to comprehend.. not everyone can understand those things krishna himselves says that only a true yogi can attain a state where everything seems to him as god(for this he suugests plural ways,plural type of worships and plural yogis etc) i think its all about plralism