Muslim Brothers of Indian Subcontinent: It's Time for Homecoming, Part 4a
16 Dec, 2008
- Editor note: We are in favor of leaving religions altogether. However, this article is published here, because, a peaceful appeal to Muslims for their return to their roots, from which they were brutalized to accept Islam, deserves a place here and everywhere else.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4a –
Part 4b –
Part 5a –
Part 5b
Muhammad: A Highway Robber
- The Muslims who migrated to Medina from Mecca were called
muhajirs (refugees). These muhajirs were very poor. Muhammad also
bribed many poor people of Medina to convert them to Islam. He
also converted many slaves by paying ransom to their owners. The
major financial burden of all such activities was borne by his
rich friend Abu-bakr. But that was not adequate and to solve the
problem, Muhammad contemplated some means. Firstly, evict the rich
Jewish community from Medina and acquire their riches and wealth.
Secondly, attack and loot the trade caravans of the Koreish of
Mecca. Thirdly, extort money from rich non-Muslim inhabitants of
Medina. And fourthly, impose sadqa (a portion of the income, later
on called zaqat) on the well off Muslims.
In the month of Ramadhan, 622 AD, Muhammad sent a team of 30 muhajirs, under the leadership of his uncle Hamja, to loot a Koreish trade caravan that was returning from Syria. But the expedition failed. Then he sent another team, in January, 623 AD, to loot a caravan, led by abu-Sufyan, but failed. Later on, he sent two expeditions to loot a caravan led by Umaiya-bin-Khalaf and Abu-Sufyan, but failed. In the same year, He sent another team to Nakhla, in the month of Rajab and his men killed one, made two other captive and returned to Medina with a large treasure of spoils. Out of 12 months in a year, 4 of them—Rajab, Muharram, Jilqad and Jilhajj—were considered holy in the entire Arab peninsula and bloodshed was prohibited in those months from time immemorial. But Muhammad’s men committed bloodshed with his tacit support.
These incidents give testimony in favour of the allegation by the
said Bangladeshi apostates that Muhammad was a highway robber.
Muhammad: An Assassin
When the Muslim population in Medina swelled to a considerable extent, Muslims, having indulgence from Muhammad, started oppressing the non-Muslims of Medina. When they could understand that they had brought their misfortune by their own mistake, it was too late. There were a few popular poets in Medina who then started to arouse the non-Muslims by writing provocative poems against Muslims and criticizing Muhammad’s deeds. Naturally, such propaganda earned displeasure of Muhammad. But he refrained from killing or punishing them in broad day light fearing an uprising of the non-Muslims of Medina. So, he decided to assassinate them in the darkness of night. At first, he assassinated the poetess Ashma and then the poet Abu-Afaq.. Then he assassinated the poet Kaab-bin-Ashraf. These incidents substantiate the allegation of the Bangladeshi apostates that Muhammad was an assassin.
Muhammad: A Mass-Murderer
It has been mentioned earlier that Muhammad was bent on to evict
the Jewish community of Medina, divided into 3 clans namely Beni
Kanuika, Beni Najir and Beni Koreiza, from the city to grab their
riches and wealth. To achieve his goal Muhammad warned them first
that if they did not embrace Islam they should be ready to face very
serious consequencies. At the same time, he empowered the Muslims to
kill any Jew at any time and anywhere. Firstly, he scared the Beni
Kanuika to such an extent that they agreed to leave Medina with as
much belongings as a camel can carry.
The Jews of Beni Najir used to live in a suburb of Medina. One
day he went to Najir colony but returned to Medina without telling
anyone the reason for his departure. Later on he brought the
allegation that the Jews of a nearby house tried to crush him by
rolling down a stone on him from the top of a building. He then
promulgated an order telling that such dangerous people have no
right to live in Medina. But the allegation was never investigated.
However, the Beni Najir Jews declined to leave Medina and the
Muslims put their colony under seize. Ultimately, the entire
population of Najir, except two families who converted to Islam,
left Medina. Some of them settled at Khaibar, a place nearly 100
miles in the north of Medina and the rest went to Syria.
In 626 AD, the Prophet brought allegation against the Beni
Koraiza that they had entered into secret intrigue with the Koraish
of Mecca against the Muslims of Medina, an allegation that was never
investigated into. A kangaroo court was formed with a new convert
Sa’d, loyal to the Prophet, as the Judge, who was fatally wounded in
the clash. He issued a bloody verdict that
all the able men would be beheaded, women and children would be sold
as slaves and the spoils would be divided amongst Muslims. They were
nearly 2000 souls, including men, women and children. The verdict
was delivered in the afternoon and immediately the men, about 800 in
number, hands tied behind their backs, were separated from women and
children, and kept under confinement. (Boys with pubic hair were
taken as adults). The Prophet selected Rihana, most beautiful among
the women for him. During the night a ditch large enough to contain
800 corpses was dug in the market-place of Medina.
In the morning, Mohammad, himself a spectator of the tragedy,
commanded the male captives to be brought forth in companies of five
or six at a time. The unfortunates were then asked to sit down on
the brink of the ditch facing the ditch, in a row and Hamja, the
Prophet’s uncle, and Jubair, Talha and Ali, the cousins of Muhammad,
chopped their heads off and kicked the dead bodies into the ditch.
Only one woman was beheaded along with the men-folk and it was
alleged that in one occasion she had planned to kill the Prophet by
rolling down a heavy stone from the top of a building.
To describe the incident Sir W Muir, the celebrated biographer of the Prophet, writes, “The butchery, begun in the morning, lasted all day, and continued by torchlight till the evening. Having thus drenched the market-place with the blood of seven or eight hundred victims,
and having been commanded for the earth to be smoothed over their
remains, Mohammad returned from the horrid spectacle to solace
himself with the charms of Reihaha, whose husband and all her male
relatives had just perished in the massacre. He invited her to be
his wife; but she declined, and chose to remain his slave or
concubine”. The Life of Mahomet, Voice of India, New Delhi, 1992).
This present author has never seen a Muslim biographer of the
Prophet to narrate this cold blooded massacre of 800 people by the
Prophet. A Bengali biographer, Abdul Aziz Al Aman, has only
mentioned it in his Kabar Pathe (On the Road to Kaaba) and
described the massacre of the Koraiza Jews as a blot in the history
of Prophet’s stay in Medina as well as a blot on the history of
In this context, it should be pointed out that, the Muslims intend to destroy Israel and also, to take over the earth from the followers of other religions by massacring the non-Muslims of the world en masse. Where from they derive their inspiration and guidance to achieve their goal? It is from Muhammad’s deeds in Medina – his killing of Jews of Medina and massacring the Arab infidels. So the Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Muhammad, while delivering his speech, before the Muslim delegates, in OIC Summit held in Malaysia in 2003, said:
…It cannot be that there is no other way. 1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews. There must be a way. And we can only find a way if we stop to think, to assess our weaknesses and our strength, to plan strategy and then to counter-attack. As Muslims we must seek guidance from the Al-Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Surely the 23 years’ struggle of the Prophet can provide us with some guidance as to what we can and should do.
So, it is obvious that the apologists like Mr Asgar Ali Engineer
of Mumbai will always refrain from describing this bloody episode of
his Prophet because it would then not be possible for them to
portray the Prophet as an apostle of peace. That is also the reason
that the so-called secular Indian media, many other apologist groups
including the monks of the Ramakrishna Mission say that his
(Muhammad’s) life and deeds in Medina, was an example of kindness
and forgiveness, which even a Billy goat would refuse to accept,
Muhammad lived in Medina for 10 years, during which he organized
82 raids as a part of jihad against non-Muslim settlements of
Arabia, massacring in excess of a thousand people, who refused to
accept Islam. Out of these 82 raids, Muhammad participated in 26
raids, called Ghazwah, while the rest are called Sariah.
It has been pointed out above that the Jews of Beni Najir, after being evicted from Medina, settled at Khaibar, nearly 100 miles north of Medina. Muhammad said to his followers that he would drive the Jews out of the Arab peninsula. So, in August, 628 AD, he invaded Khaibar with an army 1600 strong after sunrise (just after finishing the fazr or early morning prayer),
- when the inhabitants of Khaibar were totally unprepared. Massacre
of unarmed people continued throughout the day drenching the land
with blood. Kinana was the leader of the Jews. Information reached
Muhammad from a traitor Jew that Kinana had concealed his treasure
of gold ornaments and utensils; he received as dowry while marrying
Safiya, in a secret place. One would be shocked to know the inhuman
torture that Muhammad inflicted on Kinana to get the word out of
him. Kinana was forced to lie down on his back and Muhammad placed
burning charcoal on his chest and fanned it to glow red hot. Many
believe that the torture continued till the burning charcoal
penetrated Kinana’s heart and lungs. When a traitor Jew disclosed
the secret place, Kinana was beheaded. Safiya, Kinana’s wife, was
extremely beautiful and in the same night, Muhammad raped Safiya.
Muhammad and the Prophets of Hinduism
In neutral judgment, the Prophet of Islam would undoubtedly come
to one as nothing but a highway robber, an assassin, a
mass-murderer, a sexual pervert, a rapist. The ordinary Muslims,
generally ignorant of the life-story of Prophet Muhammad, are
brainwashed Mullahs to believe that Muhammad was the greatest man
ever to appear on earth by concealing his violent and inhuman deeds.
In many occasions, this author have been surprised to see that these
common Muslims do not know the hair-raising and blood-chilling
cruelties committed by their Prophet. Dictated by the Mullahs, they
parrot that Muhammad was the greatest of humankind.
On the contrary, the Prophets of Hinduism—i.e., the thinkers and philosophers who originated the Hindu theology, Hindu philosophies, Hindu spiritualism in the Vedas and authored Puranas and epics—were called Rishis. They were highly educated, men of high moral character. They used to renounce every carnal passion and mundane desires and live in ashramas in forests, far from the urban crowd. As a result, the books authored by them do not contain hatred, but love and compassion for the entire humanity.
Consistent with the origin of the two creeds, we witness that to
project Muhammad as the greatest man, hundreds of people are being
executed or brutally murdered by Muslim mobs every year on the
allegation of blasphemy. On the contrary, it would be difficult to
find a Hindu assassin to murder a blasphemer for the Prophets of
Hinduism even by offering a handsome reward.
We may now listen to what an enlightened Muslim has said about
the message of Hinduism. The Pakistan-India People’s Forum for Peace
and Democracy (PIPFPD), an NGO—which works
for promoting peace and amity between the people of the two
neighboring countries—held its yearly
convention at Peshwar, Pakistan, on November 21–22,
1998. Pakistani delegate Dr Abdul Karim Naik, in his address, said,
“Only the message of the Upanisads is capable of removing
discriminations among the human race created on the basis of
religion and nationality. Only Upanisads consider the entire
humanity as a family and every person living in this world as a
member of the world family.” (Islamic Voice, March, 19990)
- It is, therefore, evident that the Islamic scriptures that divide the humanity into believers and non-believers (kafirs) and propagates hatred towards the kafirs is incapable of producing lasting good for the entire humanity. But it is really a pity that the converted Muslims of the subcontinent, whose forefather were forced to embrace the violent cult of Muhammad at the point of sword, detest their true root: the nonviolent, humane and tolerant creed and civilization of Hindustan. This has been causing much misery, suffering and cruelty to numberless innocent people in this lands of historical tranquility, peace and tolerance. A creed, forced upon a people by the sword cannot create, a peaceful society: Muslims of the subcontinent are a glaring proof of that. The sooner they abandon it, the better is it for them and their neighbours.
(To be continued)
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Name: Muslim Brothers of Indian Subcontinent: It's Time for Homecoming,
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 22:07:04 -0500
To be born a Hindu in India is to enter the caste system, It also divided residential areas into ones for untouchables and one for Brahmachari.
Name: To:Radical Muslim
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 23:59:15 -0500
To be borne as a muslim is to be born as a terrorist or one of your subsequent generation will enter terrorism and become killing machine.Atleast for the sake of your future generation and thinking about the past generationm of how your forefathers were terrorised,tortured,raped and converted please try to come out of Islam,which is a prison you are in due to circumstances.
Name: Sikhism is better alternative for them
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 01:16:31 -0500
Sikhism is better alternative for them.Though hinduism is the ancient living faith and the only one cpmprehensive faith with science of spirirualism(according to Anniebasnt and Rudolf steiner) muslims can not immediately understand it and adjust to the methods of non-voilenc loving god.Muslims treat themselves as slaves of god like mhammad who himself with slave minded fellow declared he was slave (Ghulam) of god.But hindus believe in loving the god and they are objects of god as sub souls of sper soul almighty.These great concept may confuse the muslims about uninty concept of god in diverse expression.Let them opt for sikhism where methods and principles are simple.(i am not sikh)
Name: al-pig-ham-dull-ill-aaahhh good article
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 03:01:29 -0500
Name: sikh killed hindus on instigation of pakistan so surely its not a good option
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 03:05:23 -0500
sikh killed hindus on instigation of pakistan so surely its not a good option is truth=nature=god love humanity and kindness.religion is a disease truth is the cure.
Name: i agree we shud go upanishad way...give up fake labes of religion and be united in humanity
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 03:08:14 -0500
i agree we shud go upanishad way...give up fake labes of religion and be united in humanity.
Name: i want 72 hell with u atheists....
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 03:15:26 -0500
i want the 4 babes for sex,i want the sex slaves i capture and after i become shaheed in jihad i want to go to imaginary jannat for unlimited wine and 72 virgins and free hell with u atheists !!! the true kalima : there is no sex provider superior than than pig-imaginary-allah and muhamed is his
Name: vbv
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 06:05:05 -0500
Castism is rampant in hindu society, but it is recognised as a disease and laws are enacted to punish any offender, the Indian constitution also guarantees against any discrimination in the form of cast,creed,clour ,or race. Islam does not guarantee anything but the barbaric sharia and their division of humanity as momins and infidels,who are worse than animals fit to be killed without remorse: if this is not castism then what else is? Momins or muslims in majority can loot infidels' hardearned wealth,rape their women, kill them with impunity ,levy special tax on kafirs, not allow them to build temples, or allow any public worship etc.- this is worse than castism. This is what happened and Delhi saw its first temple in centuries when the Birlas built the Lakshmi Narayan Temple in the early twentieth century under British rule , not under the barbaric islamic rule! Islam and the muslims were responsible for the destruction of thousands of temples in its 700 years of despotic rule! Castism is on the wane. You can see leaders of Dalit communities becoming ministers ,parliamentarians,chief ministers of Provinces in India. Castism was not prevalent in the Vedic times ,but was of later hinduism . Even in Mahabharata , in the episode where a Yaksha questions Yudhishtra about who is a 'brahmin' , Yudhishtra answers that 'a person is a brahmin not by his birth or education or social standing , but a brahmin is a person having exemplary conduct and morals('dharma' or righteousness). Many of the most revered saints in India were not brahmins like Sant Tukaram or Kabir, or Avaiyar or Thiruvalluavar,etc. So hinduism does'nt uphold castism ,which is man-made social custom!
Name: vishnu
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 08:16:09 -0500
sadly muslims are afraid to leave their religion in spite of knowing the TRUTH......APOSTASY .Islam has spread fear violence and insecurity around the world.Time has come .It will pay a very heavy price for all the atrocities it has commited over the past centuries
Name: seeker
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 08:53:40 -0500
The good Doctor so far has not divulged how this Homecoming is going to take place.What are the options.In the Indian subcontinent religion plays a very important part of life.We cannot assume that all people who leave Islam will become freethinkers and atheists/agnostics.How is it going to happen?
Name: Homecoming for Muslims ....... from scrutator
Date: Friday December 26, 2008
Time: 15:01:26 -0500
About 7/8 years ago in India, there was a proposal on how to bring muslims back to their roots; the first step suggested was that muslims of the Indian subcontinent could be declared 'Mohammedan Hindus'... as a member of this group, they could slowly begin to severe their links with Islam; thereafter, as their spiritual and meditative knowledge deepened, they could be absorbed into the various Hindu groups dealing with karma-yoga, gyan-yoga and bhakti-yoga, etc. An alternative quicker way is to become a member of ISKCON or of any one of the numerous 'vaishnava' societies. This would not only cleanse the muslims of the cruelities and insanity of Islam but would also facilitate their homecoming into true Indian, vedic culture.
Name: Hari
Date: Tuesday December 30, 2008
Time: 14:22:22 -0500
The spiritual traditions of India such as Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and the various spiritual traditions that constitute Sanathana Dharma have produced the greatest living examples of realised masters and saints of truly unbelievable greatness. I daresay in the not too distant forseeable future the beacon light, of resplendent spirituality, in India will attract all true seekers to the right path wherever they may be.
Date: Saturday January 10, 2009
Time: 22:14:46 -0500
you bastad