Muslims mock Hinduism's idolism, i.e. its idol-worship. In fact, they also follow idolism as do Hindus, as will be proven below:

  • During the Hajj, they wear two pieces of clothes. Hindus, while praying to their deity, also wear two pieces of clothes.
  • Muslims go around Kaaba temple and make 7 rounds. Hindus also go around temple and make 5 or 7 rounds.
  • Muslims kiss Black Stone in the Kabaa. Hindus also kiss and hug the Black Stone, i.e. emblem of Lord Shiva.
  • Muslims take water from a well, called Zamzam, assuming it holy. Hindus also drink water from a well, near a Shiva temple, and assume that it is holy water of Ganga (river).
  • Muslims shave their heads during Hajj. Hindu also shaves their head during visit to the temple of Lord Balaji at Tirupati (Andra Pradesh, India).

This idolized Hajj is part of Islam but Muslims deny that this is idolism. They claim that they use the Black Stone for centre or direction. Hindus also said that they use idol as a central-point for concentration or direction, and for their monotheism, they refer to Veda quote that there is only one Supreme God, but people/religions call God with different names and form as per their traditions and languages.

islam-black-stone-in-kaba islam-black-stone-kiss

Most Muslims say that the Black Stone is the hand of Allah. Hence, the God is stone; it can be seen as stone. This is a purely idolatrous view. Hardcore fundamentalist Muslims say that kissing the Black Stone and going around the Kaaba is idolism. They are opposed it. In 1978, a gang of such radical Muslims vandalized the Black Stone, but the King of Arabia reinstated it. All Muslims pray to the direction of this Black Stone, they bend and touch their heads to the direction of this Stone. This is simply mono-idolism.

After that, Hajj pilgrims go on hill. There might have been some temple on that hill before the establishment of Islam. In India, all major temples are located on hills or in a cave of a hill. For pilgrimage, Hindus always go to temples located on hills. Traveling to hills/mountains for pleasing God is a ritual of idol-worship. Hindus travel to the Himalaya for pleasing Lord Shiva. They also go on pilgrimage to a temple situated on a mountain in Tiruannamalai (Tamilnadu, India). This is totally idolism. So, in fact, Muslims are practicing idolism.

Thereafter, Muslims collect pebbles and go to the three pillars of the Satan. They pelt those pebbles on the Satan. Hindu also burn effigy of Ravan (Satan). Pelting stones at or burning effigy of the Satan is similar idolatrous rituals. The Satan also has a shape and visibility. God is stone and the Satan is pillar – both are visible. So, what is the meaning of the Muslim claim that their God is invisible/unseen? Furthermore, God is one (Black Stone) and the Satan are three. Why?

3 pillars of satan for pelting stone during hajj

Three pillars of Satan. Muslims pelts stone at them.

Why there are 3 pillars for Satan? There were 3 goddesses, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Al-Manat. Before Islam, idols of these goddesses were placed in the Kaaba and the Quraish prayed to these goddesses. These goddesses were well-known daughters of Allah, the main deity of the Quraish tribe. The Arabs used to pray to these daughters of Allah. Muhammad also had once given Muslims the permission to offer prayers to these goddesses. After that, he realized that the number of people attending the Namaj were getting reduced. As this could threaten his organization (Islam), he again banned idol worship. Muhammad gave excuse for banning this idol worship that Satan had misguided him and put those verses on his tongue. He said that those 3 goddesses were Satan. Three pillars, symbolizing the Satan, are actually those three Goddesses. This is a case of offering prayers to the Father (Allah), but stoning His daughters (three Goddess). This is idolism, too.

When people are restricted from idolism, they start praying to death bodies, i.e. dargah/majar. This is an effect of banning idolism. Muslims goes to Dargah/Majar for prayer/ blessing. The Quran commands not to make partners of Allah. But these thousands of Dargah/majar are actually partners of Allah. Even the President of Pakistan goes to Dargah to seek blessing. These dargah are nothing but decomposed body, a hip of mixture of skin, bone, soil and sand/stone. Praying to it and seeking blessings is superstitious idol worship.

Muslims celebrate Eid after seeing the moon. If they cannot see the moon, they postpone Eid. Hindus also celebrate Chaturthi, Kojagiri Pornimaa and Karwachoutha after seeing the moon. Seeing the moon for prayer is a practice of idolism.

All religions profess sacrifice or offering to God. Non-vegetarians profess sacrifice with blood and vegetarian profess sacrifice without blood (i.e. with fruits, food etc.). Since ancient times, idol-worshiper sacrificed goat or other animals to please their God. Before Islam, idol-worshipping tribes of Arabia used to sacrifice goat and other animal at the Kaaba. Muhammad adopted this sacrifice of goat. This is idolism, because God never eat/want anything, God don’t want sacrifice. It is created by man. Non-vegetarian Hindu sacrifice Goat/hen to their God and Vegetarian Hindu break coconut before God as a sacrifice ritual. Sacrifice means offering to God, but not killing human/animal. Nonetheless, this is an ancient ritual of idol-worship, which Islam has copied from idolatrous Arab tradition.

Once I was watching a Pakistan TV Channel. One of the journalists, commenting on democracy, said that person-worship is more dangerous than idol-worship. Idols cannot speak, Idols has no emotion i.e. anger, hate etc. Idol has no personal vendetta. But person (leader/Godman/Prophet/Messanger) can speak, has emotion and personal vendetta. He mostly misguide people, incite them, and this is dangerous for civil society. Hence believing in a person without verifying the facts is more dangerous than idol-worship. Muslims believe Muhammad to be their prophet and the last and the best prophet, and they give salute to Muhammad at the end of their prayer. The Quran also demand that believe in Muhammad, listen to him and follow his direction. In fact, emulating every action and deed of Muhammad is a Muslim’s greatest dream. This is purely person-worship. So, Islam has three types of worships – person-worship, idolism, and monotheism based on Judaism.

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