Raymond Ibrahim
Raymond Ibrahim
U.S. Aid to Egypt is ‘Jizya’: Egyptian Imam
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- Written by Raymond Ibrahim
- Hits: 6288
As earlier suggested, the wonderful thing about Salafis—those extra “radical” Muslims who seek to emulate as literally as possible prophet Muhammad’s teachings and habits—is that they are so unabashed and frank about what they believe. Such is the degree of brainwashing that they have undergone. Unlike the Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded much earlier, doublespeak is not second nature to the Salafis.
The most recent example comes from Al Hafiz TV, an Egyptian Islamic station. During a roundtable discussion on the U.S. and foreign aid to Egypt, an Islamic cleric, clearly of the Salafi bent—he had their trademark mustache-less-beard—insisted that the U.S. must be treated contemptuously, like a downtrodden dhimmi, or conquered infidel; that Egypt must make the U.S. conform to its own demands; and that, then, all the money the U.S. offers to Egypt in foreign aid can be taken as rightfully earned jizya.
Write comment (17 Comments)Muhammad, Islam's Sexual Superman Prophet
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- Written by Raymond Ibrahim
- Hits: 13187
Apparently the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was something of a sexual superman—indeed, possessing the sexual appetite and potency of 4,000 mortal men.
Write comment (157 Comments)‘Religious Defamation’ Law Would Lead to Ban of Islam
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- Written by Raymond Ibrahim
- Hits: 5555
As the Islamic world, in the guise of the 57-member state Organization of Islamic Cooperation, continues to push for the enforcement of “religious defamation” laws in the international arena—theoretically developed to protect all religions from insult, but in reality made for Islam—one great irony is lost, especially on Muslims: if such laws would ban movies and cartoons that defame Islam, they would also, by logical extension, have to ban the religion of Islam itself—the only religion whose core texts actively defame other religions.
Write comment (40 Comments)Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Presidential Candidate to Christians: "Convert to Islam, Pay Jizya, or Leave”
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- Written by Raymond Ibrahim
- Hits: 7259
"They (Christians) need to know that conquest is coming, that Egypt will be Islamic, and that they must pay jizya or emigrate," Morsi reportedly said.
Write comment (20 Comments)Islamic Adult Breatfeeding -- Islam Allows Breatfeeding Husbands by Wives: Kuwaiti Clerics
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- Written by Raymond Ibrahim
- Hits: 16910
Activist clerics in Kuwait recently announced that breatfeeding a husband by his wife is not prohibited in Islam...
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