After the Saudi blogger Hamzah Kashgari, Tweeter has produced another death-penalty criminal in Kuwait.

AFP reports that Kuwaiti parliament on 12 April 2012 passed an amendment to Kuwait's penal code, calling for death penalty for those who curse Allah, Islam's Prophet or his wives.

The amendment was approved by 46 MPs, with 4 Shiite MPs and pro-Shiite Sunni MP abstaining, and two other MPs opposing the amendment. It is set to become law fast-track within two weeks after another round of voting and government approval.

The 4 Shiite MPs and a pro-Shiite Sunni MP abstained from voting, not because it is barbaric and violate one's human right for freedom of expression, but because their demand to make cursing of the 12 revered Shiite Imams also punishable by death was rejected by the Sunni-dominated parliament.

The new law comes on the backdrop of arrest last month of a Shiite man, named Hamad al-Naqi, who allegedly cursed Prophet Muhammad, his wife and some companions in a tweeter message.

After the Saudi blogger Hamzah Kashgari, Tweeter has produced another criminal, deserving of death penalty in the Muslim world.

While new technology such as Facebook and Tweeter are seen a boon in the civilized world, which allows people to express themselves in the way that was impossible just a few years ago, they have, for the Islamic world, become a platform for creating criminals, who deserve death penalties.

It in needless to point out how the Islamic world and the rest are going in opposite directions. A Clash of Civilizations becomes more real than ever.

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