A Tamilian Muslim left Islam after reading the hadith, the Quran, FFI website, and Ali Sina's book, 'Understanding Muhammad'. Muslims of his community now call him Dajjal, which he has happily taken as his nickname...

(From faithfreedom.org}

Dear Ali Sina,

I am from Tamil Nadu of India. I spent 40 years with Islam. I am unable to share my thought in words. I hope that you may catch my feelings.

I had received the pdf version of “understanding Muhammad” that you sent me. Thank you so much.

I was a true Muslim.  But I was not familiar with Sira, and hadith. In my teens I love jihad. In each and every dua I asked Allah for shihadat (martyrdom). During Ramadan 2006, I started reading Tamil version of Bukhari hadith for upgrading my faith and knowledge. Accidentally when I read about Ayesha’s marriage at such young age, I was shocked very much and unable to believe. I lost my appetite and lost sleep for a week. I got frustrated. Then I realize that our prophet Muhammad was definitely a mad man. If Muhammad was mentally sick then which is true Islam?

I wrote a number of letters to our Tamil speaking Muslim Jamaaths about Ayesha’s marriage at young age. No one responded. TNTJ (Tamil Nadu Tawhid Jamaath) was one of them. Their main aims are to establish Quran, hadith and to spread Islam through dawa. P. Jainul Abideen (P.J) Founder of TNTJ is a well known scholar in Islam like Dr Zakir Naik. He had number of debates with other Jamaath and Hindus. But I did not get a single word of reply from him.

Then I understood that there is something wrong with Islam. With my little knowledge and with silence of Muslim scholars, I was unable to find truth. Then I stumbled on your web site in 2008. I am so impressed with your site and specially your articles. I compared your articles with the Quran and debates from other Islamic site. Finally I understood the truth and heartily I thank you for opening my eyes.

I shared my new understanding of Islam with my relatives and friends. They rejected me. Even my mother calls me “Dajjal”. Hence I decided to choose it as my nickname. My wife and brothers-in law are alim, hafiz and muftis.  Some of my family members are diehard tabliqs (Islamic propagandists) and others are true practicing Muslims. They are worried about me. My mother and wife are worried in particular. I know her feelings but I can’t be a hypocrite and pretend to believe in Islam when I no longer do. I am very clear. I know Islam is the rope of sand. But how can I convince them? I want to prove them with right reference. I want to spread out the truths to ignorant Muslims.

That’s why I need your Tamil version of “UNDERSTANDING MUHAMMAD” (முஹம்மதுவைப்பற்றி அறிவோம்). This is not available in our city (Coimbatore). Thank you so much for your help. With help of this book I want to face the Muslims.

I am at peace with my conscience and not bother about paradise or hell fire or whatever it is. I am very eager to face Allah if he exists. I am not bothered about myself, but about my family. I have a daughter and a son. They are my life, heart, brain, everything. I don’t want them to be harmed. I have controlled myself only because of them, but for how long?

Because of my apostasy Muslims may expel my family from their society. How could we survive? How could I manage the problem? Like marriage for daughter and son or burial ground etc.

Problem with Marriage can be managed. But burial ground? Where they bury my corpse? (I already got threats) Definitely other communities (Christian or Hindu) would not allow my corpse into their burial ground. Make it as mummy and store it in the attic like dry fish? Were ex-muslims are going to be burried?

Why don’t you talk about Shiite sources? Are they reliable or not? It may tell more about Abubakr, Omar, Othman and Ayesha.

Why do you and other Muslims giving so much importance to six Hadith collections like Bukhari, muslim… etc.? The above said kitabs contradict itself like Quran, then where is the reliability?

Spreading the news through internet is safe but not effective, because it helps only same minded people. You must choose another powerful media to face Islam.

Convey my best wishes to FFI team.



Hi Dajjal,

I am glad you found the truth. As long as you live among Muslims you have to play safe. Gently and kindly make your wife understand the truth and gradually find a way to move out of your Muslim milieu.

You live in India and particularly in a part that Islam is not strong. You need to find other communities that will accept you. Your roots are Hindu. Many Hindus are open minded and secularists. Find an enlightened Hindu or Buddhist community and join them. You need community support.

Once you are out of harm, educate your children so they don’t fall prey to Islamic dawagandists. They don’t have to marry to Muslims. In fact it is much better for them if they don’t. There are many good people who are not Muslims with whom they can form their own families.

As for the burial place, aren’t there cemeteries that are not controlled by religions in India? I like to be cremated and I live in a country that does not give a hoot what people believe. My understanding is that India is also a secular country. You are in a much better situation than someone living in Pakistan.

Hang on and be strong. Maybe before you die, most of the Muslims also have left Islam. Cautiously and without putting your life in danger, spread the word.

My understanding is that someone in India has offered to publish the Tamil translation of Understanding Muhammad.

Wish you the best

Ali Sina

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