
A summary of Reza Aslan's lies and deceptions about Islam in the media.

A short-and-sweet synopsis on understanding Islam.

Fantastic song ending with a little bit of beheading for apostasy.

The primary requirement for solution to an ideological problem is to be honest about any inherent problems that ideology may have. Maajid Nawaz is one such aspiring Muslim reformer willing to recognize that Islam has inherent problems and seeking reformation of Islam on that basis. One may question whether his method will work or not, but we certainly can appreciate his honesty.

The movie on the tragic story of little child Aisha... lives on

(This will be our future video channel on youtube. Also available at other links on youtube.)

Many western Leftist intellectuals and media personalities are quick to cite Indonesia as a model of moderate, peaceful and democratic Muslim nation. A peep into what goes on there in name of Islam...

Just like Prophet Muhammad destroyed the Idols of the Temple of Kabaa.

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