
Pakistani Christian woman Aasia Bibi was sentenced to death on charges of blasphemy, after her colleagues reported to an imam that she had insulted Prophet Muhammad. The sentence against her raised international outcry. Following the verdict, Pakistan’s Minority Affairs Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, a Christian, and Salmaan Taseer, governor of Punjab, were both killed by Islamic zealots for opposing Pakistan's blasphemy laws.

Despite much sacrifices being made, Aasia Bibi continues to languish in prison. Here's a music video, calling for release and freedom.

Imam Rauf in his book, "Moving the Mountain", claims that American Constitution is compliant with Sharia Law. In this video, he offers a visual justification of his claim.

This is the man Obama's State Department engaged as American's public relationship point-man to the Islamic world. Very wise investment!!

Manal, who became a symbol of female emancipation after she defied authorities by driving a car, gives a moving review of the life of women in Saudi Women and the evil of Saudi exported Islamic extremism...

Wafa Sultan wanted to expose Islam is debate with Imam Omar Bakri, but no chance.. The Imam exposed Islam by himself.

Debate: Robert Spencer/David Wood vs. Omar Bakri/Anjem Choudary on Spencer's new book, "Did Muhammad Exist?"

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