Taqiya & Jihad: The Duality of Islamic Doctrine
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 9012
Taqiya and Jihad are the two most important concepts of duality of Islamic Doctrines. For all unbelievers and kafirs, it is a must to understand the doctrines of Islam and the inconceivably horrible atrocities committed in its name.
Why Sa'd Ibn Mu'ad Ordered the Massacre of Bani Qurayza
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 6905
To have Muhammad's intention concerning Bani Qurayza fulfilled...
The Chapter Sura Fil (Elephant) of the Quran Written Long Before the Advent of Islam
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 15042
Why the story contained in Sura al-Fil of the Qura could not be historically true, which Muhammad likely copied from pagan poetry, and why this story turns Allah into a supporter of idolatry...
How to Become a Profitable Da’ee (Muslim Preacher)
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- Written by Amar Khan
- Hits: 8807
Your are a Muslim and speak good English, but worried of making a living? Well, here's your "key" to riches by becoming a successful Islamic preacher.
Islamic ‘Justice’ Continues in the Muslim world: Pak Taliban Chops Hands of Three
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 9215
Open house to render barbaric Islamic justice by the Taliban in Pakistan continues and widens...
Was Badr a Battle or Muhammad's Highway Robbery
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 8110
The skirmiss between Muhammad's army and his Meccan opponents is seem as the most glorious battle in Islam. In reality, it does not qualify to be a battle at all, but a treacherous highway robbery by desert decoits.
The Way to Defeat Islam
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 15491
Is just to laugh it off... Humor is our greatest weapon against Islam for preserving our freedom and way of life...
May 20th: Everyone Draw Muhammad Day
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9246
After Comedy Central censored depiction of Muhammad in a South Park episode, after death-threat from a Muslim group, RevolutionMuslim.org, Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris launched "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day" to defend one's right to free expression and to challenge the boundaries of political correctness. But...
Islam is the Problem
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 6570
Islam is the problem for us infidels, and the only way to assure safety of ourself and our future generations is to physically separate ourself from Muslims, although a good few, who go by the Muslim label, have to suffer...
Islamic Circle of North America Tirelessly Oppose Extremism & Violent Ideology by Teaching Violent Jihad against Infidels
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- Written by Investigative Project
- Hits: 5522
When five associates of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) were arrested in Pakistan for joining Jihad, ICNA was quick to distance itself, saying "Extremism has no place in Islam, and ICNA works tirelessly to oppose extremist and violent ideology." But ICNA's reading list include materials of al-Banna, al-Qaradawi and Maududi, who propagate violent Jihad against infidels for establishing global Islamic rule...
A Muslim Insider's Chilling Warning: How Muslims are Building Secret Army for Takeover of Germany Aided by Over-tolerance
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- Written by German Muslim Insider
- Hits: 9489
Some Germans are already trying to be good toward Muslims, hoping to avoid persecution when a most-likely Muslim takeover takes place. But make no mistake: Islamists know no tolerance, but only subservience. They know no gratitude or appreciation for services rendered, but only the ruthless pursuit of power, warns the author.