A Look into “Chasing a Mirage -- The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State” by Tarek Fatah
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- Written by M. Natarajan
- Hits: 5589
Here I present excerpts from the well-acclaimed book, “Chasing Mirage” by Pakistani-born author and founder of Candian Muslim Congress, Tarek Fatah, who dedicated the book to Benazir Bhutto (a Muslim) Daniel Pearl (a Jew) both victims of terrorism in Pakistan.
Islam Can't Have a Human Face
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 6135
Totalitarian regimes mask their criminal brutality by surrounding their leaders with happy smiling faces. On May 1st, May Day under Communist dictatorships, block leaders would go through apartment buildings under their control to ensure that all residents were on the streets yelling and cheering to celebrate the Communist paradise.
How the Sikhs Countered the Brutality of the Foreign Muslim Invaders Turned Rulers in India, Part 7
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 6947
Orthodoxy and Bigotry of Aurangzeb
Aurangzeb, the third son of Shah Jahan, captured and ascended the throne of Delhi on 21 July 1658 after defeating all his rival brothers in the war of succession. He was an orthodox Sunni Muslim. As a pious Muslim, he considered it his sacred duty to carry out jihad against the infidel non-Muslims and convert them to Islam for turning India, a dar-ul-harb, into a dar-ul-Islam or Islamic country. One of his ploys was to hurt the sentiment of the Hindus and demean Hindu heritage. In 1659 he issued a number of ordinances aiming to implement the dictates of Sariah law as contained. He forbade the building of new Hindu temples. In 1664 he went further to forbid them from repairing old temples. He undertook a campaign of mass demolition of Hindu temples and schools. Over 200 Hindu temples were destroyed in the year 1679 alone. The famous Viswanath temple in Benaras, the Kesav Dev temple in Mathura and the Somnath temple at Patan were among the victims of Aurangzeb’s temple demolition campaign.
Islam is a Belief of Blood
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 8322
From Peshawar Pakistan to Nairobi Kenya, from Damascus Syria to Benghazi Libya, Muslims are on a killing rampage. The civilized world is shocked and distressed. Some mutation seems to take place in the humanness of the person the minute he announces his subservience to Islam by reciting the Shahada: "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger." The individual becomes intolerant, violent and the shedding of blood becomes central to his life.
The Greek had their gods, so did the idolater Arabs before Muhammad appeared on the scene. Muhammad chose a minor idol as god and the only god and elected the name of Allah for him. According to Muhammad, Allah is not only the god; he is the all-everything god, embodying all imaginable attributes that were previously monopolies of different gods of the polytheists.
Early non-Muslim Sources Concerning the Advent of Islam
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 8448
Preface: This article, whilst a separate piece in it's own right, forms part of my series on Jihad which comprises the articles: Jihad – the four forms and the West, “Greater Jihad”, “Lesser Jihad” and “Jihad in the Way of Allah”, The Pact of Umar and Allah’s war covenant with the Muslims, pt.1, pt.2 and pt.3.
As such this article demonstrates that the attitudes inherent in, and the aims of, Jihad as set out in the previous articles were put into practice from the earliest post-Muhammad period of Islam, which thus provides historical validation of the previous articles.
Abi Zara – The Role Model of Muhammad as a Loving Husband
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- Hits: 7658
In a hadith, Muhammad says a person named Abu Zara was his "role model" when it comes his love toward his wives. Some rare humility for one, deemed the finest man ever to be born, who never found any other man superior to himself. And Abu Zara and Muhammad as loving husband is concerned -- like 'role model' like 'fan'. Both lustful and heartless toward their wives!
Peeling Back The Layers Of Taqiyah
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 8397
Who has not heard of taqiyah? But did you know that it is onion shaped? Taqiyah sounds and means the same as the Sanskrit word thugee from the root sthag. They may be related. The idea behind the taqiyah is to deceive the victim and when he is least prepared overpower him and subdue him. This was also the philosophy of the Indian thugs.
Taqiyah has many layers. The most common form is when Muslims deny that certain Islamic behaviors have anything to do with Islam.
‘Greater Jihad’, ‘Lesser Jihad’ and ‘Jihad in the Way of Allah’
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 8784
In a previous article I described the various types of jihad and demonstrated that Jihad encompasses warfare/fighting and terror and indeed this forms the vast majority of “jihadi activity”.
Some Muslim writers and commentators have made the argument that the “real jihad” is all about “battling one's inner demons” as it were and that “real jihad” has little to do with fighting anybody and that when jihad does involve fighting it is only in defence{1} of Muslims and/or Islamic lands.
In this article I intend to extend and amplify the arguments presented in the previous article to show that not only does jihad include fighting, it is sword-jihad that is the primary meaning of jihad and that far from being defensive, it is offensive in nature.
To do that I will use the primary sources of Islam: the Koran, Hadith (in particular the Sahih Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim) and Sharia Law.
Apostasy in Islam – Zakir Naik Lies Again
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- Written by Kaafir Al Hind
- Hits: 4681
Dr. Zakir Naik is a tele-evangelist and apologist of Islam. He is a medical doctor by qualification but he delivers lectures on Islam and comparative religion for making a living. Over a period of time, he gained popularity among the Muslim masses by his ability to quote verse after verse from various religious sources. However, many a times, his utterances have come under scanner and he has been shown to lie confidently. Most prominently Ali Sina exposed his lies by analyzing Dr. Naik’s debate with Dr. William Campbell in 2000. Dar Ul Uloom of Deoband in India has issued an advisory to Muslims not to believe and follow Dr. Naik as ideas and knowledge of Islam are doubtful.
In 2011, Dr. Naik participated in a so-called debate at Oxford Union via satellite link, as he was denied a visa to visit the UK. The video can be viewed here:
How the Sikhs Countered the Brutality of the Foreign Muslim Invaders turned Rulers in India, Part 6
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 5677
Guru Har Rai
Before his death on 3 March 1644, Guru Har Gobind nominated his grandson Har Rai, aged only 14, as his successor and the seventh Nanak. He became the Guru on 8 March 1644 and served in the role until he died at young age of 31. He had two sons: Baba Ram Rai and Guru Harkrishan.
A Review of 'Sex in Islam' by Abdullah Ibn Abi Sarh
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 5995
The Book
Muhammad – the prophet of Islam – was a sensual prophet. He married many women. Many of his “marriages” targeted beautiful young widows and often they became widows through Muhammad’s aggression against their tribes. Muhammad and his rogue bandits killed the able men, stole the fortunes of the tribe, and enslaved and raped the women. Muhammad was the head of the growing Muslim brigand. He aimed make the most beautiful ones amongst the captive women his own. He usually “married” (raped?) them in the days following the attack on their tribe. The Muslims men also got their share of women and sex in the days following the Muslim attack. Thus “sex” was at the heart of Islamic imperialism.