A Rebuttal to PBS Documentary ‘The Life of Mohammed’ (August 2013)
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 9366
The following comments are a rebuttal to the documentary aired nation-wide on PBS, which can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RMQhmOcWAs. It was obvious to anyone who watched that show that the narrative was slanted to present Islam and its prophet as the champions of peace and brotherhood among all mankind. The few times that opposing views were introduced into the TV series, the narrator dismissed them as controversial or misunderstandings of Islam. Non-Muslims need to become aware of the extent to which Islamists distort their own history and sacred documents to make Islam appear to be something that stands in stark contrast to the violence and intolerance displayed by devout followers of Islam and Muhammad in the media every day.
The War on Syria - A Syrian's Perspectives
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 8718
What is happening in Syria is not a revolution against the Assad regime, it is an invasion of the country. From the beginning, the Islamist rebels were gathered from inside and outside the country and were generously financed, organized and armed by outside powers. Many of those rebels were not Syrians at all and know little about the country they want to destroy in order to 'liberate'. The invaders are outside powers, who used disillusioned Muslims of various nationalities to do the killing on their behalf. This is not a secret conspiracy, as the West’s intentions were obvious even before the rebellion started. America, Britain and France, once again have been the usual culprits. Their tools in the Middle East have been the same again: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey.
Free Syrian Army Fatwa: ‘No Killing Believer Lice in Muslim Beards’
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 8394
The Free Syrian Army, the Islamist freedom fighters who have been fighting dictator Bashar Al-Asad, declared a new fatwa about how to deal with the lice that inhabit the deep forest of the Momin’s beards. By all means, you can not disturb, let alone, kill them, for they are special lice sent forth by Allah swt? Raping women in fine, killing the kuffar (i.e. Christians of Syria) is great, chopping anyone who questions Allah into pieces is a must, and even eating the livers of dead opponents is fine. But for the sake of “Allah”, please do not disturb the lice in Momin’s Beards!
The Most Peaceful Verse
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 13682
“...whoever kills a person, it is as if he had killed all mankind. And whoever saves one it is as if he had saved all mankind... ”
This short article discusses verse 5:32 in the Quran, which Muslims commonly quote when debating critics of Islam. Muslim intellectuals and Imams, as well as Western apologists, often quote this verse as evidence to support their false claims that Islam is a religion of peace. The verse is anything but peaceful and shames, not only the Quran, but Islam in general and all those who quote it.
Allah: The Monster of the Universe
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 7114
Jake Neuman's new book, Allah: The Monster of the Universe, details a political program to defeat Islam, which he calls ‘New Enlightenment’. Quoting from his book:
Pity, Pretexts and Prerogatives: Islamists’ Tools for Eating into Our Culture
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 8101
America is a nation of immigrants. Our country is probably one of the most tolerant—racially, religiously and culturally—of any nation in the world. Our legal system reinforces this tolerance with laws against discrimination of any kind, and the worst epitaph that can be meted out to someone in this country is calling a racist or bigot. This is America, after all.
So how does the author justify making accusations against Islamists? Why have they become the exception to America’s general tolerance of just about all life-styles, cultures, and racial backgrounds?
Hats off to Egypt
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 5998
Egypt is making history again. The events taking place in that country are of extra ordinary significance. The events, which are big in themselves, got even bigger because they are happening in Egypt, which is the heart of the Middle East. With 84 millions, Egypt is by far the largest Arab country. It is also the cultural centre of the Arab world. In the last century, Egypt contributed more to the Arab culture than all the other countries put together. In addition, Egypt has always been a leading Islamic country because it is the home of Al Azhar which is the most prestigious Islamic institute. Also it is the birth place, and the power base, of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the mother of all Islamic terrorist organizations.
How Egyptian President Morsi Dismantled Democracy
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 6251
Egyptian President Morsi was democratically elected on June, 2012. He garnered a thin majority with 50.7% of the vote, which represented only 25% of the Egyptian electorate. Once in power through democratic process, he took or tried to implement the following actions, seeking to dismantle democracy and solidify his absolute control of Egypt:
The Decreasing Freedom of Free Speech
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- Written by Jake Neuman and Jon MC
- Hits: 5164
In this article British writer Jon MC and American commentator and writer Jake Neuman explore some issues surrounding free-speech at present (2013).
For those who wish to avoid reading the full article, a summary has been provided before the conclusions.
Universal Free speech
The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states in article 19:
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and to seek, receive and impart information through any media and regardless of frontiers.' UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 19. (1948)
About Mehdi Hassan's 'Is Islam a Religion of Peace?' Debate at Oxford
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- Written by Jean Buster
- Hits: 8780
I could not help writing this about a fellow named Mehdi Hassan. He is a blogger, an Al Jazeera journalist, and frequent guest in major media outlets, such as the BBC. Recently after the murder of British soldier Drummer Rigby on a London street by Jihadists, there was debate, hosted by Oxford Union, on the topic, “Is Islam a Religion of Peace?” Mehdi Hassan was one of the participants in favor of Islam.