Great Islamic Fatwas of 2011
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 6792
Scientists all over the world try hard to improve human knowledge. Medical researchers spend endless hours in laboratories trying to help improve treatments of disease.
The great religion of Islam is not lagging far behind. Reputable Muslim authorities are giving out unique Fatwas to solve practical societal problems. I was hoping for fatwas to limit the number of wives to one, declare illegal the beating of a wife by the husband, and declare Ham Halal meat to enjoy. I have not heard anything like that yet, but I keep hoping.
Boulevard of Islamism: How Islam is Spreading and Impacting Europe
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- Written by Jacob Thomas
- Hits: 6479
An Interview with Swiss writer and Human Rights activist, Mireille Valette (Translated by Jacob Thomas)
Introduction: On 25 January, 2012, the Algerian essayist and author, Hamid Zanaz interviewed Mireille Valette, the author of “Boulevard de l’islamisme: L’essor du radicalisme musulmans en Europe, illustré par l’exemple.” An Arabic version of the interview appeared in “Al-Awan”, an online reformist Arabic journal, on Sunday, 20 January, 2013.[i] Here is my translation of the Interview.
Hamid Zanaz (HZ): Does Islam constitute a serious menace to the West?
The Myth of Spain’s Islamic Golden Age
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- Written by Emmet Scott
- Hits: 8904
We have traditionally been told that the first two centuries of the Spanish Emirate, supposedly founded in 756 by Abd’ er Rahman I, constituted a veritable Golden Age of Spanish history. And indeed the opulence and prosperity of Spain during these years is contrasted very favorably with the poverty and ignorance of Christian Europe in the same period. The following description of eighth-tenth century Cordoba, written by English historian H. St. L. B. Moss in 1935, may be regarded as fairly typical of the genre:
“In Spain … the foundation of Umayyad power [in 756] ushers in an era of unequalled splendour, which reaches its height in the early part of the tenth century. The great university of Cordova is thronged with students … while the city itself excites the wonder of visitors from Germany and France. The banks of the Guadalquivir are covered with luxurious villas, and born of the ruler’s caprice rises the famous Palace of the Flower, a fantastic city of delights.”
African-American Muslims—Slaves to a Racist Ideology
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 9859
The fastest-growing sector of Muslims in the United States is among African-Americans. African-Americans have been receptive to Islam, which they see as an anti-White and anti-Christian religion. The Nation of Islam was founded in the 1930’s by a white silk merchant Wallace Fard, who urged African-Americans to dress like Arab Muslims and buy his robes and apparel. Islam became the “lost-found nation of Islam in the wilderness of North America.” Today, many African-Americans are lured into Islam while in prison after learning that Allah’s laws reject those “man-made” laws that got them into prison in the first place. There is no clearer and sadder case in history of the exploitation of a group of uninformed people in the name of Islam than the Black Muslim movement in America.
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam 4D -- Prayer, The Second Pillar of Islam
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- Hits: 7411
How the Tahajjudh (midnight) prayer---compulsory in Muhammad's time, not today---was designed to keep Muslims awake through the whole night for ensuring the safety of Muhammad!
Tahajjud prayer (midnight prayer) was imposed on us Muslims during the time of Muhammad for some important reasons. There is no fixed time to offer this mid-night prayer. This prayer can be said at any time at our home or in mosque from midnight until pre-dawn Fajr prayer.
What was the need of this prayer?
An Enlightened Muslim’s Moral Dilemma: How Can I Enjoy Heaven when Others Suffer in Hell?
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- Written by Saeed
- Hits: 8437
The following is a letter from a Muslim (Saeed) to Ali Sina:
Mr Ali Sina,
I have been following and reading your website since a year now. I honestly don’t know what to think of you. Initially just like every other born Muslim, my faith was based on blind imitation and I followed Islam moderately without much knowledge of it other than what is required to know as the basic tenets of Islam. I was brought up in Pakistan with religious grandparents who always instilled the thought that there shouldn’t be any “why” when religion is concerned. Everything should be followed to the letter as described by Prophet Muhammad through his Hadiths and the Quran and we are not supposed to question it. Thus questions such as “who created god?”, “why is God invisible?”, “what gender he has” shouldn’t even be attempted to ponder on because human logic is fallible, and god didn’t impart us with the brain to comprehend his existence. Islam as taught in school, madrassa’s, and by the society was always portrayed in one dimensional version where the “good” parts were largely emphasized and most of the eye brow raising things (polygamy, double standards, beating of wife, Aisha’s age, killing of non-believers, prophet marriages, muta, discrimination of women, keeping slaves, sex with slaves and captives of war, Prophet's wars with Jews and treatments of prisoners of war) were either totally ignored or were presented in a sugar-coated version.
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam 4C -- Prayer, The Second Pillar of Islam
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- Hits: 7634
In the previous article, I have discussed how Muhammad designed Islam’s daily five prayers so as to surround himself with his disciples, especially at night hours, fearing possible attacks from the victims of his aggressive violence. In this article, I will analyze how Muhammad used his Medina Mosque for training his Jihadi band of disciples for raiding and plundering the infidels of Arabia.
Alarming Pew Poll Data on Islam despite Pew’s Taqiya
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 7156
The recent Pew poll on the attitudes of Muslims worldwide is not worth the paper it is written on. Most of the questions were designed to present Islam as normal and Muslims as no different from average Americans. Indeed, the conclusion of the Pew Poll (discussed below) is: Muslims in their belief are little different from Protestants.
When you read the outcomes of Pew Polls on Islam, you need to understand that there is no multiplicity of Islam—no moderate or radical Islam, no Western version, Indonesian or Saudi Islam. Islam is an evil religious creed—one and only one—which is founded exclusively on the Quran and Sunnah. The difference between Islam practiced in different Muslims countries lies only in the degree real Islam is applied.
Tsarnaev Brothers Murdered People Because of 'Warped and Twisted Ideas', Mr President?
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- Written by David Hayden
- Hits: 5277
President Obama touched on an important idea this morning in his press conference dealing with Syria, the Boston bombing, and other political issues. Alluding to the Tsarnaev brothers, he spoke of the trouble in identifying lone terrorists who may not be part of a terror network:
"One of the dangers we now face are self-radicalized individuals, who are already here in the United States, and in some cases may not be in any kind of network, but because of whatever warped and twisted ideas they may have decided to carry out an attack."
Islamic Dog Hating in Casablanca: Hate Begets Hate
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 7437
Muslim man throwing stones at dogs in Casablanca, Morocco, gets his due desert.
Imran Firasat Acquitted of Hate Crimes – A Landmark Victory for Freedom of Expression
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 5245
Hello friends! You may be aware that the Spanish government had revoked my refugee status a few months ago for producing a movie on Prophet Muhammad’s life.
To continue my persecution, Muslims in Spain launched criminal law suits against me accusing me of hate crime for hurting their religious sentiments. And the court readily initiated my prosecution. There was a huge pressure on me to leave Spain or to be prepared for deportation or detention. But I decided to stay here and fight for my right to freedom of expression through legal means.