Worthy Quotes on Islam, II
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 7220
Introduction: This is a repeat of quotes recently published in IslamWatch with the addition of new quotes. I have added many worthy quotes, which valued readers of IslamWatch have added in comments and credit goes to them.
But first, I would like to ask the reader to join me in a good laugh. Please have a look at the picture below. It was taken in a specific conference held in Saudi Arabia last year. There is not a single woman in sight. And notice the title of the conference. This is Islam – one laughable religion.
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam 5E - Fasting the Third Pillar of Islam: Allah’s Geographical Ignorance
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- Hits: 6441
In the preceding four articles on fasting in Islam, we have discussed about the four borrowed-from-Pagans fake sacred months of Islam and how Muhammad made Ramadan as the fasting month, also borrowing from the Sabians. In this article, let us analyze the Arab supremacy on sighting the crescent moon, geographical knowledge of Allah concerning the timing of fast, and Muhammad’s dilemma between fasting and looting etc.
How Muslims defend Islam: Understanding the Muslim Mind!
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- Written by Abid Ali
- Hits: 8527
“The purpose of Education is to give culture to the individual and to develop his capacities to the utmost.” -- Bertrand Russell (Education and the Social Order)
“Education consists in the cultivation of reason and judgment not in maneuvering them.” -- Bertrand Russell (On Education)
The biggest fear Muslims have is the fear of losing their faith (‘Imaan’). This is because of the fear, inculcated in them since childhood, that any information that has no parallel in Islamic theories and laws is false and detrimental to their faith.
This is in fact nurturing their religious superstition, which they cherish and glorify. Truth has no fear. Yet, when they are so afraid of losing their faith, what can be made of that faith? Something that has no strong foundation? No better than stupid superstition?
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam 5D - Fasting the Third Pillar of Islam: Ramadan, Muhammad's Sacred Month of Bloodbath
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- Hits: 6411
The Quran did not declare the month of Ramadan as "sacred", but the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims are made to believe it as a sacred month. In fact, there was nothing sacred in the life of the ‘prophet’ of Islam. If he had stressed the month of Ramadan to be sacred, then it surely has some political or monetary motives to benefit him personally.
When Muhammad, unable to move his rather unsuccessful religious mission forward in Mecca, had to abandon his ancestral city and migrate to Medina, he gave up all the Pagan religious rituals that he had pretended to embrace to deceive the Meccan polytheists. In leaving Mecca for Medina, he not only sacrificed his birth place but also sacrificed all the Pagan religious rituals, including the fasting of Ashura, which he had borrowed and Islamized hoping to persuade the Pagans to embrace his new creed and leadership.
Can Muslims Reject Hadith?
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 7318
A Hadith is a saying or an act or tacit approval or disapproval in a valid or invalid manner by Prophet Muhammad.
Great classical Islamic scholars have compiled thousands of Hadiths. Since, to Muslims, Muhammad is the perfect example of human character, whose every saying and deeds they must strive to emulate for all eternity, devout Muslims use the hadiths as guide to their life. But many of the hadiths are contradictory to each other. Others are outright embarrassing or barbaric in modern ethical standard. As a result, there are rising a new group of Muslims, who want to reject the Hadith, taking the Quran as the sole and absolute religious guide, such as the Qur’aniyyoon (Qur’an-only Muslims).
The question is: Can Muslims reject the hadith and be able to do all the religious practices they observe on a daily basis?
Worthy Quotes on Islam, I
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 6813
In this posting, I provide some worthy quotes of wise non-Muslims, and back up their worthiness with quotes of famous Muslims.
Extremist Muslims Hijacking or Reclaiming True Islam?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 6342
On Sunday, June 23rd, a Muslim organization, called Progressive Muslims, organized a rally in Toronto, Canada, to reclaim their “hijacked” faith, which was attended by 24 Muslims.
A stack of unused signs leaning on a nearby pole read slogans like “Hate is not my religion”.
Tahir Gora shouted from a microphone in front from a sparse group of supporters gathered at the steps of Queen’s Park.
“Terrorism,” he yells.
“Unacceptable!” they reply.
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam 5C - Fasting the Third Pillar of Islam: Muhammad's Love & Hate Toward Jewish Ashura Fasting
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- Hits: 10529
In his first attempt, Muhammad tried to seize the custodianship of the rich revenue-generating Pagan temple of Kaaba in Mecca, the most revered center of idol-worship in Arabia. But his effort failed and even preaching his religion in Mecca became difficult. Next, he turned his attention toward Jerusalem, probably the-then most revered holy city in the World, where stood the Jewish holy Temple of Jerusalem, which Muhammad gave the name of Bait Al-Maqsid, and also holiest place for Christians. So, he planned to migrate to Medina that had a dominant population of Jews. Before migrating there, Muhammad sent his followers to prepare preliminary support for him. After arriving at Medina, Muhammad gave up all the Pagan rituals, such as Allah of the Kaaba, fasting on Ashura (Muharram), praying toward the Kaaba and Haj pilgrimage etc.
How Moderate Muslims Provide Covers for Extremist Muslims
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 7074
On the backdrop of the British soldier Les Rigby’s horrendous murder on a street in London by Jihadi Muslims to the shouts of “Allahu Akbar”, American anti-Jihadist activists Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller were slated to attend Britain's Armed Forces Day event on June 29 to lay flowers to show solidarity with the British Army. Their trip is now being challenged by Muslim groups, who want the British Government to bar them from entering the country.
Robert Spencer appeared on BBC and had a debate with an Imam, who opposes the visit by Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. In the debate, the Imam stated that only 1% of Muslims were responsible for the crimes being committed in the name of Islam, while the other 99%, who are following the Quran, are not. So, why the entire Muslim community must be judged by the actions of a few deviant extremists as Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller et al. do!
Press Release: Imran Firasat's New Movie, 'The Innocence of Islamic Jihad'
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- Written by Imran Firasat/ & M. A. Khan
- Hits: 7533
Trailer of "Innocence of Islamic Jihad" |
Coming Soon!
“The Innocence of Islamic Jihad”
The upcoming movie by Imran Firasat
Bombings at a Marathon event in Boston that killed 3 and injured hundreds!
A failed Al-Qaeda linked terror plot to blow up trains in Toronto, Canada!
Two Al-Qaeda Jihadists caught in Spain!
A British soldier publicly butchered by Jihadists with meat cleavers on a London street!
A French soldier attacked with a knife in Paris!
A Spanish politician’s security guard attacked by a Muslim chanting “Allah hu Akbar”!
All this happened in the western world during last 2 months. Islamic Jihadists remain relentless and are intensifying their mission to destroy peace in the world. If they won’t relent from Jihadi violence, what they believe is their sacred religious mission to subjugate the world to Islamic domination, then it is perfectly justified for us to investigate the source of their motivation and analyze the rights and wrongs of their mission. It is not only our constitutionally protected free speech right, but also the only way to cure the Jihadi menace that terrorizes the world today—East and West, North and South.
Epidemic of Muslim Rape of Western Women: Pig-head Breast Tattoo to the Rescue
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 10881
Pig-head breast tattoo is sweeping Europe as a measure to protect infidel women from Muslim rape...