Women's Equality: The Global Challenge for Our Time
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- Written by Jeffry Imm
- Hits: 10912
Even in our so-called 21st-century civilized world, women's equality remains a mountinous challenge...
Hatred & Intolerance in Religious Creeds
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 8490
Proven again here on "Islam Watch" forum: religion is the greatest source of hatred in the world than any other cause.
Islam’s Genocidal Slavery: Religiously Ordained, Mohammad’s Example
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- Written by Circe
- Hits: 11282
A look at Islam's theological/divine sanction of slavery, and its historical practice in the Muslim world and its continuation today...
Challenge before Bangladesh: Changing Its Islamic Sociopolitical Course
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- Written by William Gomes
- Hits: 6940
Bangladesh would face serious problem from Islamic fascists, if it fails to change her Islamizing social and political course, and embrace secular pluralism...
Jinnah or Nehru: Who’s Responsible for India’s Partition?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 38798
India media was in uproar over foreign minister Jaswant Singh’s expulsion from the Bharatiya Janata Party for claiming in his book that Nehru was responsible for India partition in 1947, while Jinnah sought unity. Is Singh shifting blame from Jinnah's shoulder to Nehru's...
Religious Conundrums and the Concept of Free Will
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 7487
Let us celebrate the concept of "free will" and embrace enlightenment and freedom of the human mind as our basic rights and stand united against spiritual terrorists, who aim to enslave and subjugate the enlightened humanity...
Islamic Ramadan and Obamanesque Ignorance
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 10032
Obama in Ramadan message to Muslims, said it's "a reminder of the principles Muslims and Christians have in common, including advancing justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings." Let's get a flavor of the Islamic "justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings".
What Islam Says about Music
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- Written by Saleem Smith
- Hits: 25601
When non-Muslims, particularly Westerners, hear the news of Islamists burning/vandalizing music stores in Pakistan, they get struck with disbelief. How could this be possibly true a religion prohibit music? Here's what Islam truly says about music...
Europe’s Dark Age and Islam’s Golden Age: Two Facets of The Same Fiction?
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- Written by John J. O’Neill
- Hits: 35977
Popular history books tell us that Euruope's Dark Ages (8-10th century) was Islam's Golden Age --- a Golden Age without any hard facts...
Gaza: Big Jihad vs. Little Jihad
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- Written by Dr Walid Phares
- Hits: 5924
On the recent war in Gaza between Hamas, the cautious Jihadis, against the Jund Ansar Allah, real Jihadis, in whichn the latter was exterminated by Hamas. And what does it mean???
Muslim Bollywood Star’s Detention Drama at U.S. Airport: Let’s Spare Some Thought For non-Muslim Victims
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 12939
People and media in India and around the world got frenzied over film-star Shah Rukh Khan's alleged denention at a U.S. airport. One should, instead, spare more thoughts for the numberless non-Muslims, who quietly go through the same cumbersome new security measures and other procedures introduced in recent years---thanks exclusively to Muslims' unacceptable actions, attitude and behavior....