From Broken Hill to Martin Place: A Tale of Two Jihad Assaults in Australia a Century Apart
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- Written by Mark Durie
- Hits: 3139
From the author's Website:
From Broken Hill to Martin Place: Individual Jihad Comes to Australia, 1915 to 2015
![]() Australia Jihad victims: Alma Cowie (1915); Katrina Dawson (2014) |
One hundred years ago today, a lethal jihad attack was staged against New Year’s Day picnickers in Broken Hill, Australia. This attack and the recent Martin Place siege, events separated by almost exactly a century, show striking similarities.
For Australians, the anxious question about the Martin Place attack, which has grabbed the attention of everyone, is whether this atrocity is but a harbinger of a further series of deadly attacks on Australian soil, or whether it will pass into memory as an exceptional one-off event, much as the 1915 New Year’s Day massacre in Broken Hill did.
Alma Cowie, killed in Broken Hill 1915, and Katrina Dawson, killed in Sydney 2014
On New Year’s Day, 1915, two Muslim men, Bashda Mahommed Gool and Mullah Abdullah, shot and killed four people and wounded several others before finally being killed by police. They had both come to Australia more than a decade previously.
Freedom for Now: The Story of My Detention and Persecution in Spain
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 6202
In 2012, Spain revoked my refugee status and subsequently issued an expulsion order only because I produced a documentary on Prophet Muhammad's life. After my ultimate appeal for the restoration of my refugee status was rejected by the Spanish Supreme Court in June 2014, I left Spain and went to Norway and sought asylum there. But the land of the Nobel Peace Prize and supposed champion of defending human rights acted in cowardly manner, hurriedly sending me back to Spain showing absolute disregard toward my appeal for protection.
On 28 July 2014, Spanish authorities detained me on my arrival back in Spain for extraditing to Indonesia over a false and religiously-motivated criminal charge, which was fabricated for taking me to an Islamic country to shut my mouth forever and punish me for revealing the unsavory facts about Islam and Prophet Muhammad. It should be noted that in 2010, while living with my wife in Indonesian, Indonesian police detained me for my criticism of Islam published in the Internet and deported me to Spain in July that year. Then, in an incredible manner, they implicated in me in a murder case, conducted investigation and trials, and convicted and sentenced me to 20-year imprisonment – all within 7 days – without ever informing me of the charges and without giving me any opportunity to defend my innocence.
Self-Radicalized or Self-Islamized Muslims?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 5041
Thousands of radical Western-living Muslims are pouring into Syria and Iraq to join the barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) Jihadi group. Many more Western Muslims are trying to commit ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks in the West. It should be noted that ISIS have urged Western Muslims to kill infidels living around them and poison their food.
While Islamic apologists and the Western politicians and media would want to paint the Islamic State as extreme perversion of the peaceful religion of Islam with minuscule support among Muslims, the Jihadist group have found willing audience among Muslims both in the East and the West. In the Netherlands, surveys have found 65% Moroccan-origin and 80% Turkish Muslims have support for ISIS, while 69% French Muslims support the ISIS Jihadists. Support for ISIS among Muslims in other Western countries, such as Britain, Germany and Belgium, remains strong. And somewhat surprisingly, In the West, ISIS Finds Women Eager to Enlist to its barbaric Jihadist cause. In sum, as far as the West is concerned, the Generation Jihad Is Here.
Egyptian Atheist Ahmad Harqan: ISIS Is Doing What Muhammad Did
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 8537
Amazing courage shown by ex-Muslim Human Rights Activist, Ahmad Harqan!
Spain: Fate of Ex-Muslim Critic of Islam Hangs in Balance
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- Written by Soeren Kern
- Hits: 5248
The Supreme Court's ruling is eerily similar to an international blasphemy law being promoted by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a bloc of 57 Muslim countries dedicated to implementing a worldwide ban on "negative stereotyping of Islam."
Firasat's lawyers say that they have presented the court with irrefutable evidence that the charges against Firasat were fabricated by Indonesian authorities, but that this evidence has been ignored by a judiciary that is under political pressure from the Spanish government to get rid of Firasat once and for all.
"Even if Indonesians do not punish me for death, how will I be protected from Muslims who consider me a blasphemer and an apostate? Will I be able to get a fair trial when the judges, prosecution, fake witnesses and lawyers, everybody will be a Muslim?" — Imran Firasat
Firasat said it was never his intention to provoke the Spanish government, but that he felt it was his duty to "warn of the dangers of not understanding or stopping what is known as Jihad."
Taqqiya of Mike Ghouse: 'Quran Is Not for Muslims'
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 7040
Al-Taqiyya is an Islamic doctrine of deceiving non-Muslims in the interest of Islam, which is well-articulated in the Quran (3:28, 16:106) and the Sunna (Sahih Bukhari 7:71:662, 4:52:147, 4:53:408). Mike Ghouse is a US-based Muslim, who has mastered the art of al-Taqiyya extremely well. He frequently appears on TV to put a Happy Face on the murderous ideology of Islam to deceive non-Muslims, and has also written a guidebook on Islam to that end, titled “Quran is Not For Muslims”.
To introduce his guidebook to Western readers, Ghouse wrote an article in the Huffington Post. The article starts by stating: “First of all, God is not the God of Muslims and no where he claims that in Quran.”
Letter to Norway – Land of the Nobel Peace Prize: 'Thank You for Sending Me to Torture and Death'
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 4905
Dear Norway,
In June 2014, I made long and perilous journey passing through five countries to reach your territory. Fleeing from years of persecution in Spain and risk of being sent to my death in an Islamic country, I came to you asking for help, hoping that you—the land of Nobel Peace Prize—will offer me refuge, and mitigate my sufferings that I suffered in Spain during the past few years for expressing my critical views about Islam.
But I was disappointed. I feel cheated by you. On July 8, I appeared in a police station in Oslo and told every about myself with full honesty, including about an Interpol Red Notice against me for extraditing to the Islamic country of Indonesia, where I will be killed for criticizing Islam. I was interviewed and treated well by the police and was sent to a refugee camp as an asylum seeker.
I stayed in the camp for 8 days. Then on July 16, I was arrested by the police as if I was a criminal gangster, not an asylum seeker. I was imprisoned for 12 days before sending back to Spain.
The Losing Battle of Imran Firasat: Spain Decides to Send Him to His Death
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 6702
We have recently reported that the Spanish government seemed resolved to extradite Imran Firasat to Indonesia, and a hearing to that effort was to be held on 16 October 2014.
We are belatedly informed that the judges gave the verdict to the hearing on 28 October, giving a green signal to the Government's request to extradite him.
It should be mentioned that Indonesia is seeking Imran Firasat's extradition through Interpol on a murder accusation. A few years ago, a Madrid court held a hearing to the extradition request and the Indonesian authorities were invited to present their evidence to the murder charge. Despite repeated calls, the Indonesian authorities never showed up to present their evidence and the judge eventually rejected the extradition request.
Gross Injustice to Equate Islamic Terrorists with the Victims of Mental Illness?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 5318
Two separate terrorist attacks by two Muslim individuals in Canada that murdered two soldiers struck terror into the hearts of the Ottawans and the Canadians nationwide. And the political and media elites as usual embrked on the campaign that these killers were maligning the “peaceful” religion of Islam.
The National Post ran the headline, “Its Been A Tough Week For Canadian Moslems”, stating that it was not Islam but a violent quest for power that motivated these two Muslims to carry out those terrorist attacks, ignoring the fact that the sacred texts of Islam are laden with endless violence-inciting commands and exhortations.
Likewise, Justin Trudeau, leader of the opposition Liberal Party, called those attacks an “aberration of your faith... distorted ideological propaganda posing as religion.”
Teaching Islam without Warning Labels Is Like Storing Draino in a Sugar Bowl
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 5694
Parents across the nation are discovering that their children’s classes about Islam are infused with dangerous religious dogma. Specifically, students are being told that “the one true god is Allah,” and that “all people must submit to Allah”. Students are also required to learn the “Five Pillars of Islam”. The corresponding ideological tenants of other major world religions are not being taught. Already, several middle school and high school textbooks have been banned for their very biased content. Examples include Prentice-Hall’s “Medieval and Early Modern Times” published by Pearson and “History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond” published by Teachers’ Curriculum Institute.
This preferential treatment of Islam is exactly what the Constitution’s First Amendment was addressing when the government was “to make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Students see the schools and teachers as speaking with authority when they state that the one true god is Allah. The teaching of Islam must be tempered warnings to enable students to reflect on whether Islam is truly a “religion of peace” and whether the pillars of Islam are in fact admirable. Dogma should not trump critical thinking in a school environment.
Jihad History: The First Islamic Siege of Constantinople 674-678
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 6071