Fifty Shades of Black and Blue
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 5050
This month a rather kinky movie was released – “Fifty Shades of Grey” – about a businessman, Christian Grey, and his sadism/bondage obsession. His target was Anastasia Steele, who was required to sign a contract consenting to allowing Grey have complete control over her life, including fulfilling any of his sexual desires and fantasies. While the plot is from a three-part book series that sold over 100 million copies in 52 languages, viewers will be disappointed by the movie rendition. The sexual fantasies have been reduced basically to “distinctly unpleasant whipping,” according to the L.A. Times review. The success of the book, and probably the movie as well, is apparently because a lot of women like to escape into a sadistic and masochistic imaginary world.
It’s unlikely the film will appeal to Muslim women, however. They get enough of that in the real world. Their “contract” was a marriage to someone they didn’t know – unless he happened to be a cousin – which was sealed with an exchange of money between her male “guardian” and the groom per Sharia Law. It gets worse.
ISIS: A Taste of Seventh Century Muhammad
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 4819
At the beginning of the 20th century, we had Muslim thinkers whose ideas are wreaking havoc nowadays all over the world. I am thinking of Maududi of Pakistan and Sayyid Qutb of Egypt. We can witness their thought handiworks in our days. Pakistan is currently a failed state. It harbors terrorists. Osama bin Ladin evaded capture by US troops for a long time in Pakistan. Zawahiri, 2nd in command to Al- Qaeda, is probably living somewhere in Pakistan as I write those lines.
The Author of the Quran is a Cameleer, Part 2
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- Hits: 3692
Part 1 of this article dealt with the greed of Muhammad and his Sahaba, values of animals comparatively with human beings, especially with Muslim women, and the extent of Muhammad’s plunders etc. In Part 2, we will try to understand the similarities between camels and Muslims, and camels and Muhammad, as well as proofs that the author of the Quran is a cameleer etc.
Sura Like It
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 4242
Introductory Notes
Growing up in a Muslim country, one is more likely than not to hear Muslims talk about how miraculous the Qur’an is. Its Arabic language is just “amazing” and “superior” in a way that no human in the past, the present, and the future can write such a text. True Muslims take that to heart. However, when one delves into the concept of the superior language of the Qur’an, one quickly finds out that there are no defining criteria that in fact show the superiority of the Qur’an’s language.
In this article, I will show the reader that even with the absence of standards, one can still create verses that are equal linguistically and morally to the Qur’an. One can also create verses that are superior to the Qur’anic verse.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – The Man of the Year 2014
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 5286
2014 has been a historical year for Islam – a year of the normalization of Islamic evil and disastrous year for freedom.
And the Man of The Year for 2014 is unequivocally the ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, although the Time magazine offered it to the Indian Prime Minister Norendra Modi.
Adolf Hitler, who won the Man Of The Year in 1938, declared: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
Hitler’s 1000-year Reich lasted only 12 years, during which he conquered 25 countries and murdering some 21 million people. It has since become history.
Baghdadi's ISIS, in a spectacular show of force in 2014, conquered large parts of Syria and Iraq, and in the process has rationalized pure evil as normal and made it an integral part of everyday life certainly in the territory under its control. In reality, Baghdadi's ISIS simply has replicated the barbarism of Muhammad at the founding of Islam in 7th century Arabia – his mass-murders, beheadings, slavery, rapings as recorded in the Sunna – and also sanctioned in the holy Quran.
About the Rise of Atheism in the Arab World
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 6357
There are indications that atheism is on the rise in the Arab world. This rise is alarming enough to force many Arabic TV channels to admit it and discuss it in several shows, which is very unusual in media that normally highlights the spread, not the recession of Islam. The spread of atheism across the Arab world is an extraordinary development to say the least, considering that the process of Islamic radicalisation has been going strong, fast and unopposed for decades.
Obviously, the scale of the ‘problem’ is different from one country to another. Interestingly, Saudi Arabia seems to be the country affected most with 5% of the population(1) identified as atheists! That is in the country where Sharia is meticulously implemented and considered by many Islamists as the model to emulate.
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman in an F-16
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 2999
ISIS is intent on dredging up the most horrific manifestations of Islamic terror imaginable. Their latest outrage is to burn a Jordanian Muslim pilot, Lt. Moath al-Kasasbeh, alive in a cage. Even within the Muslim world, there are limits to barbarism. Jordan has responded by stepping up their aerial attacks against ISIS. The UAE has dispatched a squadron of F-16s (12-24 aircraft) to Jordan for coordinated bombing of ISIS targets. (Thanks to NBC News for these screenshots.)
The Author of the Quran Is A Cameleer, Part 1
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- Hits: 5062
We are living in the age of fast-food; everything we want instantly. Nobody has the time and interest to read, analyze & scrutiny religious scriptures, regardless of all religions. But we do have time to re-schedule our important work for the sake of attending prayers. Since we discuss Islam in this website, it is our obligation to our Muslim readers that they should not read the contents of our articles with surface interest and forget it later on, but to scrutiny it in depth with the references given for each quote, by surfing the internet. Islamic websites never give any reference to their water downed quotes fearing that it may stimulate the readers to surf more on that subject, which will lead them to the actual devastating parts of their scriptures.
The Muslim Question: Why Publish Things That Hurt the Sentiments of Muslims?
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 4037
A moderate Muslim this week penned a defense of the terrorists, who murdered ten reporters and two others at the offices of satirical publication, Charlie Hebdo in Paris:
It is known to all that radicals and fanatics cannot stomach any jokes or cartoons about the prophet Muhammad, so why do it? There are thousands of other topics and cartoons that can be produced that would not hurt the sentiments of Muslims.
Western civilization has advanced far greater than the Muslim-majority regions of the world in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, because they embraced the Enlightenment. It didn’t happen immediately, but ultimately people realized that reason and inquiry were powerful tools to improve their lot in life – both physically and spiritually. It was a shock to the established Roman Church when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg (Holy Roman Empire) in 1517, but the Roman Church reformed, and a whole new era of religious inquiry and study of the sacred texts emerged. These events led Europe out of the Dark Ages.
Jihad Terrorism in Paris: “We Have Avenged the Prophet Muhammad. We Killed Charlie Hebdo.”
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 3686
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The horrendous Muslim attack at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris that murdered 12 including the Chief editor Stéphane Charbonnier and wounded 11 is a historical event in Europe. The brave people at Charlie Hebdo, who survived the first Islamic Jihadi fire-bombing attack in November 2011 for drawing cartoons of Prophet Muhammad, refused to submit to Islamic intimidation and threat to their life and decided to stand for freedom. Chief editor Charbonnier then said, “I'm not affraid of retaliation... I would prefer to die standing than living on my knees.” They stood their ground and died—like true martyrs impaled on the swords of Islam—standing tall on their feet in the defence of freedom.
Al Kindi’s Dirty Dozen of Islamic Absurdities
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 4355
Twelve centuries ago there was a “Golden Age” in the Islamic world where people of different views could actually make their arguments about religion without fear of retribution, much less assassination. Sometimes these differing views were communicated to the Caliph al-Ma’mum, who considered them with rapt attention. He also set up the House of Wisdom in Baghdad which promoted free inquiry. Sadly, this moment of open inquiry lasted only 34 years, barely one generation, before the doors to Islamic inquiry (ijtihad) were forever closed.
One of the most compelling debates that emerged from this short breath of oxygen was a dialogue between the Arab Christian Abd al-Masih Al Kindi, a member of the Caliphate court, and the Muslim Abd-Allah al-Hashimy (both pseudonyms). This exchange was known as the Apology (risala) of Al Kindi. An abridged English translation was produced by the Scottish Orientalist Sir William Muir in 1887. (See: