Islamic Barbarism: Disfiguring Women by Acid Attack, Part 1
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 18332
Women are sexual slaves of men in Islam. So when women refuse to follow that holy order by refusing sexual advances or marriage proposal etc. by Muslim men, the latter engage in acid attacks to disfigure the women in order to make them aware of their place in Muslim society...
The Joys of Muslim Women
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- Written by Nonie Darwish
- Hits: 9777
In the Muslim faith a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child, consummating the marriage by 9.
Peaceful Moderate Muslim Group Sells Hateful Islamic Literature in Family-Themed Conference
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- Written by Steve Emerson
- Hits: 8974
That's what Islamic Circle of North America's (ICNA) did: Sold bigoted, hate-filled, anti-Semitic and seditious Islamic literature in its Texas Conference.
Muslims demand Facebook Adhere to Islamic/Sharia Law
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- Written by Acharya S./D.M. Murdock
- Hits: 9961
Muslims have launched a mass-email campaign against FaceBook, demanding it makes criticism of Islam illegal, ban Islam-critical pages like "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day", and restores the hateful Islamic sites, removed from FB.
Vijay Kumar, America's Wilders, on Anti-Jihad, Anti-Sharia Platform for Congress
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- Written by Vijay Kumar
- Hits: 9720
Vijay Kumar, an Indian American, is seeking candidacy for Congress on an anti-Jihad, anti-Sharia platform. The battle against Islam is as much intellectual as it is ideological. To win this battle, fighting it at the political level is as important as any other. Fearless politicians like Geert Wilders and Vijay Kumar, who understand the threat of Islam and are committed to fight it tooth and nail, need our support. See Kumar's agenda below. -- M. A. Khan, Editor.
Muslim Mosque: A State Within a State
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- Written by Vijay Kumar
- Hits: 6641
The Kaaba in Mecca was not built as an Islamic mosque. It was an ancient temple that had been shared by polytheists, Christians, Jews, and Hindus, honoring 360 different deities. In 630 A.D. the Kaaba was captured by Islam in its military invasion and conquest of Mecca.
Islam: Savior or the Destroyer of Classical Civilization?
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- Written by John J. O'Neill
- Hits: 10747
How Henri Pirenne's 'Mohammed et Charlemagne' (1938) became a thorn in the liberal paradigm in vogue since the 19th century that Islam was a savior of the classical civilization and the precursor of modern Europe…
Islamic State of Great Britain: The Inevitable Outcome of Muslim Appeasement
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 12362
How appeasement of unruly Muslims are turning the U.K. into an Islamic State???
The Story & Questions of a Conned-into-Islam Soon-to-be ExMuslimah
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- Written by Soon-to-be ExMuslimah
- Hits: 7725
I feel I was mislead, mis-sold and my only regret now is that I met my partner who roped me into this situation and I was too weak and too stupid to realise what I was doing.
"Obama meets Ahmadinejad"
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- Hits: 5952
Amil Imani's new book, "Obama meets Ahmadinejad", recieves rave reviews.
Muhammad: A Prophet or a Pretender?
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 20378
A true prophet should possess utmost humility of the biblical prophets, but Muhammad was an utmost arrogant, self-possessed and self-righteous man. Truly Muhammad was nothing but a pretender, seduced by his own rebellious heart...