Libya: Ambassador Christopher Stevens Raped and Humiliated Before Killed?
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 29385
The Arabic newspaper Lebanon News is reporting that Muslim protesters, who stormed the American Embassy in Libya in reaction to the Muhammad movie, The Innocence of Muslims, actually raped Ambassador Christopher Stevens, before killing him.
Why Most Ex-Muslims Don’t Go Public
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- Written by Rami Rustom
- Hits: 7224
There are many reasons Ex-Muslims have for not going public. For some, they fear retaliation because Islam instructs Muslims to kill apostates. For others, they are concerned that Muslims in their communities will gossip about them. And for some it’s about wanting to teach their kids morals while believing that religion is only way to teach morality. I'll explain why these last two ideas are wrong, and how they are both caused by another much more general problem that applies to all people, not just Ex-Muslims.
The Myth of Angels, Part 1
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 8227
"It is not known precisely where angels dwell – whether in the air, the void, or the planets. It has not been God's pleasure that we should be informed of their abodes." ~Voltaire
‘We are all Osama’: Egyptian Muslims’ 9/11 Commemoration or Protest against Muhammad Movie?
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 8039
As the United States observed the commemoration of the tragic 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 innocent people in America, a massive mob of Muslims attacked the US Embassy in Egypt – chanting "We are all Osama" – referring to the al-Qaeda leader, who masterminded the 9/11 attacks.
9/11 and Islam’s Conquest of America
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 10869
9/11 may soon be regarded as a proud event for Islam in modern history. As things have progressed over the past 11 years since the 9/11 attacks, it's just a matter of time before the Statue of Liberty in the USA will be replaced by a Statue of Osama bin Laden. Millions of Muslims may be pouring into New York on every September 11 to pray for the perished 9/11 attackers as well as to celebrate their conquest of America.
Why Did Muhammad Believe Gabriel?
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 7819
Muslims are reasonably happy with their fate in the afterlife because, on the judgment day, they do not have to answer Allah’s question: Why you did not believe in Muhammad and his message?
As a young Muslim, I occasionally tested some of my friends and asked them how would they respond if Allah rephrases the question as follows: Why did you believe Muhammad and his claims? Their responses were variable but were always preceded by a period of shock because they never thought of such possibility.
Tariq Ramadan and the Islamization of Europe
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- Written by Jacob Thomas/June Engdahl
- Hits: 9392
...Ramadan and other serious Islamic scholars, enjoying the benefits of that heritage, are offering Islam as an alternative to the West's loss of faith and excess worldliness. Western leaders, in the name of political correctness, denigrate their own honorable traditions -- both religious and secular. Sensitivity to its past mistakes lingers even after they have been remedied. The many past and present benefits the West has brought to mankind are ignored. Tolerance has lost its true meaning of allowing for all ideas to get an airing. It has been replaced with a definition of tolerance that allows only for ideas that are currently politically correct. How convenient for Tariq Ramadan’s purposes is such a society so guilt-ridden and infected with political correctness that it often stands wide-eyed and accepting of the alternative, absolutist faith that is Islam.
Whitewashing Islam: 20 Errors on ABC's 20/20 Program on Islam
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 7159
David Wood does a good job of exposing ABC nonsense about Islam...
Australia: Halal Industry and Extra Dhimmi Tax for Infidel Consumers
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- Written by Halal Choices, Au
- Hits: 8019
Do you Australian infidels know that you might be paying another extra tax – an Islamic religious tax when you buy products from shops and supermarkets? Do you want to make more informed choices about the products you buy?
The Quran Was Not Preserved
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 14607
Allah said, “We have sent down the Quran and surely We will protect” (Quran 15:9). Could he?
A Mumbai Muslim Divorces Islam
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- Written by Dr. K. A.
- Hits: 9188
Dear Mr Sina and others,
I am thankful to you for opening my eyes to see the real Islam. I had almost apostatised from Islam after reading Mr Ali Sina's debate with Mr Ghamdi (Pakistani scholar). I felt Islam was indefensible, all along I knew about issues like sex slaves and slavery, polygyny , subjugated women etc. I tried to keep my faith but all my doubts were like punctures in a big balloon which was patched up with half convincing answers to keep my faith afloat. When I read the realities of Islam, which were supported by Sahih Hadith, my faith bubble burst leaving me shattered.