Spain about to Send Imran Firasat to Death under Islamic Law
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 8734
It appears that the Spanish authority has set the stage for condemning Imran Firasat to death for his criticism of Islam by extraditing him to Indonesia.
We reported in July 2014 that after the Spanish Supreme Court upheld the Spanish government's decision to revoke Imran Firasat's refugee status for his criticism of Islam, he tried to seek refuge in Norway, a country that hosts the murderous Al-Qaeda Jihadi leader Mullah Krekar from Iraq. But the Norway government refused to consider his asylum request and hurriedly deported him back to Spain.
Sharia Shock: Graphic ISIS Videos Force Moderate CAIR and Fiqh Council to “Revise” Sharia Law
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 4770
Thanks to ISIS’s well-oiled social media publicity campaign, Muslims and non-Muslims around the world are seeing just how gruesome and barbaric the actual provisions of classical Sharia Law truly are. This has forced “moderate” Muslim organizations CAIR and the Fiqh Council of North America to publish an “Open Letter” admonishing ISIS for being a bit too zealous and literal in their implementation of commands of the Quran and Sharia Law. (See: Careful reading of the 28 page letter reveals some new spins on Sharia Law that are intended to make it more palatable to Western consciences. If they were implemented by ISIS, they would certainly tame ISIS, but the revisions also confirm that classical Sharia Law (as documented in al-Misri’s “Reliance of the Traveler”) has no place in the 21st Century. The references below apply to the numbered topics in the CAIR/Fiqh Council Open Letter.
Mind of Young Canadian Jihadi Recruit of ISIS
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 4338
He traveled to Syria to join the ISIS in the hope of martyrdom and 72 virgins. He got his wish, but before his other wish to raise the Black Flag of Islam over the White House.
Pakistani-born Sarah Haider Declares Her Apostasy from Islam
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 8701
She is openly secular and humanist.
High Regard for Jesus & Mary in Islamic Scriptures? Part 2
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- Hits: 4744
In Part 1 of this article, the ‘place’ of Jesus in Islam has been discussed. This part analyses the ‘place’ of Mary, mother of Jesus, in Islamic Scriptures.
It is a practice among many non-Arab Muslim communities that they don't print the names of brides in the marriage invitation cards. Instead they denote her as ‘Noor-e-Chashmi’ – an expression that somewhat mean ‘our loved one’ or ‘light of our family’. This is because Muslim men don’t want the public, particularly other men, to know the names of female family members unnecessarily. They try to hide the names of female family members from the public.
The Saudis have a unique practice of addressing fellow Muslim men. A bachelor will be called by his name until he gets married. After marriage, he will be called Abu Muhammad (father of Muhammad) until he fathers a son. Even if he fathers 10 daughters and but no son, he will still be called ‘Abu Muhammad’ (‘Abu Muhammad’ here doesn’t refer to Prophet Muhammad, as nobody would dare to be the prophet's father). Only after he fathers a son, say named Qasem, he will be called Abu Qasem. The idea behind this practice is to highlight the names of male family members but hide the names to female members from the public.
High Regard for Jesus and Mary in Islamic Scriptures? Part 1
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- Hits: 4468
Allah's Apostle said, " If a man believes in Jesus and then believes in me, he will get a double reward. And if a slave fears his Lord (i.e. Allah) and obeys his masters, he too will get a double reward." (Sahih Al-Bukhari 4:55:655)
Muhammad was trying to sell his brand of religion to the Christians by offering his product two times at the price of one. Was he really liked Christians, their scriptures and their Messiah Jesus?
The Spectacular March of Jihad in America Post 9/11
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 4163
Stretching from Dearborne in Michigan in the north, to Los Angeles in California in the West, to Miami in Florida in the South, to New York in the East – an Islamic curtain has descended upon the United States!
Behind this curtain, the greatest democracy the world has ever seen, a democracy that has enshrined the equality of all mankind, the equality of women with men, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, assembly, the separation of powers, freedom of religion, equality before the law and the greatest declaration in history:
IQ Rasooli, Author of 'Lifting the Veil', on MidPoint Discussing the Root Causes of Islamic Terrorism
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 5540
Need of the Hour: A Fatwa against Islam and Prophet Muhammad
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 4773
On 31 August 2014, Imams of Britain issued a fatwa, prohibiting British Muslims from supporting and joining the barbaric Islamic State Jihadi terrorist group in Iraq and Syria. The fatwa termed the Islamic State's ideology as “poisonous” and supposedly against the teachings of Islam.
There has been way too many such fatwas over recent years with little impact. Muslims just seem to ignore such fatwas as western-living Muslims joining Jihadi cults both home and abroad continue swelling. It is estimated that at least 500 British Muslims, twice the number of Muslims serving in the British Army, have joined the barbaric Islamic State Jihadi group in Iraq and Syria.
Under these circumstances, and given the seriousness of the danger the world stands face to face with Islamic Jihadi terrorism, the British Imams should have issued a fatwa as follows that could have some beneficial impact for humanity if at all any: