Fatima Leaves Islam
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- Written by Fatima Muhammad
- Hits: 8473
...there's too much wrong in Islam to even begin to justify the little good it contains. So Fatimah, her brother and two friends -- all from Pakistan -- have left Islam....
Pakistan and Islam
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- Written by Khalid Saeed
- Hits: 12683
Just why I left Islam and why the Pakistani state should be dismantled...
Is Great Britain Sleepwalking into an Islamic State?
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 11881
Indeed so and it is happening fast with facilitation by all Muslim-appeasing mainstream politicians, who are hungry for Muslim votes for staying in power...
Prophetic Traits of Allah's Apostle
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- Written by Ali Khalaf
- Hits: 8016
A list of moral traits of Prophet Muhammad... Fitting for an Apostle of God indeed...
Altruistic Prophets: Islam and Mormon Similarities
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 9606
A list of similarities between Muhammad and Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, and their religious doctrines... Quite striking...
Epidemic of Acid-Attack on Women in Pakistan
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 65160
A sample of horror stories of acid-attacks on women in Pakistan...
The Palestine Myth
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- Written by Steven Simpson
- Hits: 17689
An Arab Islamic Palestine or Palestinian people is a myth. Historically, Palestine meant the Jewish 'Holy Land' and Palestinian stood for 'Jews of the Holy Land'... So the current understanding of Palestine and Palestinians is a myth at best and hijacking of what belonged to others at worst.
Islamic Barbarism: Disfiguring Women by Acid Attack, Part 2
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 19779
Destruction or disfigurement of the facial beauty of a woman, the natural gift she is endowed with, is a horrible crime, worse than murder. So, the acts of throwing acid, intended to deface a girl, should be condemned as a worst kind of criminal act and the perpetrators must be dealt with exemplary punishments.
Non-Jihadi Muslims are Kafirs Who Must Be Killed
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- Written by Ayesha Ahmed
- Hits: 14633
The Prophet killed bad Muslims, who had refused to join his jihadi war. Our good Muslim brothers in Pakistan are emulating this Sunna...
Islamic State of Pakistan, the World-champion in Viewing Pornographic Sites
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 12077
While the world's greatest sport and entertainment even, the Soccer World Cup, was going on, Pakistan quietly achieved a 'World Champion' title---it is in watching porn on the internet.
Islam Must Be Stopped in America
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 6387
Islam has spawned many sects that are master practitioners of the art of double standards. As far as Muslims are concerned, what is good for Muslims is not good for the non-Muslims; and what is bad for Muslims is good for non-Muslims.