Dangerous Policy of Muslim Appeasement in the U.K.
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 15018
With Muslim population rising fast and already constituting a sizable vote-bank, Leftist Labour in the UK are mindlessly appeasing Muslims to gain their votes to stay in power, with complete disregard for the danger posed by fast Islamization of the British society...
Project to Create Sharia-Ruled Muslim-Only Enclaves across America Takes Root in Philadelphia
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- Written by Paul Williams
- Hits: 12249
Thanks to U.S. taxpayers, an Islamic enclave is being carved out of the heart of the City of Brotherly Love. And how generous have you been with your tax dollars? You just gave $1.6 billion for the privilege of turning over all this cash to the Islamic community.
Why Islam Will Never Accept the State of Israel
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- Written by Steven Simpson
- Hits: 6197
The Arab-Israeli conflict is rooted in Islamic doctrine and Muhammad's animosity and wars against Arabian Jewry. Therefore, Islam cannot accept the State of Israel...
The Myth of Islam Being a Religion of Purity, Part 1
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- Written by Saleem Smith
- Hits: 7757
Once upon a time there lived a man named Muhammad who claimed that his religion, the Islamic religion, was a perfect religion of absolute purity.
Martyrdom for Allah – The Holy Warriors of Islam
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 12369
A nice treatise on the concept of Jihadi martyrdom in Islam...
Why the War in Afghanistan Cannot Be Won
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- Written by Andrew Stunich
- Hits: 13234
Because the war is not directed at discrediting and defeating the "real enemy", which is Islam...
Gandhi's Mindless Appeasement of Muslims and the Partition of India
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 26945
Gandhi's mindless appleasement of Muslims with complete disregard for the sufferings of Hindus did not only facilitated India's division in 1947, but also continues to afflict India....
"Samson Option": Israel's Choice in Absence of Choice?
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- Written by Alexander Maistrovoy
- Hits: 8393
In showing weakness and stupidity to radical Islamists in the Middle East, the West encourages the Middle East predators, promotes the collapse of moderate Arab regimes and throws Israel into a dilemma: the Holocaust or the "Samson option".
Islam and the Dogs
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 15405
A nice illustration of Islam's dogs problem...
Untangling the Israel-Palestine Confilct: Does a Palestinian State Exist?
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 11331
If yes, where?
Islamic Menace in the Americas: The First Front
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- Written by Jose Fernandes
- Hits: 10173
The Triple Border region between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, visited by bin Laden in 1995, has become the first frontier of Islamic jihad in the Americas, where Muslims are heavily involved in organized crime syndicates, money-laundering and drug-trafficking, generating billions of dollars, part of which is spent on supporting Jihadist operations around the world...