Muhammad and His Quran: Blood and Lies at the Root of Islam (E-Book)
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- Written by Mohammad Asghar
- Hits: 59399
Mohammad Asghar's fine book, "Muhammad and His Quran: Blood and Lies at the Root of Islam", is being released for free downloading. It's unfortunate that such a fine piece of work did not get a publisher (for fear of angering Muslims), which would have helped wider circulation of the essential, invaluable manuscript. [link corrected]
Uniform Civil Code Alone Can Liberate Muslim Women of India from the Curse of Islamic Polygamy and Easy Divorce
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 10064
Only if the Indian Government stops Muslim appeasement and implements the secular civil-code uniformly upon all its citizens, irrespective of religious groups, would liberate its Muslim women from the oppression of harsh anti-women Islamic laws...
Reply to an Atheist by a Slap from an Islamic Scholar!
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 8529
I came across this via an email from an old Muslim friend. He still has hopes of me changing my kafir ways…? He wants to make me understand that Islam is the truest religion and he is trying to convince me by sending this proof!
Allah’s Challenges in the Quran and Its Missing Chapters
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 25946
Allah threw open challenges to man as well as Jinn to create a book like the Quran or at least a chapter of it and that he would keep the Quran unchanged for eternity. He failed in both challenges. Find out why?
Is “Triple Talaq” Uttered in Anger or Inebriated Condition Invalid?
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 19970
Some modern Muslims dispute that if 'Talaq' is uttered by husband in anger or inebriated condition, it is not valid, although the Quran and classical Islam says 'Talaq is Talaq', uttered in whatsoever conditions, and has been a tradition in Islam for formalizing divorce until the modern age.
Muhammad in Medina: A Prophet of Peace Has Come
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 6597
An account of the dreadful, bloody activities of the so-called Islam's prophet of peace, after his arrival in Medina...
Would 'Boobquake' End the World or Prove Islam Wrong?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 8207
Following an Iranian cleric's statement that immodesty and sexual immorality cause earthquakes, a facebook group, called "Boobquake", is testing the theory by urging women around the world to show their cleavage on Monday, 26 April, to see if the world faces devastating earthquake on that day...
What would it take to Outlaw Legal Child-Sex Abuse in the Arab World?
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- Written by Mehul Kamdar
- Hits: 8081
Banning barbaric practices and violation of human rights, such as child-sex abuse, in the recalcitrant Arab world can only be enforced by external pressure upon their economic impoversihment by rendering the oil irrelevant...
Was Muhammad Illiterate?
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 10760
Muslims around the world believe that Muhammad was an illiterate man; that he was not able to read or write. Allah also claims the same, rather proudly, in the Quran. Yet, there is strong evidence against this assertion.
How Muslim Women Suffer from Inhuman Islamic Law of Polygamy and Easy Divorce
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 14743
Muslim women suffer horribly, mostly in silence, by Islam's easy divorce and other anti-women laws, particularly in Islamic countries. Here's a picture of how they suffer in India, and how Indian civil law (kuffar law) is trying to help them, defying Islam's sacred laws of course.
Echoes of Jew-Hatred of the 1930s on the Streets of Malmö
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- Written by Philip Wendahl
- Hits: 6368
And, thanks to the burgeoning population of Muslims and their fascistic leftist bedfellows... A truly grim picture of what is coming to the West...