West Bengal in the Peril of Islamic Jihad, Part 1
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 21599
Ominous signs for India's state of West Bengal as it is posited to be the first sacrifice on the altar of Mughalistan, a new design to create a contiguous Muslim homeland in South Asia, which is well underway...
Calling Radicalization, not Islamization: Ignorance or Political Correctness?
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- Written by Syed Kamran Mirza
- Hits: 6216
Islamic Terrorism, what's thy real name?
India: Muslim Teacher attacked for advising girl students not to wear burqa during summer
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 7488
Muslim teacher of Madrasa in West Bengal, India, attacked for adivising his girl-student not to wear burqa in hot summer days....
Is Regime Change Coming to Iran? Interview with Amil Imani
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- Written by Jerry Gordon
- Hits: 5342
Are the days of the Iran brutal Mullah regime coming to an end? Here from Amil Imani, a prominent Iranian anti-Ayatollah activist…
France Banning the Burqa to Liberation of Muslim Women
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 10523
Why the French should be commended, not condemned, for spearheading a ban on Islamic veil, a fundamentally criminal and oppressive Islamic tradition, as substantive step toward liberation of Muslim women...
France Banning the Burqa to Liberation of Muslim Women
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 7327
Why the French should be commended, not condemned, for spearheading a ban on Islamic veil, a fundamentally criminal and oppressive Islamic tradition, as substantive step toward liberation of Muslim women...
[Humor] Muhammad and the Night Before Christmas
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- Written by Az Zaqqum
- Hits: 5637
It was the night before Christmas and Muhammad was confused.
Should Muslims have fun holidays like the Christians and Jews?
Eight days of Hanukkah or a fat Jinn in a red suit,
Who used reindeers not camels to carry his loot?
And what kind of presents would Muhammad think best?
Barbies in burkas and suicide vests?
Teaching Hatred of Christians and Jews in Muslim Schools in the U.K.
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 9325
A BBC report on how and what Muslims are teaching in private Islamic schools in the U.K. is very surprising and disheartening for natives of the United Kingdom, who have been living there for centuries before the migration of Muslims.
Ominous Signs of Missing Muslims of Islamberg in Upstate New York
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- Written by Paul Williams, PhD
- Hits: 7182
Muslim men of Islamberg in upper New York, a Jihad-training community, disappeared to Pakistan, which adds to disturbing signs of how young Muslims across America are joining jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia etc. and returning home to carry on their holy jihad.
Destiny of West Bengal Hindus: The Coming Days of Slavery to Islam
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 16469
How fast-breeding Muslims are turning West Bengal (and entire India for that matter) into a Muslim-majority state and signs of the consequences that await its Hindu populations.
Saudi Woman Challenges Allah on Polygamy
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 11802
A Saudi Muslim woman, quite incredibly, has demanded polyandry for women to match with polygamy for men in Islam. It not only challenges Muslim claim that Islam gives true rights and equality to women but also a divine institution of Islam. When the demand comes from the pen of a Saudi woman, beloging to the community of worst-oppressed Muslim women by Islam in the world, it would seem that good times for the oppressed Muslim women may be in the horizon at long last...