The Spirit of Christmas and Islam
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 6308
Would Islam become a religion of the today's spirit of Christmas---"peace on earth, good-will to men"---than of war and ill-will, as Islam has been since its founding and continuing...
Logical Reactions to Muslims’ Beliefs and Behaviors
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- Written by Isaac Ivanov
- Hits: 5664
Of all American wars remembered, one especially relevant today is the First Barbary War (1801-1805) between a young United States of America and Islamic hordes of North Africa. During the First Barbary War, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman, a representative of the Islamic empire in Tripoli, explained the motivation of North African Muslims who were assaulting unarmed European and American ships in the Mediterranean:
“It is written in the Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet Muhammad are sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the [Muslim] faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every Muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.”(1)
Message from Soldier of Allah Mujahid Major Hasan of Successful Fort Hood Jihad Fame
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- Written by Ali Khalaf
- Hits: 5373
Islam's message to kuffar, and how Jihadis and moderate Muslims are working in alliance to undermine the liberal world...
Raping Daughters-in-law: Following Holy Tradition of the Prophet
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 26767
An account of how Muslims across India are emulating the holy tradition of prophet Muhammad by raping their daughters-in-law.
Muhammad Poor, or Was He?
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 14863
Muhammad was neither poor nor a man of simplicity...
Breaking Free from Islam
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- Written by Cindy Hayes
- Hits: 6133
A Christian convert's torturous experience with Islam, and how she broke away from the cult of oppression and death alive and returned to her root...
Adultery: Stigmatization of ‘Democracy to Love’
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- Written by William Gomes
- Hits: 5581
Why adultery, one's 'democratic right to love', is needed to be dealt with reason, not brutality...
Swiss Minaret Ban: Muslims’ Rights vs. Non-Muslims’ Rights
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 6329
Does the Swiss minaret ban violate Muslims' religious freedom? Minarets, religiously, are a small part of Islam, and being a symbol of Islam's political supremacy, sitting a monumental legacy of oppression which is ongoing, its ban is perfectly legitimate in a secular society with strict separattion of religion and politics. In reality, it's a backlash against Islam's unfettered liberty in violating religious freedom and human rights of others. Moreover, the said ban may be the first opening to solving Islam's monumental problem with secular democracy, smoothly, to avoid a Clash of Civilizations... only if Muslims would show intellectual capacity to comprehend the message and grab the opportunity...
Do Muslims Have A Legal Right Over Jerusalem?
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- Written by Mohammad Asghar
- Hits: 12334
...what right do the Muslims have to claim their complete sovereignty over East Jerusalem and why Israel should not cave in to their demand? To find the answer to this crucial question, we need to go to the Quran and see what it says about Jerusalem and if Muslims have at all any right over it.
The Making of and Dealing with Jihadists
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 4580
Why Jihadists are created and how they are needed to be dealt with...
A Day in the Life of Prophet Muhammad
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- Written by Geoff Dickson
- Hits: 10178
One of the greatest mysteries of our world today is that over 1.5 billion people on this planet believe that their prophet Mohammed was the greatest man that ever lived. Even if you just scratch the surface of the man’s life, you realise he was involved in treachery, in violent attacks against unsuspecting tribes, robbing passing caravans for food and booty and personally took part in beheadings as well as entrenching slavery for ever more into Islamic Law and practice.