The Official Islam (Reveled by Obama)
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- Written by Bill Warner
- Hits: 8352
Why I am Happy without a Religion
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 7323
A recent conversation with a Hindu reader on what I feel about the existence of the god and why I feel satisfied about living my life without having a religion...
Islam's Victimization of Iran
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 5952
How Iran, heir to Cyrus the Great's legacy of great tolerance and humanity, has been stifled by the barbarism of Islam for 14 centuries and continues doing the same... [Read in Bangla]
The Quran and Hadith: Which is More Authentic?
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 24288
In debates on Islam, deceptive moderm Muslim intellectuals are quick to reject those hadiths that show Islam in a bad light. Little do the know that the authenticity of the hadith, given its remarkably objctive and scientific method of collection, would stand higher than the Quran, whose codification was shabby at best...
Democracy Not An Instant Panacea For The Islamic World
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- Written by Andrew Stunich
- Hits: 8741
Why a rush to promote democracy in the Muslim world may prove counter-productive for those nations and dangerous for the globe... [Read in Bangla]
The Real Population Time Bomb
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- Written by Andrew Stunich
- Hits: 9572
Why Estimates of Muslim population growth in the West may underestimate the real growth and its likely disastrous impact...
From al-Banna to Qutb to al-Quaeda
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- Written by David Anderson
- Hits: 7127
How al-Banna's anti-West Islamist movement succeeded in inspiring Muslims to rejecting Western liberalism, and spawned the emergence of global imperialist Islamic movements like al-Qaeda...
Breaking Silence against Injustice and Violence against Women
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- Written by William Gomes
- Hits: 14970
Killing all Humanity: How Obama Misinterprets Quran 5:32 and Passes a Noble Jewish Teaching as Islamic
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- Written by Atheist Jabali
- Hits: 55978
“The Holy Koran teaches that whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind.” So said Obama is his speech at Cairo on June 4, 2009, intended to the Muslim world.
Women in Islam: The Tragic Story of Afzal Khan’s 63 Wives
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 35461
Prophet Muhammad, by giving divine legitimacy to polygamy and unbounded concubinage, not only degraded the status of women, but his prohibition of remarriage of his harem-inmates--likely fearing that it would divulge his sexual impotency to other men--also set on a legacy of many tragedies for Muslim women..