Struggle to Stop Erdogan's Islamization of Turkey
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- Written by Jacob Thomas
- Hits: 6043
It all began on 31 May, 2013, when a group of environmentalists had gathered in Istanbul to voice their opposition to building of a military barracks and a shopping mall on Gezi Park near Taksim Square in Istanbul city square. The police acted violently “against protestors who had been sitting reading books and singing songs,” as reported by the Guardian. From that day on until Monday, 17 June, demonstrations have continued and spread to Ankara, Izmir, and other major cities. Now Prime Minister Erdogan is threatening to use the army for quelling the spreading riots.
Thanks to the French online daily Le Monde, a detailed account about the “mosaic of the opposition groups in Turkey” was posted on 4 June, 2013. The following is a digest of the report, followed by my analysis and comments.
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam 5B - Fasting the Third Pillar of Islam: Muhammad's Love & Hate for Pagan Ashura Fasting
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- Hits: 6242
Dear fellow brothers! Do we know how Allah implemented prayers, fast and the Hajj pilgrimage etc. in Islam? We think that Allah introduced them all of a sudden at one go. But it is not. Muhammad implemented or rejected in stages, according to the temperament of relationships with the communities, from whom they was copied. In the next two articles, let us unearth the facts on the stages of ‘Fasting’ during the 23-year-long prophetic carrier of our prophet Muhammad.
Muslim Nations Reject Islamic Law Violating Clauses of UN Charter Banning Violence against Women
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- Written by Acharya S./D.M. Murdock
- Hits: 6874
How can it continue to be maintained that Islam is peaceful and "good for women?" Not only does the Koran sanction discrimination and bigotry against women, as well as wife-beating, but Islamic or sharia law includes the right to marry females of any age and to have sex with girls as young as nine years old. Women are considered worth one-half of men, if that, and female sexuality is viewed as so perilous that women in fundamentalist areas and families must wear oppressive clothing. Moreover, around 140 million women and girls worldwide have their genitals hacked off or otherwise mutilated, the bulk of which female genital mutilation is justified in the name of Islam.
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam 5A - Fasting the Third Pillar of Islam: The Sacred Months
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- Hits: 7465
Dear Muslim brethren! When we speak of fasting – the third pillar of Islam, it is impossible for us to separate the month of Ramadan from it. When our discussion centers on Ramadan, it is quite common for us to discuss Ramadan-related rituals, such as the additional prayer called ‘Taraaweeh’, prayed immediately after the usual fifth prayer ‘Ishaa’, and the mid-night prayer ‘Qiyam Al-Lail’, as well as Zakat, Fitra, Lail Al-Qadr, Itikaak, Suhur and Iftaar etc. We cannot separate the month of Ramadan from the third pillar of Islam. In fact the month ‘Ramadan’ should have declared officially the 3rd pillar of Islam. Whatever good religious deeds we do in the blessed month of Ramadan will be rewarded 700 times more by Allah. So, it is very important for us to know more about the sacred month of Ramadan.
The Islamic Rape of the U K
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- Written by Abdullah Sarh
- Hits: 6637
We scream and scream to them, the British, “Watch out for Islam!! Don’t let Islam take root in your land!! Don’t open your door to invite Islam!”
We know better because we have already EXPERIENCED it in our homelands.
But they don’t believe us. They act like they know better about Islam just by looking at the smiley faces of Muslims.
Islamic Barbarism: Christian Woman Beaten and Gang-raped in Egypt Street to Shouts of "Allahu Akbar"
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 7149
How Muslims Defend Islam: Their Silly Arguments
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- Written by Abid Ali
- Hits: 37086
Muslims use an endless list of fallacious and silly arguments in their defence of indefensible Islam. Here is a list of those:
‘Out of Context’ Argument
When one raises questions about verses of the Quran or Muhammad’s actions from the hadith, all Muslims—be it mullahs or educated moderate ones—parrot only one thing in defence: ‘You are talking out of context’, ‘please find out under what circumstances Muhammad did so’, ‘there must be some reason for that’ and so on. But they themselves will never try to find out those contexts or circumstances under which Muhammad did so many malicious things, or nonsensical or violence-inciting verses were revealed. And when you show them the context of verses from the tafsirs, which often make Islam appear even more evil and atrocious, they immediately change tune to claim that ‘this verse is allegorical’ and on the worst scenario, they would say ‘this verse is sarcastic’. Just imagine that the creator of the universe is talking in allegorical or sarcastic terms for guiding humanity through His divine scripture.
Is Egypt’s Muslim Bortherhood Engineering a War against Israel as Win-All Option?
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- Written by Alexander Maistrovoy
- Hits: 5682
Military adventure is often the best option for a despotic regime undergoing fiasco.
“The people crave for the destruction of Israel”. This was the slogan of thousands of Muslims who joined a massive demonstration in Al-Azhar Mosque – the spiritual bastion of the "Muslim Brotherhood" in Egypt. It was the first mass anti-Israel demonstration organized by the "Muslim Brotherhood", the party of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. However remarkable this event was, it went nearly unnoticed in the mass media.
Although the official reasons given for organizing the event were the detention of Jerusalem Mufti in Israel and the IDF airstrike in Syria, any other minor event could have been a valid motive.
How Muslims Defend Islam: Understanding Muslims
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- Written by Abid Ali
- Hits: 10015
Islam is a religion that stands on lies of the mullahs and ignorance of the Ummah. These two are perfect combination for each other. The former say or write whatever they wish and the later accept them without ever verifying. The Ummah completely rely on the supposed integrity of the Mullahs. Muslims are eager gullibles, who are happy to be fool because they are happy with their idiotic belief. Actually they deceive none but themselves.
They believe that Islam is true, the Quran is divine and Muhammad was a prophet of the Almighty, just because the Quran contains few noble and wise verses which are much fewer than the foolish, nonsensical, morally wrong, scientifically erroneous, and logically pervert ones. Any diabolical person can plagiarize noble thoughts but they fail to plagiarize noble deeds of really great and benevolent persons. Muhammad was such a person, who could steal the wisdom of earlier scripture but he could not emulate did of the old prophets.
U.S. Justice Department’s Initiative to Criminalize Anti-Islam Hate Speech and the Challenge of Criminalizing Islam Itself
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 5540
Free Speech versus Criminal Hate Speech
The U.S. Department of Justice is waging a very serious challenge to Americans’ constitutional right to Free Speech by trying to criminalize the criticism of Islam utilizing the Civil Rights laws.
Bill Killian, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, was quoted by the Tullahoma News suggesting that some inflammatory material on Islam might run afoul of federal civil rights laws.
"We need to educate people about Muslims and their civil rights, and as long as we’re here, they’re going to be protected," Killian told the newspaper.
How I Rejected the Unholy Prophet and Fake Islam
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- Written by Ahmed
- Hits: 7645
An ex-Muslim, named Ahmed, wrote the following letter to Ali Sina, founder of
Dear Mr Ali Sina,
I am Ahmed. I am writing to you from my friends email id. I thank the power of whatever is ruling this earth that I landed on your website in search of the truth.
I was a God fearing Muslim. As early as when I was 20 years old I had so many questions regarding my religion. Questions like:
a) Why is music not allowed?
b) Why shouldn’t we laugh loudly?
c) Why will Non-Muslims (even very good ones) not be ALLOWED in Heaven and will continue to burn in Hell forever? Aren’t all humans God’s creation? Any creator will love his creation and not discriminate.