Knowing Four Arabic Words May Save Our Civilization from Islamic Takeover
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 160742
In 539 BC, King Belshazzar of Babylon saw a dismembered hand-written four prophetic words on the wall. This "handwriting on the wall" was finally interpreted by the prophet Daniel as predicting the fall of the kingdom. He was right. Babylon fell to the Medes-Persians that very night.
Like the “handwriting on the wall” that Prophet Daniel had interpreted, there are four Arabic words, which could lead to submission of the entire world to Islam, if non-Muslims do not fully understand their meaning and implications. Those words are takiyya, tawriya, kitman, and muruna.
Was Muhammad Illiterate? The Hadith Evidence
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 13235
In this article, I compile multiple hadiths that gives evidence towards Prophet Muhammad being a literate person. In next part, I plan to discuss the Qur’anic evidence related to this subject.
Congressman Allen West: Not War on Terror, but a Totalitarian Theocratic Ideology Called Islam
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 7365
Ten Commandments of Allah
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 22335
“Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows falling astray, none can guide them aright. The Holy Koran is the very words of our Lord and Creator, which have been revealed for our guidance”. – The Noble Koran
What Happened to the Stoning Verse of the Qur’an?
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- Written by Denis Schulz
- Hits: 6679
Christians got stoned by the slaves in Allah in Dearborn. But there is no verse in the Quran commanding stoning. It can't be that the slaves of Allah will do things to Kuffars not exhorted to by Allah in his holy book. So, what happened to the stoning Verse of the Qur’an?
Get under Burqa: Street-Preacher Muslim Convert's Solution to Sexual Assaults on Canadian 'Uncovered Meats'
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- Written by Denis Schulz
- Hits: 6745
Only Islam has liberated women and given them their rights. A recent Canadian convert to Islam and street-preacher shows how Islam can protect Canadian women, aka "uncovered meats", from sexual assaults.
Knowing Muhammad's ISLAM in 20 Steps
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- Written by Anil K. Bali
- Hits: 8631
It’s very easy to understand Islam and Muhammad. Read the following 20 points. That is the whole Islam.
'Islam Has Psychologically Damaged Me' -- Depression of a Teenage Ex-Muslimah
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 12763
This damage is being healed but some scars will never fade. I may have left Islam but a part of Islam will never leave me.
Homosexual Sex between Muslim Males Halal if Performed for the Victory of Islam
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- Written by Ali Khalaf
- Hits: 11780
Our brave brother Abdullah Asiri had his rectum filled with explosives and went to kill the Saudi Prince Nayef, a declared infidel. Although Mujahid Asiri blew himself up and achieved martyrdom (and houries), his mission failed as he pushed the button too early.
Allah is Imaginary, Who Simply Does Not Exist!
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 14599
“By believing passionately in something that still does not exists, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have is not sufficiently desired”. – Franz Kafka