Sachar Committee Report Uncovered Backwardness of India’s Muslims, Part 2
04 Apr, 2009
- India's population is predominantly rural. In 2001, only 27.8%
lived in urban areas, cities and towns of various sizes, showing a
low degree of urbanization. Moreover, the tempo of urbanization
has been quite low after 1981, with only about two percentage
points rise in the share of the urban population over each decade.
The Muslim population is also predominantly rural, but the level
of urbanization among them has been higher than the population as
a whole. In 1961, while overall only 18.0% of the population lived
in urban areas, 27.1% of Muslim did so. This substantial gap has
persisted; in 2001, 35.7% of the Muslim population was urban
compared to 27.8% of the overall population.
In many states, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Chhattisgarh, the majority of
Muslims live in urban areas. Muslims have generally been relatively
more urbanized even in the past. By and large, India's Muslim
population is less linked to land than the overall population. This
is true even in rural areas. The 2001 census data show that whereas
40 percent of rural workers were cultivators among all religions;
amongst Muslims, this figure was only 30 percent. Agricultural
workers (cultivators and agricultural labourers combined)
constituted 75 percent of rural workers overall but only 60 percent
amongst Muslims. Experts believe that a number of historical factors
lie behind the higher urbanization among Muslims in India.
As mentioned above, nearly 36 percent of India’s Muslim
population lives in urban areas and an overwhelming majority of them
are slum-dwellers. Due to poor educational standard, they have to
engage in low-pay jobs and hence unable to afford better
accommodation. The other reason is that Muslims prefers living away
from non-Muslim kafirs; hence they are increasingly resorting to
live in congested ghettos across the country that lack proper
sanitation and other public facilities like fresh water supply,
sanitation, electricity, schools, public health facilities, banking
facilities, roads, and transport facilities. This is more pronounced
in communally sensitive towns and cities. This ghettoized living
seems not to be advantageous for them, because it makes them more
isolated from the mainstream population, which adds to their
In India, one can call these Muslim ghettoes as “mini Pakistans”, where they perform every anti-India activities, like burning of Indian National Flag, hoisting Pakistani flag, shouting anti-India and pro-Pakistani slogans, oppressing the non-Muslims residents if there be any in the vicinity and so on.
This picture is not confined to India alone. European countries are also experiencing the same thing. So, Mr Geert Wilders, in his essay “Islamization of Europe” writes:
But in all of these cities (in the West), sometimes a few blocks away from your tourist destination, there is another world, a world very few visitors see - and one that does not appear in your tourist guidebook. It is the world of the parallel society created by Moslem mass-migration. All throughout Europe a new reality is rising: entire Moslem neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen. And if they are, they might regret it. This goes for the police as well. It’s the world of head scarves, where women walk around in figureless tents, with baby strollers and a group of children. Their husbands, or slaveholders if you prefer, walk three steps ahead. With mosques on many street corners. The shops have signs you and I cannot read. You will be hard-pressed to find any economic activity.
These are Moslem ghettos controlled by religious fanatics.. These are Moslem neighborhoods, and they are mushrooming in every city across Europe. These are the building-blocks for territorial control of increasingly larger portions of Europe, street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city…..There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe. With larger congregations than there are in churches. And in every European city there are plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region.
It is needless to say that the Muslim women are the worst
sufferers of this increasing ghettoization, as Islamic custom of
veiling prevents them to access the above mentioned civic facilities
from beyond the confines of their ghettoes. This ghettoisation has
multiple other adverse effects like inadequacy of infrastructural
facilities, shrinking common spaces and creating an unhealthy
living-conditions, vulnerable to epidemics of common tropical
diseases like diarrhea, cholera, malaria and other water- and
mosquito-borne ailments. The lack of these civic facilities
undoubtedly plays hindrance to better progress of the community.
Islam has no Human Resource Development Program
Comments posted in reaction to the first part of this essay by many readers has made me fully convinced that the enlightened people have started thinking deeply about the role the Islam, a cult of hatred and violence, is playing in the world today. Most of them believe that the slavery of Arab religious imperialism in form of Islam is the root cause for the backwardness amongst Muslims globally. Concerning Muslims of India, a reader raised the question:
“Why they should be poor and backward in spite of ruling over India for 800 years compared to only 200 of the British! These colonial imperialist Muslims looted Hindu money and misused that money for merry-making and thus ruined them!”
He is quite correct. For example, once upon a time, the Muslim invaders from Afghanistan looted immense wealth from the Hindus of India and carried that wealth to their country. In addition to that, they carried hundreds of thousands of Hindu prisoners of war and sold them as slaves in the slave-markets that had mushroomed in all Muslim countries. So the question naturally arises: Why today, Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world?
There is no doubt that Islam is the culprit
Why? Because, Islam has no program, like Human resource
development. It is man who creates wealth. If you do not educate and
train people for creating wealth, how prosperity would come?
Neither the Koran and nor Hadith preach any lesson for turning the Muslims into a community of creative people. Allah never says in the Koran that, "O believers, you lead an honest, moral, ethical and a decent life, be educated by receiving education and raise your moral character." On the contrary, Allah gives them clean chit to commit any crime, every foulest deed and break every law through His promise that He would pardon their every crime and every misdeed for the merit of their accepting Islam.
Besides, Islam proclaims that, for a Muslim, launching a jihad or
war against the kafirs is the highest virtue, higher even than a
pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj), not to speak of lower virtues like
prayer (namaj) and fasting (roja). Allah also makes the spoils
acquired by looting in jihadi wars lawful to Muslims. So, according
to Islam, Muslims are not supposed to create wealth by their brains
and labor, but to acquire it from kafirs by doing jihad. Or in
simple words, Muslims are directed to acquire wealth from a class of
people by theft, burglary, robbery or by any other criminal means.
Hence in Islam, there is no agenda like human resource development.
In addition to that, there lies a great risk in educating and
enlightening Muslims, as in that case it would be very difficult for
the mullahs to brainwash them and hence they may start questioning
Islam itself and refuse to believe its unscientific and irrational
diktats. In such a situation, the mullahs would fail to keep their
hegemony and vested interests. Due to this reason, during the
British rule in India, the mullahs prevented Indian Muslims from
receiving British-instituted secular education and confined them to
madrassa education so that they might not learn anything beyond the
Koran and Hadith.
To explain this, a reader comments: “Now, see what happened after the British people took over India from Muslims. They were liberal .They spread education and modernity in India. They treated all equally. They encouraged those who were willing to acquire knowledge. Hindus grabbed the opportunity and rose to eminence in British India. At the same time Muslims chose to remain inside the cocoon they wove around them. Mullahas prevented the Muslim mass from going to schools and colleges except to Mosques and madrassas where they studied only Koran. By the time Britishers left this country Hindus were in dominant positions where as the Muslims were cycle repairers, umbrella makers and odd mechanics devoid of modern education.”
It is another glaring example to show, how Islam is pulling
Muslims backwards in their race of progress and civilization.
Rapid Population Growth, another Reason for Muslim
In their sinister design to outnumber all other non-Muslim
population, Muslims try swell their number through fast-breeding,
which would aid their capture of political power and establishment
of Islamic rule. Due to this reason, compounded by religious
scruples, they deliberately reject family planning measures;
instead, they try to produce as many children as possible; the
culture of polygamy also helps the process. An example may be cited
to make the reader aware about what horrible dimension this effort
may reach to. In a The Times of India press report, dated 26
June 2007, a Muslim couple in Rajasthan produced 23 children in
their 24-year married life. A friend informed me that that a Muslim
man has produced 29 children out of his two wives in the state of
West Bengal.
In India, Muslims are at liberty to follow the Shariah law in
civil matters, which permits Muslim men to keep four wives. If each
wife gives birth to 5 children, it is possible for him to raise 20
children without facing any hurdle. The mullahs always keep close
watch on the women of their locality so that the housewives may not
avail any family planning measure or approach a clinic for this
purpose. If Muslim women take to family planning measure, the
mullahs often convene a kangaroo court that directs the husband to
divorce his wife. The husband finds no other alternative but to
comply with the order under the threat of social excommunication. It
is projected by many that, aided by higher growth-rate, India’s
Muslim population would rise to 340 million by 2041. It will
undoubtedly lower the quality of life of the Muslim populace,
although it would give them greater political clout and advance
their ambition for capturing power.
Even for a middle-class family, it is not possible to provide
adequate food and nutrition alone to so many children, not to speak
of good education and upbringing. Raising so many children also
ruins the economic backbone of a family. This unbridled grow-rate is
one of the major reasons of rampant poverty amongst Muslims.
This kind of unbridled breeding amongst Muslims obviously create a community, poor mental and physical development, backward in education, poor in health and stricken sickness and malady. with intellectually retarded stupid people. To describe this dismal state of affairs, the Sachar Committee writes:
“In the field of literacy the Committee has found that the rate among Muslims is very much below than the national average. The gap between Muslims and the general average is greater in urban areas where Most of the women and 25 per cent of children of Muslim parents, in the 6-14 year age group, have either never attended school or have dropped out.”
The Committee further observes,
"(Due to this intellectual backwardness) The participation of Muslims in the professional and managerial cadre is low. The presence of Muslims has been found to be only 3% in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), 1.8% in the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and 4% in the Indian Police Service (IPS). Muslim community has a representation of only 4.5% in Indian Railways while 98.7% of them are positioned at lower levels. Representation of Muslims is very low in the Universities and in Banks. Their share in police as constables is only 6%, in health 4.4%, in transport 6.5%. Substantially larger proportion of the Muslim households in urban areas are in the less than Rs.500 expenditure bracket. And therefore, the access to government schools for children of Muslim parents is limited.”
The analysis suggests that, due to rapid growth of population, or
giving birth to many children, a Muslim child experiences a
significantly greater risk of being a victim of malnutrition,
underweight or stunted than a Hindu child belonging to Scheduled
Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) category. However, relative to
this group, the SC/ST children as well as Other Hindu children also
have a higher risk of being underweight and stunted. Indeed, the
differences among the three groups are relatively small and not
significantly different from each other.
In conclusion, the evidence shows that Muslim children are at a
slightly higher risk of child-malnutrition than Hindu children.
However, they are less likely to be underweight or stunted than
SC/ST children. But in two regions—the
North and the East—the rate of low
birth-weight babies among Muslims actually increased sharply between
1992–93 and 1998–99,
with Muslims performing much worse than the all-group average for
the two regions. There is an enigma in the finding that Muslims have
a marginal advantage over other Hindus in infant and under-five
mortality as the Muslims are comparatively more urban and hence they
can avail better clinical and medical facilities for child birth in
government hospitals in the cities and towns.
But they suffer a disadvantage in child nutrition as they are unable to feed so many children they produce for rapid growth of population with the aim of turning India into a dar-ul-Islam in quickest possible time. It is not difficult to understand that these undernourished children are destined to grow up as intellectually retarded people incapable of receiving modern education and unfit for securing better, even moderately paid, jobs in a highly competitive job market.
| Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
| Part 7
(To be continued)
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Name: cirvgd
Date: Saturday April 04, 2009
Time: 15:05:15 -0500
murder is very evil, telling lies is very evil, hatred is very evil, rape is very evil, therefore allah is not God. GOD is very holy God. The Law of GOD is very sacred as Himself. All those followers of so called "holy books" that taught very evil will go to hell.
Name: A Patriot
Subject: Two beautiful articles on the issues
Date: Sunday April 05, 2009
Time: 01:16:24 -0500
How best you can destroy your nation India, the glaring example is indian media devoid of patriotism, all efforts to distort truth and cover the issues which only divide human beings from each other. Please read this article "Terrorism and the Indian Media" - Book Review at Now on sacahar commitee and minority appeasement this article reflects true reality of india Life has no religion but the Scholarship has – The Modern Social Studies at If you want to rule in India you should be criminal, terrorist, from wealthy class and a spoiled brat, preferably muslim and a christian. Good human beings, thinkers , nationalist strictly barred.
Name: Truth Detector
Date: Sunday April 05, 2009
Time: 01:58:30 -0500
The Muslims are backward in India? Friend, that's old hat. The Muslims are backward everywhere. The Muslims are so stupid, they want Shariah Law, so that they can stone women to death; continue Female Genital Mutilation; chop off feet, hands, and gouge out eyes of petty thieves; allow old Muslim perverts to legally kidnap little girls as young as 8 years old, force these little girls into a sham marriage, and then rape them legally. Islam isn't only backward; it is brutal, sadistic, cruel, most perverted. Stay away from Islam!!!
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: All Muslim Countries Are Backward
Date: Sunday April 05, 2009
Time: 03:11:04 -0400
There are 57 Muslim countries. All these 57 Muslim countries are THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES. If it were not for Christian and Jewish inventions and medicines, these Muslim countries would be at least FIFTH OR SIXTH WORLD COUNTRIES. What causes all this backwardness in Muslim countries? Three words: HATRED, HATRED, HATRED. The Islamic War Manuel, sometimes called the Qur'an teaches pure hatred. An example: "The unbelievers are the worst of beasts in the eyes of Allah," (Sura 8 Verse 55).
Name: all is lost world war 3 ic coming fast
Subject: all is lost world war 3 ic coming fast
Date: Monday April 06, 2009
Time: 02:20:05 -0400
all is lost world war 3 ic coming fast
Name: Amarnath
Subject: My Hell is better, I don't want Muslim Heaven
Date: Monday April 06, 2009
Time: 04:59:17 -0400
The one point which Muslims got to convert people is that if you believe in Islam you will go to heaven. I think trying to get things done by a system of rewards and punishment may always work for animals but it does not always work with humans. I try my best with my brain, body and soul to be a good member of humanity and just let the God decide where he wants to send me; I have faith in his Justice and in him. If he gives me a choice then I will prefer to go to Hell because there may be lot of suffering souls in hell, which I could comfort. If unable to comfort them, then at least I could share some of there punishment and reduce there burden. What’s the point of going to Heaven, everyone is happy there, they might need to share there wealth and leisure with me, which may make them unhappy. So I think Islam is good only for selfish and mean animals not for servants of humanity and humans with morals and virtues.
Name: vbv
Date: Monday April 06, 2009
Time: 08:02:41 -0400
Mosquitoes and vermins breed like mad, so do muslims! Their one point program in their so-called "religion" which is actually a backward ,barbaric arabian cult ,not a civilisation at all, is sex ,sex, sex, sex, sex, and more of it in the "Hereafter" for eternity.What can you expect from the followers of such a cult? You have examples in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Afghanistan, etc all languishing in ignoance, misery, and unmitigated violence! Pakistan is going to be taken over by the ,who are asserting themselves boldly. If the nuclear arsenal falls into the hands of these madcaps of islam, the consequences are very grave for the civilised world. Here is UA making a big issue of North Korea testing a longrange missile, while conveniently overlooking the fact that it is the same North Korea and China which has supplied all the knowhow and supplies of nuclear bombs and misssiles to Pakistan. Now Obama is bribing Pakistan evenmore with billions of dollars to keep Pakistani establihment happy in their "endeavours" over the war on "terrorism". Some logic ,indeed! Of course all the Billions of dollars would fill the coffers of the army, political and bureaucratic establishment in Pakistan. Nothing will perculate to the common folk in Pakistan so that the embers of hatred against India, Israel and the West are kept alive and burning . Of course "rambo" USA cannot attack Pakistan which is far bigger in size ,military strength, and population than Afghanistan or Iraq ,where they are already fighting a losing war, and have become a laughingstock (some super power,indeed: the British had better strategy and brains than these loudmouthed "rambo" americans), and are desperately wanting to exit from these countries without losing face any further! Obama is trying to be "different", but I am sorry to say he is just following the same motheaten american policy of bolstering "banana republics". It is the same wine n a new bottle!
Name: Shaheen
Subject: Islam - Facts
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 04:29:36 -0400
Facts speak louder than fiction - and Islam is still the fastest growing religion