Sachar Committee Report Uncovered Backwardness of India’s Muslims, Part 5
30 Apr, 2009
- It has been pointed out earlier that when it comes education, land holdings and employment, Muslims are well below their share of the population. But contrastingly, they have a disproportionately high representation when it comes to being in prison. In fact, in many states, Muslims even make up a higher percentage of population in jail than they do outside. “Muslim percentage of inmates in jails in states is as high as their share in population, in many states, including Gujarat, Maharastra, Jharkhand, Karnataka, it’s even higher”, says the Sachar Committee Report. Table III below shows the data forwarded to the Committee by eight states:
Table - III: The summery for the 8 states, 23.4% of prison
inmates are Muslims.
(%) Muslim Convicted &
In jail for In jail for
In jail for In jail for
population under trial
> 1 yr 1-5 yrs
> 5 yrs <1
Jhharkhand 13.8
Karnataka 12.2
Maharastra 10.6
Tamil Nadu 5.6
Experts agree that this statistic, a key finding of the Sachar Committee, has major social and political implications. Such a high figure of incarceration, experts say, means further marginalization and isolation of the community, deepening prejudice and distrust.. Though there is no break-up of the nature of crime for which these inmates have been imprisoned, sources said the total number of inmates surveyed is 102,652 and a majority of them are not for terrorism. A dozen of states with significant Muslim population shares were asked to furnish statistics on the number of Muslims in prison, convicted and under trials. West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh have not reported back to the Committee and data is available only for eight states that did.
Incidentally West Bengal, UP and Bihar rank at the bottom, when it comes to representation of Muslims in Government employment, including state public sector undertakings and the lower judiciary. But the data presented above (Table III) show that when it comes to Muslims in the prison population, Maharastra, Gujarat and Kerala are the most disproportionate.
In Maharastra, The share of Muslim in total population is 10.6%, while the Muslim share in the total prison inmates is 32.4%
When comes to those in prison for less than a year, Muslims contribute 40.6%. In Gujarat , the percentage of Muslims in the state is just 9.06%, but they make up over a quarter of all jail inmates.
Assam, the second highest Muslim populated state in the country, after J & K, has 30.9% Muslims, and here, the percentage of Muslims jail inmates is 28.1.
Even Karnataka, which did relatively better than other states in providing jobs to Muslims, shows the same trend: 17.5% of its jail inmates are Muslim as compared with 12.23% of its population.
In Delhi , where Muslims make up 11.7% of the population, they constitute 29.1% of those in jails for less than a year.
“The debate over these numbers is a complex one”, Says Prakash Singh, the former Director General of the Border Security Force (BSF). “There is unjust suspicion against the police, in cases of terror attacks or communal riots, if the police go after the perpetrators of the violence, and they happen to be mostly Muslims. You cannot, in the name of secularism, expect the police to act in proportion to their population”, Mr Singh added.
The data presented above were appeared in the October 29, 2006 edition of The Indian Express, but most surprisingly, it was seen that some of data were deleted in the final Report that was tabled in the Parliament a week later. What prompted the Committee to delete such vital data? There is no doubt that it was done at the instigation of the Congress Party led UPA government to hide the real face of the Muslims from the common people of India. These dishonest politicians, according to their policy of Muslim appeasement, are propagating the entirely wrong information regarding Islam and the Muslims day and night and say that Islam is a religion of peace and the Muslims are good and peaceful citizens of India. Or, in other words, they are trying to cover a hyena with the hide of an innocent lamb. But, as the findings of the Sachar Committee are entirely contrary to their false propaganda, they had no other alternative but to delete the data.
But even a Muslim bureaucrat has objected to this mischievous attempt of the government. Mr Wajahat Habibullah, The Chief Information Commissioner, while commenting on this aspect, said, “This data should have been included. They may have their reasons for excluding it, but to see the story of the Indian Muslims and the problems faced by the community in totality, it should have formed a part of the report.”
Many apologists, simply to hide the criminal mindset of the Muslims, have tried to link the said high incarceration rate of the Muslims to their poverty and said, “Nearly 44% of urban Muslims, compared to 28% of national average, are lying below poverty line and this wide spread poverty is responsible for their adopting criminal path for earning a living.” But the excuse is no longer tenable, because, as has been pointed earlier that a substantial portion of Hindus belonging to the OBC and SC/ST categories are victims of similar level of poverty. But they don’t have similar criminal propensity. Others say that poverty deprives the Muslims to engage good lawyers to fight their cases and hence they are imprisoned. That is also not true as in every state, there are legal cells run by the governments that provide legal help to helpless poor people free of cost.
Islam is the real culprit
Though the so called secular politicians of India , for the sake of their policy of Muslim appeasement, not dare to speak the truth, the discussions presented above points to the irrefutable truth: ISLAM IS THE CULPRIT. What would be the implications of the Sachar Committee Report, is debatable, but there is no doubt that it has uncovered the glaring truth – the entire Muslim community is bleeding under the oppression of Islam. It has unveiled the havoc Islam is causing the Muslims of India. Islam is ruining the Muslims of India, and the world community of Muslims at large, in two major ways: Firstly, it is pulling them from behind in their race for progress and prosperity and secondly, it is turning the Muslims into a community of criminals. It also substantiates the common notion that, it is Muslims who are most oppressed by Islam.
The Muslim clerics brainwash the common Muslims, most of whom are illiterates or scantly educated, that Islam is the best religion on the earth. The teach that Islam is superior to Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and all other religions and the Koran contains the most up to date massage of God. The question therefore naturally arises – despite following the best religion and the most up to date message of God, Muslims, throughout the world, are so backward in every walk of life. And moreover, why they are so inclined to criminal activities.. Not only in India , everywhere in the world, Muslims top the list of criminals. For example, in most of the Western countries, Muslims share of population is below two digit figure. But in theft, burglary, murder and rape, they are at the top of the list. We shall now delve into the matter a bit to show how Islam is forcing the Muslims to remain backward and how it turns them into criminals.
It should be mentioned here that, Islam is a package and one has to accept or believe in its entirety. One cannot say that I believe such and such portions of the Islamic theology and do not believe in the rest. A believer must have blind faith in every aspect of the creed. He must believe that, the Koran is the words of God and hence beyond any dispute. He must have the blind faith that the contents of the Koran are truth and anything else is false. He must believe that before the revelation of the Koran the entire world was inundated by the darkness of falsehood and ignorance, and through the revelation of the Koran, Allah has separated light of wisdom from the darkness of ignorance. The social laws laid down by Allah in Koran are to obeyed without any alteration and those are divine laws ordained by Allah and hence stand superior to any law formulated by human beings.
So, the Koran says,
“And unto thee have We revealed the Scripture with the truth, confirming whatever Scripture was before it, and a watcher over it. So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires away from the truth which hath come unto thee. For each We have appointed a divine law and a traced-out way. Had Allah willed He could have made you one community. But that He may try you by that which He hath given you (He hath made you as ye are). So vie one with another in good works. Unto Allah ye will all return, and He will then inform you of that wherein ye differ” (5:48).
“So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires, but beware of them lest they seduce thee from some part of that which Allah hath revealed unto thee. And if they turn away, then know that Allah's Will is to smite them for some sin of theirs. Lo! many of mankind are evil-livers” (5:49).
“Is it a judgment of the time of (pagan) ignorance that they are seeking? Who is better than Allah for judgment to a people who have certainty (in their belief)?” (5:50).
So, in the above verses of the Koran, Allah specifically orders the believers to strictly adhere to the laws He has revealed and not to follow laws proclaimed by ordinary human beings. The people who follow the laws created by human beings are evil-livers. During the days of jahelia, or darkness of ignorance, i.e. before the revelation of the Koran, pagans and ignorant people used to follow those laws.
The Islamic Voice is a Bangalore based monthly and its current, or April 2009, edition carries an article Allah’s Law and the Law of Ignorance, written by Sayyid Qutb. Perhaps the original version was in Arabic, which has been translated into English by Adil Salahi. In that article the author writes, “The central point in this verse (5:48) is that no modification of Allah’s law and no compromise with regard to its provisions is admissible for any purpose.”
The author continues, “In the second part, (of the verse (5:48)) the Prophet is warned against compromising even a portion of what has been revealed to him: “judge between them in accordance with what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their vain desire; and beware of them lest they tempt you away from any part of what Allah has revealed to you” the warning here is more precise, stricter and stronger, it also states the matter in it true nature, it is a temptation which must be resisted, the choice is either to implement Allah’s law in full, or to follow vain desires.”
“Having made it absolutely clear to all believers that nothing of the provisions of Allah’s law will compromise for any purpose and under any circumstances, the Surah puts the choices available in contrast. It is either Allah’s law or the law of ignorance: there cannot be a meeting ground between the two. Which one will they choose… the implementation of Allah’s law and following the way of life He has outlined, or the rule of ignorance and vain desires? “Do they desire to be ruled by the law of pagan ignorance? But for those who are firm in their faith, who can be a better lawgiver than Allah?” the author adds.
To establish the superiority of Allah’s law, the author writes, “For those who are firm in their faith, who can be a better lawgiver than Allah?” Indeed, who can be? Who can claim that he can give people better law than that of Allah? What argument can be given to prove his hollow claim? Can he say that he knows the nature of mankind better than their creator? Can he say that he is more compassionate and sympathetic to mankind than their Lord? Can he say that he knows their interest better than the God of mankind?”
To conclude the article, the author writes, “It is Islam or ignorance, faith or unfaith, the rule of Allah or the rule of pagan ignorance, those who choose not to judge in accordance with what Allah has revealed are disbelievers, wrongdoers and transgressors. Their subjects who do not accept Allah’s law are not believers.. This question must be absolutely clear in every Muslim’s mind, unless it is so clear; he will not be able to differentiate between truth and falsehood and will not be able to take one footstep in the right direction..”
So, it is not difficult to understand the message of the article. Any law, not ordained by Allah, is a law of ignorance and hence a Muslim must not follow such a law. Every Muslim must follow the law revealed by Allah because a man can never be a better law-giver than Allah. A Muslim, who refuse to follow the laws of Allah and follows the law of ignorance created by man, is a disbelievers, a wrongdoers and a transgressors, or simply a kafir. At the same time, no amendment, or up dating, or compromising with Allah’s law is permitted. How a mortal human being be capable of over-writing, distorting or modifying Allah’ law?
Here lies the seed of worldwide backwardness of the Muslim community. Almighty Allah has revealed His divine laws nearly 1400 years ago and every Muslim is bound to follow that rules today without any alteration or modification. Once upon a time, the Christians were also compelled to follow the rules laid down by God in the Bible, because at the end of the New Testament, God said, “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from his in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book” (Revelation, 22:18-19).
But During the period of Renaissance, the Christian world could liberate themselves from the clutch of this God’s law and the oppression of the Church at the cost of sacrifice of many noble souls. But it is highly debatable whether such a revolution will ever take place in the Islamic world, which would liberate the Muslims from the oppressive Arab religious imperialism, return their right to freedom of speech, liberty and democracy.
| Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
| Part 7
(To be continued)
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