Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Sachar Committee Report Uncovered Backwardness of India’s Muslims, Part 7

Why the Muslims are so inclined to Criminal Activities
It has been pointed out earlier that while Indian Muslims lag behind in education, employment and other walks of life, they are overrepresented in prisons. Whilst Muslims may constitute some 15 percent of the population (~13.8 percent in 2001), but they account for 23.8 percent of the prison-inmates. Therefore, the question naturally arises: Why the Muslims are so prone to criminal activity?

In response to the 5th part of this essay, a reader commented: “Muhammad was a “God Father”. His cut was 20% of the loot. Are you still wondering why so many Muslims are criminals?” Perhaps, he is correct. Each and every Muslimwhether he personally believes or nothas to admit that Muhammad was the greatest man ever appeared on earth and his behaviour is the model (usha-in-hasna) for every Muslim. But for the infidels or kafirs, almost all his deeds would appear to be extremely criminal.

It has been mentioned in an earlier article, A Critical Estimate of Muhammad by Bangladeshi Apostates, that a group of Bangladeshi apostates living in the U.K. has issued a statement explaining the reason why they have abandoned Islam. A few months ago, the said declaration was aired by the BBC. In that statement they also explained why they are not prepared to accept Muhammad a prophet. It reads,

“One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to live a saintly life. He must not be given to lust, he must not be a sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a highway robber, a war criminal, a mass murderer or an assassin. One who claims to be a messenger of God must have a superior character. He must stand above the vices of the people of his time. Yet Muhammad’s life is that of a gangster godfather. He raided merchant caravans, looted innocent people, massacred entire male populations and enslaved the women and children. He raped the women captured in war after killing their husbands and told his followers that it is okay to have sex with their captives (Quran 33:50). He assassinated those who criticized him and executed them when he came to power and became de facto despot of Arabia. Muhammad was bereft of human compassion. He was an obsessed man with his dreams of grandiosity and could not forgive those who stood in his way.”

The statement continues,

“Muhammad was a narcissist, like Hitler, Saddam or Stalin. He was astute and knew how to manipulate people, but his emotional intelligence was less evolved than that of a 6-year-old child. He simply could not feel the pain of others. He brutally massacred thousands of innocent people and pillaged their wealth. His ambitions were big and as a narcissist he honestly believed he is entitled to do as he pleased and commit all sorts of crimes and his evil deeds are justified.”

So, in the above statement, the apostates of Bangladesh have claimed that Muhammad was a (1) gangster godfather, (2) highway robber, who looted trade caravans, (3) mass murderer, who slaughtered the entire male population of Beni Koraiza and enslaved their women and childrem, (4) rapist, who raped Zayeria, Rihana, Safiya and other women captured as booty in jihad, (5) assassin, who assassinated the poetess Ashma and poets Abu-Afaq and Kaab-bin-Ashraf., (6) a pedophile, who married six-year-old Ayesha at the age of 52. According to Ibn Ishaq, the most authentic biographer of Muhammad, he wanted to marry even a crawling baby girl Ummu’l–Fadl.

Most importantly, Muhammad was a sexual pervert having insatiable lust for sex and married 22 wives in his declining years. After the death of his first wife (1) Khadija, he married (22) Sauda and after migrating to Medina, he successively married (3) Aisha, (4) Hafsa bint Omar, (5) Zeinab bint Khozaima, (6) Umme Salama, (7) Zeinab bint Ash, (8) Zaeria bint Habis, (9) Umme Habiba, (10) Safia bint Hujaya, (11) Maimuna bint Habis, (12) Maria, the Coptic slave-girl, (13) Sana bt. Asma, (14) al-Shama bt. Amr al-Ghifariyaah, (15) Ghaziyyah bt. Jabir or Umm Sharik, (16) Amrah bt. Yazid or Umm Sharik Osme, (17) Asma bt. Al-Numan, (18) Al-Aliyaah bt. Zabyan, (19) Qutaylah bt. Qays, (20) Fatimah bt. Shurayh (Sara), (21) Kawlah bt. Hudhayl and (22) Layla bt. Al-Khatim. So, the Bangladesh apostates are correct in painting Muhammad as a lustful and sexually pervert person and not a man of superior character as expected of a prophet. So, it is not difficult to understand that where a common Muslim would end up by honestly following the life and deeds of his holy Prophet as usha-in-hasna. Can it be anything other than a prison?

Islam Itself is a Criminal Ideology

The March 2009 edition of the Islamic Voice, a Bangalore based monthly, carries an article, All are equal before Allah's Law, by Sayyid Qutb, where the author claims that all human beings are equal before the law of Allah. One, having even a bit of knowledge about Islam, would reject the above claim of the author Sayyid Qutb as blatant lies. In fact, Islam divides the entire humanity into two groups: those, who believe in Allah’s Koran and the prophethood of Muhammad, are pious Muslims or Momens; and those, who do not, belong to the most despicable species, called infidels or kafirs. In the words of Allah, the kafirs are the worst beast; He instructs Muslims to mount any kind of torture and atrocities on them, kill them, burn them and their houses, take their women and children as captives and rape their women and so on. So, it becomes evident that, Muslims and kafirs can never be equal before the law of Allah.

In this regard, the Koran says:

“We have created, for hell, many genii (races) of men, ….and they are like brute beasts” (7.179);

“Verily, those who disbelieve our signs, we will surely cast them to be broiled in the hell-fire, so often as their skins shall be well burnt, We will give them new skins in exchange, so that they may taste the sharper torment” (4.56);

“Whosoever followeth any religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him in this life, and in the next life he shall be of those who perish” (3.85);

“I will cast a dread into the hearts of the unbelievers” (8.12);

“Therefore cut off their heads, and strike off all the ends of the fingers. This shall they suffer because they have opposed Allah and His Prophet, and whosoever shall oppose Allah and His Prophet, verily Allah will be severe in punishing them” (8.13);

“moreover, as for the non-believers, I will punish them with grievous punishments in this world, and in the world is to come” (3.56);

“Allah loves not the unbelievers” (3.57);

“they shall suffer a grievous punishment” (3.77).

So, it becomes evident that, Muslims and kafirs can never be equal before the law of Allah. As a matter of fact, Islam is a doctrine of intense hatred of non-Muslims. Allah Himself hates the non-believers and incites His followers to do the same, mounting any kind of oppression of them. Allah has commanded to strike terror in the hearts of the kafirs; and to comply with the order, the followers of Allah can cut kafirs into pieces, rape their women in front of their kins, and smash the skulls of kafir children on stones. Allah incites Muslims to do these crimes against the kafirs with the promise that, on the Day of  Judgment (Qiyamah), he will pardon their every misdeed and crime for the merit of following Allah’s religion. In the eye of Allah, crimes committed by the Muslims upon the kafirs are good deeds; He promises Paradise them as a reward for that.

Allah has ordained the doctrine of jihad or holy war against the kafirs, proclaimed as the best form of worship. English authors generally translate jihad as ‘holy war’ or ‘righteous war’. But jihad is neither holy nor righteous. In plain words, jihad stands for indiscriminate killing of kafirs, plundering their wealth, occupying their land and other properties and other valuables by swords, fire and rape. In other words, committing crimes against the kafirs is a part of jihad. In fact, Islam as a creed has nothing to do with spiritualism; its  central aim is to create an empire throughout the world. Hence, it puts greatest virtue in its military component, name jihad or fighting against the kafirs with the ultimate motive of subjugating and eliminating the kafirs. Allah has proclaimed that whatever wealth and riches that exist on the earth belong to Allah and His Messenger, and inspires His followers to wage war against the kafirs, the unlawful occupiers of those wealth and riches, to bring them to the possession of their legal owners, namely Muslims. So, for a Muslim, engaging in jihad against the kafirs is the highest virtue.

So the Koran says,

“Fighting against the kafirs is beyond one’s personal likings and dislikings as Allah has commanded to fight the pagans and all those who ascribe partners (shirk) with Allah” (2.216).

“That you believe in Allah and His Messenger and that you strive hard and fight in the cause of Allah with your wealth and lives” (61.11).

“Jihad is better for you than your sitting back at home and if you do so, He will forgive you your sins, your foulest deeds and admit you into the gardens of eternity (paradise)” (61.12).

To inspire Muslims to taking up jihad, the Koran continues,

“There is nothing in the sight of Allah which may be equated to jihad.” (9.19) and “No equal are those believers who sit at home (except those who are old and disabled) and those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and lives in the cause of Allah” (4.95).

“That is because they (who sit back at home) suffer neither thirst, nor fatigue, nor hunger in the cause of Allah. …Nor they raise the anger of the disbelievers or inflict any injury (killing, robbing or taking captive) upon enemy” (9.20).

“Anyone whose feet get covered with dust in Allah’s cause will be forbidden from the hell-fire” (Bukhari : 4.66).

Allah rebukes those who sit back at home on account of their cowardice, and threatens them with cruel punishments as the Koran says: “If you march not forth (for jihad), I will punish you with painful torment and will replace you with other people” (9..39).

All classical scholars of Islam unanimously agree that jihad is the highest virtue in Islam; it is superior to prayer (namaj), fasting (roja) and even pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj). It includes all kinds of worships, both hidden and open. It includes great love for Allah and it shows one’s sincerity to Him and one’s trust in Him. In fact, jihad is a very wide gate and there is no deed, more rewarding and blissful that this. Therefore, it is the best thing a Muslim should volunteer for.

Allah incites His followers to participate in jihad with the allurement of booty and sex with the kafir women in this world and all sorts of sensual pleasures and comfort in the next. So the Koran says, “Allah promises to such of you who believe and do good work (jihad), that He will cause them to succeed the non-believers in the earth. …He will establish for them their religion. …And will change their fear into security” (24.55), and “My servants the righteous shall inherit the earth” (21.105) as “They are the best”. (3.110).

From the above discussions it becomes evident that Islam is an antihuman political ideology based on a savage and murderous creed that inspires criminal activities. The doctrine of jihad, which Islam projects as its highest virtue, is nothing but incitement to violence, oppression and crimes against the kafirs. Muslims, especially the pious, are often indoctrinated with this hateful ideology through khutaba (prayer sermons) in mosques, often after the Friday prayer.

It can, therefore, be said without doubt that, Islam and its divine revelations constitute a cult that would turn its true followers criminally inclined. So, it is easy to understand why the Muslims around the world have a criminal mindset and over-represent the prison-inmate population not only in India, but in European countries and elsewhere.

| Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5  |  Part 6  |  Part 7 |

---- Concluded -----

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