Sachar Committee Report Uncovered Backwardness of India’s Muslims, Part 1
24 Mar, 2009
The Backwardness of the Muslims is Ubiquitous:
To brainwash the Muslims, the mullahs always say to them that in the
entire world, only the contents of the Koran is the pure words of
God and the Muslims are lucky to possess the most up to date message
of God. But the question remains – Why the Muslims, despite having
the pure as well as the latest message of God, are so backward? When
my article “Influence of Prophet Muhammad and the Quran on Incest in
Muslim Societies” appeared in on 15 Feb, 2009, a
reader raised this issue and commented, “If islam is so good , then
why Muslims are so bad? Why Muslim countries are so backward and
ignorant? Why they spawn, terrorists, pirates, criminals of all
hues? Why is Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan ,Iran, Iraq, Palestine,
Nigeria, Bangladesh, Libya, Ethiopia, Egypt, Syria, etc so backward,
violence-prone, oppressive, regressive , devoid of human values,
lack of democracy or human rights? Surely these are countries with
Muslims, not kafirs?”
“Muslims always are good at pointing fingers at others for all their
failures and backwardness, and they are good at only one thing:
lying through their teeth unabashedly! You have this so-called;
Peace TV, founded by one moron Zakir Naik who drums away tirelessly
that "Islam is the solution for all Humanity". That's a big lie.
These people are far from solving their own problems but blaming the
'kaffirs' for all their ills, backwardness and ignorance that they
have the temerity and arrogance to talk about "solutions for all
Humanity." If Islam is eradicated most of the problems of this world
will automatically be solved and peace and sanity will be achieved,”
he added.
Reader may recall that I have discussed the topic quite elaborately
in an earlier article “Muslims: Shackled People Enslaved by the
Koran (
In that article, I have also pointed out that to obtain a plausible
reply to these questions a study by a committee of consisting of
Arab intellectuals and scholars was appointed by the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) in 2001, and the committee, led by
Egyptian scholar Nader Fergani, carried out a year-long
investigation and thorough analysis of the reasons of backwardness
of the Arab world. The findings of the study, entitled “Arab Human
Development Report 2002”, was published in the first week of July,
2002. Most of the authors concluded that, Islam was the ultimate
To estimate the performance of a country, the UN, for the past 10 or
so years, is using the ‘Human Development Index’ (HDI) that includes
life expectancy at birth, adult literacy rate, school enrolment as
well as per capita income. Another index called ‘Alternative Human
Development Index’ (AHDI) is also used that drops the per capita
income from HDI, but includes additional factors like freedom of
speech and similar fundamental rights enjoyed by the people, use of
Internet, emissions of carbon dioxide and so on. In both indices,
the Arab countries scored lower than almost all other countries in
the world. Most of the authors of the said report commented that
lack of personal freedom, freedom of speech, suppression of women
were the major causes of the backwardness of the Muslims. In a
nutshell, pervasive Islamization of the society has played havoc and
is entirely responsible for stifling constructive Arab thought and
progress. Though the above study was restricted within the Arab
World, its conclusions are applicable to the Muslim community
throughout the entire globe.
There are two main reasons that make the Muslims backward. Firstly,
the Muslim community is being guided by the social laws ordained by
Allah, through the Koran, nearly 1400 years ago. Meanwhile, the
human society has immensely advanced during that period, but the
Muslims discard all these advancements because all these
advancements are based on laws, which are not divine but created by
human beings, and hence inferior and unacceptable. So, it can be
said that, though the Muslims are physically living in this modern
world, mentally they are living in a world that existed 1400 years
Secondly, the Koranic law that guided the Muslims, cannot be up
dated. According to the Kalema Tamjid, the fourth Kalema of Islam,
Muhammad was the foremost of all the Prophets Allah has so far sent
to educate the people of this planet and, at the same time, he was
the ultimate Prophet. It is not difficult to comprehend that, even
if Allah wants to amend His laws, once He had ordained through the
Koran, He will not be able to accomplish His mission for want of
Prophets. This aspect of the Islamic doctrine invariably exposes
that its God or Allah is horribly running short of wisdom and common
sense. Even the kafirs preserve the right to up date their laws
through amendment of their Constitutions, but Allah failed to
foresee that such amendments of the Koranic laws might be necessary
in future. Therefore, it is needless to say that Allah exposed His
unlimited idiocy by His decision of not sending Prophets after
The Muslims of India are not outside the domain of Allah and His
Koran. So it is natural that they would also be similar victims of
Islamic backwardness. The Sachar Committee Report has unveiled the
sad story of extreme backwardness among the Muslims of India.
The Indian Scenario:
After the present United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government,
under the leadership of the Indian National Congress Party, came
into power, the Prime Minister Mr Manmohan Singh appointed a high
level committee on March 9, 2005, under the chairmanship of retired
Supreme Court Judge Justice Rajinder Sachar, for preparation of a
report on the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim
community of India. Thie committee, commonly called the Sachar
Committee, was comprised of seven members including four Muslims.
Headed by Justice Rajinder Sachar, the other members were: Sayyid
Hamid, Dr.T.K. Ooman, M.A. Basith, Dr.Akhtar Majeed, Dr.Abu Saleh
Shariff and Dr.Rakesh Basant. Dr.Syed Zafar Mahmood was the civil
servant appointed by the PM as Officer on Special Duty to the
The committee prepared a 403-page report that was tabled in
Parliament on 30 November 2006 - 20 months after obtaining the terms
of reference from the PMO. It has come-up with this report with
suggestions and solutions to include and mainstream Indian Muslims.
It is the first of its kind report and it suggests adoption of
suitable mechanisms to ensure equity and equality of opportunity to
Muslims in residential, work and educational spaces. According to
Sachar Committee Report the status of Indian Muslims are below the
conditions of Scheduled Castes and Tribes.
Quite a lot of discussions and debates are going on the Sachar
Committee Report.. Follow-up actions are also being taken based on
the recommendations of the Committee. P. Chidambaram, the then
Finance Minister has launched a program for funding the Muslims
under the name of National Minorities Development and Finance
Corporation (NMDFC).
Demographic Pattern of India’s Muslims:
According to an estimate by the UN in 2008, nearly1627.61 million
Muslims live in this planet. At the beginning of the twentieth
century, the Muslim population in the undivided India was close to
30 million and grew rather slowly up to 1921 and later moderately,
as did the overall population. Partition led to large-scale
migration, and in 1961, well after the major Partition-linked
migration had ended, India's
Muslim population was enumerated at 47 million, about 10% of the
total population of 439 million. The latest census, conducted in
2001, enumerated 138 million Muslims out of India's total population
of 1029 million. And, many believe, by 2006 it might have crossed
150 million. This amounts to an increase of 194%, just short of
trebling, and much higher than the average increase of 134%. The
Muslim population growth has been close to 30% in each of the four
intercensal decades since 1961, with the latest decade showing a
fall to a level just below 30%.
According to the Census Reports of 1981 and 1991, Muslim population,
during 1991-2001 and 1981-1991, had increased by 21.5% and 23.9%
respectively. While, for the majority Hindus, the population
registered a fall from 32.9% to 29.5% during 1981 and 1991, and
22.7% to 19.9% during 1991 and 2001. Thus the annual growth rate of
the Muslims has averaged 2.7% over the period 1961-2001, well above
the national average of 2.1%. Hindus and Christians show marginally
lower growth, 2.0 percent, Jains even lower, 1.8 percent, and Sikhs
and Buddhists,
marginally higher, 2.2 percent.
So, according to the census report of 2001, Islam is India's largest
minority religion, with Muslims officially constituting 13.4% of the
country's population. However, unofficial estimates claim a far
higher figure supposedly discounted in censuses. For instance, in an
interview with a well circulated news paper of India The Hindu,
Justice K.M. Yusuf, a retired Judge from Calcutta High Court and
Chairman of West Bengal Minority Commission, has said that the real
percentage of Muslims in India is at least 20%.
The largest concentrations-about 47% of all Muslims in India,
according to the 2001 census--live in the 3 states of Uttar Pradesh
(30.7 million,18.5%), West Bengal (20.2 million, 25%), and Bihar
(13.7 million,16.5%). Muslims represent a majority of the local
population only in Jammu and Kashmir (67% in 2001) and Lakshadweep
(95%). High concentrations of Muslims are found in the eastern
states of Assam (31%) and West Bengal (25%), and in the southern
states of Kerala (24.7%) and Karnataka (12.2%). Muslims are
generally more educated, urban, integrated and prosperous in the
Western and Southern states of India than in the Northern and
Eastern ones; and experts believe that this could be due to
partition, when the more affluent and educated population migrated
over the border, to Pakistan in the North and Bangladesh (then East
Pakistan) in the East. India has the third largest Muslim population
(after Indonesia and Pakistan) and also the second largest Shia
Muslim population (after Iran) in the world.
Variation of Muslims across the Districts
Large variations were seen in the size of the Muslim population
among districts. In 25 districts, the Muslim population exceeded one
million each in the 2001 census. The largest was Murshidabad (3.7
million) followed by Malappuram, South Twenty-Four Paraganas, and
North Twenty-Four Paraganas. Of the million plus Muslim population
districts, ten are in West Bengal, five in Uttar Pradesh, three in
and Kashmir, and seven in other states. Besides, in 51 districts the
Muslim population is between half to one million. Thus, 76 districts
have at least half a million Muslims each and just over half of
India's Muslim population, 71 million out of 138 million, resides in
one of these districts.
At the other end, there are 106 districts with very small Muslim
populations of below 10,000. Of the 593 districts of India in 2001,
only 9 could be considered predominantly Muslim, that is, with an
over 75% Muslim population; these included Lakshadweep and eight
districts from Jammu and Kashmir. In addition, Muslims constituted
50 to 75% of the population in 11 districts (six from Assam, two
from Jammu and Kashmir, and one each from Kerala, Bihar, and West
Bengal).Thus, only 20 districts had a Muslim majority. About 13% of
India's Muslims (just over 18 million) resided in these districts.
Thirty-eight districts had a substantial, though not majority,
Muslim population of over 25% but below 50%. These were distributed
in a number of states, Uttar Pradesh (12), West Bengal (5), Kerala
(5), Assam (4), Bihar (3), Jharkhand (2), Delhi (2), and one each in
Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttaranchal, and
Pondicherry; they accounted for 22% of India's Muslim population.
In a large number of districts (182) the Muslim share was between 10
and 25%, not large but not insignificant either; these districts
accounted for almost half of India's Muslim population (65 million
out of 138 million, that is, 47%). At the other end, 77 districts
had a very small Muslim share, less than 1%.
| Part 1
| Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
| Part 5
| Part 6
| Part 7
(To be continued)
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Name: duh_swami
Subject: Retardation-sickness Islams ultimate fate.
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 08:33:50 -0500
Rapid population explosions due to indiscriminant breeding weakens the genetic strain, and allows for the introduction of physical and mental pathologies...Hemophilia, other blood diseases, severe vitamin D deficiencies, and other malady's are overtaking the 'Religion of Peace', and causing it to compost from the inside out...If Islam continues to breed at an alarming rate, eventually it will be an Ummah of sick and mentally stupid, retarded people...Some people think Islam is at that stage already...But don't worry, if Islam is not stopped for other reasons, it will get to the decrepid stage soon enough...
Name: think about it
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 08:53:17 -0500
the muslims breeding like rats
Name: ChrisLA
Subject: Lost in the Sacred
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 09:39:46 -0500
Building on Dr. Brahmachari's thesis is a new book, translated from German, "Lost in the Sacred: Why the Muslim World Stood Still," by Professor of Modern History, Dan Diner. While Diner focuses more on the problems in the Middle East, he concludes, "Ultimately, the development and broadening of knowledge requires that the individual be given room to maneuver -- the blessings of personal freedom." Sadly, there is no Arabic word for "freedom" in the Western sense -- only the absence of slavery.
Name: hindus have more than 1-2 kids and kill katwas whereever u find them
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 09:42:23 -0500
hindus have more than 1-2 kids and kill katwas wherever u find them else yr days in kafiristan r numberd as in kashmir.
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Other Reasons Why Muslims Are Backward
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 12:08:50 -0500
Yes, Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari, I agree that Islam is the reason that Muslims cannot become a civilized society. But what is the root cause that restrains Islam from becoming a civilized society? The answer is: HATRED, HATRED, AND MORE HATRED. Look at Islam's Allah! Who is Allah? Islam's Allah can be no other but Satan or Satan/Allah. Islam's Satan/Allah is the god of wickedness, that teaches wickedness to Muslims, who make good students. Allah/Satan is also the god of brutality, the god of ruthlessness, the god that allows Muslim husbands to beat their wives with impunity. Allah/Satan teaches HATRED to Muslims who make good students. Allah/Satan is the god of Muslim Female Genital Mutilation, the god of Muslim deception, the god of stoning Islamic women to death, the god of Muslim suicide bombers, the god of Muslim cruelty, the god of Islamists who cut off limbs and gouges out eyes of Muslim petty thieves for minor crimes. The Muslims' Satan/Allah is also the god of Muslim sadism, the god of Muslim torture, the god of Muslim polygamy, the god of Muslim legalized adultery, the god of Muslim legalized prostitution, the god of legalized Muslim brothels, the god of old Muslim pig pervert scumbags who legally kidnap little girls as young as eight years old, then go through sham marriages, without the little girls' permission, and then rape these children with impunity. Satan/Allah is also the god of Muslim violence, the god that tells evil Muslims that apostates must be murdered, the god that teaches Muslims that all infidels must be murdered unless the "infidels" pay the unjust "Jizya tax." Satan/Allah is the god that teaches Muslims that crucifixion is allowed, the god that teaches Muslims that they must aggressively fight "infidels" perpetually. Satan/Allah is the Muslims' god that allows Muslims to lie with impunity if it advances the wickedness of Islam and their wicked "religion." Satan/Allah is the god of Muslim liars, the god of Muslim selfishness, the god of Muslim untimely deaths and destruction, the god of Muslim honor killings, the god that allows Muslims to keep slaves. The Muslims' Satan/Allah teaches Muslims that they have the right to the property of the "infidels," and the right to rape "infidel" women. The Muslims' Satan/Allah teaches Muslims, who make good students, that they may make perpetual Jihad against all "infidels," especially Christian and Jews. The Muslim god, Satan/Allah, teaches Muslim queers that they will have 28 little queers, with pearly eyes and all that other pig sh*t, waiting for them in a Muslim paradise if they die when killing infidels. Satan/Allah also teaches depraved Muslim sex maniacs that they'll have 72 hot virgins waiting for them if they die as martyrs. Satan/Allah allows evil Muslims to call Jews "apes and pigs." Satan/Allah is the author of The Islamic War Manual, sometimes called the Qur'an. Satan/Allah also teaches Muslim sex maniacs that they may have sex with infants so long as the Muslim pig pervert scumbag does not penetrate. How thoughtful and kindness of the Muslim scum bags. The Muslims' Satan/Allah is also the god that relegates Muslim women to second class status or worse. The Muslim god Satan/Allah condemns nearly all women to hell, the god that forces women to wear ugly Muslim rags from head to toes, the god that teaches that Muslim pig perverts may have prostitutes besides their own wives, the god of Muslim injustice, the god of Muslim avarice. The Muslims' god, Satan/Allah, teaches that "Muslims are the best of people." The Muslims' god, Satan/Allah is the god of unjustifiable pride, the god of lust, the god of hypocrisy, the god of blatant Muslim hypocrites, the god of Muslim whoremongers, the god that teaches that Muslim male chauvinists are more intelligent than women. Satan/Allah is the god of the pedophile, child molester, false prophet Muhammad, the god of 72 contradictory and belligerent Muslim sects. Despite all the aberrations, "ISLAM IS THE TRUE RELIGION AND THE RELIGION OF PEACE." What a cruel joke and a very big lie. ISLAM, SHAME, SHAME ON YOU. SHAME ON YOU ISLAM AND ALL OF YOUR HATRED, HATRED, AND MORE HATRED.
Name: to author
Subject: lack of science
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 14:38:56 -0500
dear author you name yourself a doctor in fact you are anything but doctor haha ha
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Islamic Achievements
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 15:20:29 -0500
Highest illiterate rates, lowest IQ, lowest human developement index, highest inbreeding rates, lowest industrial output, lowest education levels, no hope, no future.
Name: pragmatic
Subject: easy solution to a ridiculous problem
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 20:19:08 -0500
Stop these statistics and castrate the islamists.
Name: jenn
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 00:14:46 -0500
Prophet Mohammad they say used to be a pimp and a thug before embarking on the job of been a prophet. LOL
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 08:49:50 -0500
Name: selvi
Subject: The Hindu is chemcha of islamists
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 10:34:01 -0500
The Hindu is chemcha of islamists and communists.THis anti national paper is pamplete of muslims
Name: Archpagan
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 11:55:40 -0500
I agree the "Hindu" should rename itself as the Jaichandi Hindu.
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 19:52:04 -0500
Moses is not a prophet lor. Only liars maslin said he was.
Name: Hit
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 20:26:01 -0500
1st. prophet Samuel last prophet John the Baptist. GOD did not sent any prophet after Jesus.
Name: Hit
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 20:37:01 -0500
After Jesus, God Jesus sent Comforter or Holy Spirit or Spirit of GOD which is much much much better. Comforter is GOD better than human being. Only Chirstian can receive it because Chirstians worshipping Jesus as GOD.
Name: Hit
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 20:50:12 -0500
After Jesus all those said he was prophet is false prophet. What happened to Prophet Balam of God? He did bad things. We want GOD as Prophet not human Being. We want GOD only. Human beings can tell lies, can do great evil things. Satan can deceive Adam very easily. Satan can deceive human prophet very easily. Just give human prophet a gal his pant drop down very quick.
Name: Hit
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 21:38:03 -0500
During OT GOD sent several prophets to children of Israel. God own people, children of Israel cannot obey him and his prophets. After King Solomon, this stupid king who has so many wives turn away from God to idol his kingdom begin to break away. Later kingdom of Israel n Judah was conquered by Assyrian, Persian, Grecian, Roman. For NT if God send human prophets again, God must be foolish. Therefore all human prophet after Jesus must be false prophet. Do not believe human prophet it came from satan. It blaspheme against God by saying human prophet is prophet of God.
Name: Hit
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 21:42:50 -0500
If Jesus did not sent Holy Spirit to Chirstians, Chritians will not believe Jesus is God. Those who did not receive Holy Spirit will never believe Jesus is GOD.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 01:17:27 -0500
Muslims breed like rats,vermins ,bacteria... all for one purpose: to reduce the kaffirs to a minority, and then decimate them or convert them to the mad backward cult of islam so that islam rules the world! Then what happens? Will there be peace? Will there be economic progress? Will there be advancement of Knowledge? Absolutely NO! Why? Because the mad mullahs would have reduced everyone to be the lackeys and slaves of the arabs and there is no need to look beyond the filthy books of Quran and the Sunnah! That's the ultimate objective. Women will be used and thrown like commodities, there will be slavery of the remaining 'kaffirs' or neo-converts. There will be an accelerated extinction of human species. And this is what 'islam' augers for the humanity! That is islam the most backward, criminal and mafia cult in the garb of "religion" ,but totally lacking in spirituality and humane values!
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 01:48:21 -0500
The world is in a state of economic recession, and muslims are full of glee ,clasping their brawny,bloodsoaked palms with rapture and proclaiming that now is the time for islam to take over and show that interest based financing is "haram" and introduce the halal way of islamic financing! Well, if that were so ,why don't they succeed with that bullshit in their own countries? They cannot design or manufacture a cycle, motorcycle or a radio or even a pin with the bullshit of Quran or Hadiths, I wonder what are they babbling about like a bunch or idiots,morons imbeciles? These moronic idiots are the most perverted rascals you can ever come accross. In the 'Peace TV' for instance ,apart from that ignoramus Zakir Naik, I was hearing "Dr." Israar Ahmed proclaiming that the whole world should come under one muslim "Ummah", meaning that there should be no barriers of language or culture or political boundaries! Meaning, everyone should become subservient to Saudi Arabia. First let us see if arab speaking muslims themselves can form one "ummah" covering the middle east and North Africa. They cannot. They will be bloodshed and unmitigated wars that these morons will have with each one claiming to be more islamic than the other. There will be total destruction, suffering of common folks and anarchy in the name of that criminal cult 'islam'. And this is the solution for humanity that "PeaceTV" wants to bring about with morons like Zakir Naik,Israar Ahmed and their ilk who are in the pay of Saudi Arabia. This 'islamic utopia' is the ultimate disaster for humanity!
Name: Kmgy
Subject: The Backwardness of Islamic Countries
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 05:00:39 -0500
The absence of critical thinking is the reason Muslim countries are not progressive. Muslims sincerely believe all truths are contained in the Koran and there is no need to investigate or ask questions because doing so will lead to doubting one's faith. The other reason is almost half of the population (the womenfolk) are reduced to a slave-like state and deprived of education thus restraining their creative contribution to society.
Name: Archpagan to vbv
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 22:20:05 -0500
Christianity and Islam are all the same. Both are imperialism in the garb of religion.A true religion does not need missionaries to spread.
Name: vbv
Subject: To Arch Pagan
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 03:17:39 -0500
I entirely agree with you. I have had first-hand experience with christian padres and nuns who ,by birth are Indians but in sentiments and attitude are inclined towars their european and american peers, look down upon Indian culture and heritage.They are a disgrace to humanity. They worship white skin.They spread misinformation about Indian culture. They accost innocent ,gullible and poor people and at first cajole and coax them into accepting christianity with a"promise of Heaven in the Hereafter" , ofcourse with a little bit of money from the socalled "charities" from foreign sources meant for 'conversion' and when the natives had enough of this fraud and want to go back to their original habits they are met with threats and violence through hired goons. If christian missioneries could do this in the 21st. century in a modern and civilsed world ,I cannot imagine what they would have been upto in the 19th century and earlier. That's why I always say that they are two sides of the same coin, only that islam is brutal and barbaric .
Name: Kmgy
Subject: To People Blinded by Misconception
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 04:17:48 -0500
John 8:32, " will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
Name: To kmgy
Subject: In response to John:8:32
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 04:30:54 -0500
We know the truth that's why we are dumping the biblical bullshits in the garbage!
Name: Kmgy
Subject: False Prophets Out To Deceive
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 04:43:30 -0500
Matthew 7:15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 “You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? 17 “So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 “A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. 19 “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 “So then, you will know them by their fruits.
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 05:01:38 -0500
Good tree and bad tree ? That's the most ludicruous satement ever. Now you can say that tree can be sinners , pagans,heathens,..........Hahahahahahahahahaha! Talk about 'scriptures' you come across such absurdities and bullshit tales like 'Agels, Devils, God,....' What else can come out of a sick and diseased mind?
Name: Kmgy
Subject: Bring them to Court
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 05:03:58 -0500
--"...when the natives had enough of this fraud and want to go back to their original habits they are met with threats and violence through hired goons"--Threat or violence through hired goons is not the way of the TRUE Christians. Victims of so called "Christian" violence or threat of violence or intimidation must file a complaint or lawsuit to the court of law and bring the perpetrators to justice unless this is just an unfounded allegation for a malicious purpose.
Name: Kmgy
Subject: A Clarification
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 05:18:44 -0500
Matthew 7:15-20 did not come from a sick and diseased mind. Generally speaking good people will do good deeds and bad people will do evil acts. Bad tree does not mean heathen or pagan but EVIL people whether Christian or not. Good tree means GOOD people. There are BAD Christians just as there are GOOD Muslims. A person can be a Christian, Muslim, or pagan but in the end his DEEDS will determine his character. It is one thing to SAY and another thing to DO.
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 05:24:51 -0500
In India it has become a habit by politicians and the powers that be to appease the so-called 'minorities' to garner their votes. These cowardly missioneries will never venture near a muslim knowing the backlash they would face and bad publicity in the bargain. But with hindus , the target is soft ,thanks to the unscrupulous politicians , bureaucrats and the local mafia who get their money from them. Under such circumstances , if anyone reacts violently they are branded "communal". No wonder hindus generally have taken a dislike against these missioneries, evangelists, seventh day adventists, Jehova tower watchers, etc. who are nothing but frauds out to destroy indegenous cultures and spread canard about hinduism.
Name: vbv
Subject: To kmgy
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 05:35:47 -0500
I would like to recount another instance of christian fraud. In the late 1998 or early 1999, we used to have many of these evangelists knocking at our doors and proselytising. I had a few of these frauds at my door claiming that the year 2000 would be the year of second coming of Jesus as the 'world would come to an end',hence to absolve ourselves of all the "sins" and ascend 'Heaven' with Jesus on the Day of Judgement (which was supposed to be the year 2000) ,we should abandon our 'pagan' faiths and 'become christians'. Now a decade has passed and no "judgement day" has come about. What do you say to this? Ofcourse I rejected that 'indecent proposal' then ,knowing them to be either frauds or pranksters.Is this the way of "christianity" to use opportunities to convert people by such fraudulent means??
Name: Kmgy
Subject: To vbv
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 10:41:41 -0500
I understand your sentiment regarding this so-called nuisance "evangelists" knocking on your door and proselyting. That is precisely what Jesus said when He warned of wolves (bad people) in sheep's clothing (disguised as good people) to deceive the unwary. Many will come in His name to DECEIVE. The apostles were commissioned by Jesus to PREACH or SPREAD the GOOD NEWS (the Coming Wold Government under Jesus) to ALL NATIONS. They are NOT commissioned to subjugate or destroy other cultures but to give them the opportunity to HEAR the GOSPEL. It is entirely up to the hearer to receive or reject the GOOD NEWS.
Name: jenn
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 19:19:43 -0500
islam and Hinduism both are 2 illnesses and its time we find a cure for both
Name: the_atheist
Subject: to jenn
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 23:15:46 -0500
atleast hinduism can be cured they dont go around saying that their religion is the only right one and forcefully convert everyone
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Friday March 27, 2009
Time: 04:20:54 -0500
The main reason most Muslims are backward is that they revere an illiterate ignoramus from the barren deserts of Arabia, who then went on to claim that the voices he heard in his delusional, split-personality mind were from his imaginary friends Allah and Gabriel. People who believe such fairy-tales will never be able to progress and will try to bring us all down to their low level.
Name: Surender
Date: Saturday April 04, 2009
Time: 09:49:37 -0500
Naik should go to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan .He will be treated promptly there.He should thank India and Indians that he is free to speak what he wants to .He must relish umma but out side non christian and non hindu ,non budhist world and see the reality for him self.Just try living in Saudi Arabia ,that will give him true revealation. The reason for muslim backwardness is bias against them the world over.They must look inwards why whole world dislikes them.There are reasons for that and it is for you to find out.The other reason for their backwardness is influence and ill direction given by false and selfish community leaders,lack of education and above all large number of family members who just sit at home and donot work and lots of children who are deprived of love and food and hence would be eternally discriminated like their downtrodden Hindu brethern ,who are worse than them in economic status.If you want upliftment be accomodative in thoughts.In India Hindus have to improve their conduct and must accept muslims like their true brothers,should not despise them.They must sit down together ,work together,destroy evil caste system and must have loving,unbiased relationship.Poor and helpless human beings Hindus and Muslims alike be treated as human beings and not as a commodity.India requires a benevolent united leader who will be a father figure to all who rules with justice,love impartially and by truthful conduct.Yet another cause of backwardness of Hindus and Muslims is inefficient bureaucracy and biased undeserving political leadership.God will give India a very very very good leader in future to come when the sufferings of all poor people will evaporate and come to an end.
Name: zenner
Subject: to jen
Date: Sunday April 05, 2009
Time: 21:51:47 -0400
neither a hnidu nor a muslim..I have studied religions for 30 comnpare a bankrupt ideology like islam to hinduism is not fair.. I invite you read some of the vedas..particularly rig may be suprised...what the followes (the hindus) have done to that rekgion is absolutely revolting. the same applies to christ's teachings his followers have turned it into a disney style mickey mouse...islam though is different...the more you follow it to the letter the mor of an animal you become,no other relgions have so may relgion based terrorist groups I can name at least a dozen..thriving in all muslim countries.. including so called democratic Turkey ..which is even worse than most. remmeber the aremenia/greek genocide of 2.5 million christians in the name of islam by kamal ataturk.greatest genocide in the name of religion in modern history barring the holocaut which was more racial than religious.
Name: Vp
Subject: People are stupid
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 22:12:13 -0400
When non Muslims like Jenn who join Islam and then leave are screwed up in the head in the first place. Her demented facts are testament to that. After all once she left Islam, she has already been damaged by the Islamic cult, and that psychosis will always remain there until she dies. Good riddance.