The month of Ramadan fasting for Muslims – An occasion for savoring varieties of delicious food than remember Allah:
Until the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US by Muslim extremists, non-Muslims around the world used to think Islam as a peaceful religion like any other – still many do although many non-Muslims and even Muslims have changed their mind since. Yet, Muslims have been committing such crimes around the world from the founding days of Islam under Prophet Muhammad to the present day. The explosion of heinous crimes and barbarisms that Muslim extremists have perpetrated against non-Muslims in recent years are awakening people about the dangers of Islam and are starting to see Muslims in increasingly suspicious light. They have been starting to study Islam's sacred texts and historical literature, and exposing the massive cruelties and barbarisms hidden in those documents. The majority Muslims, both the non-practicing moderates and the radicals, instead of looking into their scriptures, charge this critical scrutiny of Islam by non-Muslims as evil Islamophobia.
It is unfair, even Islamophobia, if a non-Muslim makes a comment on the subject of excessive wastage of food by Muslims in the fasting month of Ramadan. As a pious Muslim and then as an Ex-Muslim, I’ve been witnessing the wastage of tons of food by Muslims during the holy fasting month of Ramadan for more than five decades. Muslims rarely care about this wastage. However, occasionally some Islamic journals, newspapers, TV, and now the Islamic websites ‘feels’ it as their responsibility to stop this nonsense and try to convince fellow Muslims to minimize the wastage of food during the sacred Islamic ‘fasting’ month. And that is not considered Islamophobia, because pious Muslims are saying it here.
Several Islamic websites have used various attractive slogans to convince Muslims not to engage in wasting food during Ramadan. For example:
Etc., etc.
To justify their advice against food wastage during Ramadan, some of these websites give references from the life of Prophet Muhammad. They do know that it is impossible to avoid wasting food during this month, because this is the month of food-loving and feasting among Muslims with every Muslim household preparing as many varieties of delicious foods as possible.
Quote from the Islamic website: “Wasting food is a sin in Islam and a big violation of the very concept of Ramadan. Other than the numerous health benefits, fasting teaches a moral to Muslims to feel and understand the hunger, deprivation and suffering of fellow human beings”.
Jabir (RA) reported: “I heard Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: ‘The Satan is present with any one of you in everything he does; he is present even when he eats food; so if any one of you drops a mouthful he should remove away anything filthy on it and eat it and not leave for the devil; and when he finishes (food) he should lick his fingers, for he does not know in what portion of his food the blessing lies.’” [Sahih Muslim 23:5046]
'ABOUT 270,000 TONS OF FOOD WASTED DURING RAMADAN' : The Star Newspaper (Malaysia)
The following report in Urdu language published on 4th day of Ramadan this year states that Muslims wasted 5,000 tons of food in the first three days of this Ramadan in Islam's holiest city of Mecca alone.
Muslim apologists says that every year the month of Ramadan comes for Muslims to experience and comprehend the pain of hunger, so that the rich would help the poor and be more equitable and fair and would not exploit them. This will help eradicate poverty from the community. Muslims have been observing fasting in Ramadan for 1400 years and still they could not establish an equitable society and eradicate poverty from their midst. Instead, Muslim societies in most instances are more iniquitous with the maximum number of poor people living among them and lagging far behind other religious communities everywhere. Muslims believe that Islam alone teaches its followers to think about the poor among them, unlike other religions that, they claim, don’t teach the same. Muhammad, they claim, taught his followers about the severity of the poverty.
Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet used to seek refuge with Allah (by saying), "O Allah!...... and I seek refuge with You from the affliction of poverty,……." (Sahih Al-Bukhari 8:75:387)
Narrated Jabir: “………and a stone was tied to his (Muhammad’s) belly for we had not eaten anything for three days. (Sahih Al-Bukhari 5:59:427)
It should be noted that not even the most stupid person would tie a stone on his/her belly when his/her body already badly weakened by extreme hunger. The above hadiths and other similar ones were fabricated by Muhammad’s wife Aisha’s team against Ahlal baith (families of Muhammad’s daughters – Fatima in particular) to portray that Muhammad used to live like a poor so as to deprive Fatima from inheriting Muhammad’s wealth after his death.
No Muslim, especially the ones financially well off, will certainly not emulate Muhammad's supposed practice of tying a stone on their belly, as it is an utterly stupid thing to do. But they can certainly reduce the excessive wastage of food during the Ramadan of Ramadan. They may well pay attention to the following fable fabricated in Muhammad’s name:
Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet said, "If a woman gives in charity from her house meals without wasting (i.e. being extravagant), she will get the reward for her giving, and her husband will also get the reward for his earning and the storekeeper will also get a similar reward. (Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:34:279)
I asserted above hadith to be ‘fabricated fable’ because we cannot expect any good ideas from a man, who has also said this:
Some among the richest companions of Muhammad hesitated to show their superiority as rich, and led a modest life. They wanted to be as simple as the other companions of Muhammad. By this way they tried to avoid hurting the feelings of the poor. But, ‘the prophet of Allah’ ordered his rich companions to show off their superiority over the poor by wearing superior costumes to differentiate themselves from the poor. (Abu Dawud 32:4052)
So, the modern Muslims of today are cleverer to choose the ‘good’ hadiths as Sunna of Muhammad.
Here is a report by Press TV, the Islamic Republic of Iran's national mouthpiece, about the food security of Pakistan's growing human capital:
Muslim children picking food from garbage:
During Friday prayer sermons, imams talks highly about the highly importance given to food in Islam, especially to bread. They will warn us how Allah will take account of every grain of food we waste. And here you the leftover breads thrown on the streets, a common scene in the backyards of Saudi households:
Muslims websites' advice to Muslims against the wastage of food more of a formality for showing off:
Few Muslims will ever bother about the education of those hundreds of thousand young girls in poor Muslim countries who dream about their future by the heap of garbage?
During the best parts of his prophetic life in Medina, Muhammad engaged in a life of luxury based exclusively on the booty plundered by attacking non-Muslim caravans and communities. Therefore, his teachings and examples could inspire his followers to do only this:
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