A glimpse of the great liberty and dignity Arab women enjoyed in pre-Islamic Jahiliyah days, which today's Arab women, especially those living in the West, must make efforts to reclaim... (Read Part 1, Part 3)
In our previous part of this article, A Wakeup Call to Muslim Arab Women Living in the West, Part 1, we have revealed the truth about the alleged crime of burying alive the female-children by Arabs in the pre-Islamic days of ignorance (Jahiliyah). Also we have read about many wives that Muhammad, his forefathers and descendants had, despite the Islamic claim that female-children were burying alive in large numbers.
Facts about the Pre-Islamic Men Marrying Number of Wives
The fact, which the scholars of the religion of peace didn’t like to tell the believers and Kuffars, is that the pre-Islamic Arabs, by nature, were aggressive and often waged meaningless wars amongst them. This resulted in the decline of males in comparison to females in society. To cover up the difference in the sex ratio, they had no choice but to marry multiple wives. Also, in an effort to produce male-children, they even made the use of their widows. In that sense, the Arab women acted as a tool for producing maximum number of children. Muhammad just Islamized that tradition of his forefathers.
Here are more instances of Arab men, who had multiple wives in pre-Islamic days:
- Ghaylan Ibn Salman accepted Islam, and that he had 10 wives in the pre-Islamic period. So Muhammad told him to keep four and separate from the rest of them. (Al-Tirmidhi, The chapter on Marriage, 1128)
- Al-Harith Ibn Qays embraced Islam, when he had 8 wives. Muhammad ordered him to “select 4 of them.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book of Divorce, 13:2241)
Polygamy was a part of their culture. The imaginary Allah had nothing to do with the invention of this tradition of Islam. Muhammad had simply approved and Islamized this practice with his made-up verses. In fact, he encouraged this legacy of his forefathers vigorously. He carried out countless barbaric raids on innocent tribes of Arabia, killing many men, and thus left numerous women widowed and their children orphaned.
![]() A Sassanid Persian Woman of pre-Islamic period |
In one of his false prophesies Muhammad predicted that “A time will come at which one man will be seen followed by 40 women to be their guardian, because of scarcity of men and great number of women.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 2:495-505). So, this hadith clearly shows that blood-thirsty Muhammad had planned to kill more men for his prophetic mission of greed and lust. And he was vigorous waging brutal raids so as to reduce his men folk to 1:40 ratio over his women folk in order to fulfil his ungodly mission of becoming the ruler of the Arab Peninsula. Fortunately for humanity, Muhammad died unexpectedly by consuming poison before time (Sunan Abu Dawud, 4498). As a result, his prophesy turned null and void.
To fulfil the Quranic encouragement of marrying up to four wives (Q 4:3), today’s Arabs can not find 3 additional wives in their own country, as there are fewer wars and raids to reduce their men. According to statistic, the sex ratios in Arab countries are almost equal to 1:1, similar to the rest of the world. So, most wealthy Arab males visit the poor, non-Arab Islamic countries to engage in short-term “Mut’a” marriage. Sometimes, they marry two or three girls and have group-sex in five star hotels. After that they leave, leaving those poor girls behind, promising that they will soon be called over to his country to join with him. Most non-Arab Muslims are not aware of this tradition of “Mut’a” marriage in Islam. So, they wait for visa from him for years. At the time they realize that they have been cheated, it was then too late. (see 1. Arabian dream becomes a nightmare; 2. Poor Muslim girls in Hyderabad are cheated by Arab Sheikhs)
Proud Legacy of the Women of Jahiliyah, Your Ancestors
Arab women! Try to explore the legacy of your ancestors from the Islamic sources themselves. Since it is the practice of Muhammadan gang to destroy the ancient scriptures and cultural evidences of their opponents, wherever they go, we have no choice but to follow white-washed Islamic sources. The information available to us is recorded by the victors, the Muhammadan gang. Though it is written by the victors about their opponents, such as the women of Jahiliyah, they were unable to cover up the liberty that the women of Jahiliyah used to enjoy, and so it reflects in their writings. The character and nature of the women of Jahiliyah are quite opposite to that of today’s Arab women. Today’s Arab women are mere slaves to Muhammadan males, the result of 14 centuries of Islam-imposed oppression.
Here are some of the references taken from the Saudi Arabian Government’s award winning book, “Ar-Raheeq Al-Maqdum” or “The Sealed Nectar” (A Biography of Muhammad).
- The pre-Islamic Arabs respected and even worshiped women deities. Allah’s daughters, the female deities, namely Al-Lat, Al-Manaat and Al-Uzza, were the most popular deities among the pagan Arabs.
- The women of Jahiliyah were able to inherit the wealth of their forefathers. It was Muhammad’s Great Great Great Grandfather’s wife Hobba’a, who governed and had the total control over the sacred Temple of Kaaba, inherited from her father Hulail.
- Arab women of Pre-Islamic period always accompanied, supported and exhorted their men folk in wars, with poetry and songs.
- Almost all the Arabian women used to have expertise in yarn spinning, thereby engaging in economic activities. In contrast, Islam intentionally subjugates women to the level of sex-toys, living under the mercy of their men.
- There were female poetesses, such as Asma Bint Marwaan, amongst the ‘Jahiliyah’ Arabs.
- Women of Jahiliyah were able to adorn and beautify themselves without the fear of molestation.
- They were able to travel in caravans without the need to take the permission from others.
- There were no cases of punishing the adulterers, unlike those under sharia law, which condemn the female to death by stoning, even when she had been raped.
- They used to sing, dance and drink wine, if and when they wished.
- There was no dress-code for Pre-Islamic women. They were even able to circumambulate the Kaaba naked, if they wish as did the men. Muhammad himself was seen naked as an adult during the renovation of the temple of “KAABA”.
- They were allowed to pray together with men in all the places of worship.
- There were very respectable women chieftains like, Umm Qirfa, who had a total control over their clan and the territory, who was killed by Muhammad in a most barbaric way by splitting her body into two. http://news.faithfreedom.org/gallery2/v/SiteGraphics/Copper+Kid/Umm+Qirfa_001/Title.jpg.html?g2_navId=x7d73f5d7
- Women of Jahiliya could marry whom they wanted, as did Khadeeja. The freedom enjoyed by the women of Jahiliya could be measured from the life of Muhammad’s first wife Khadeeja herself. She was already twice married, and it was she, who proposed to marry young Muhammad, 15 years younger than herself. And she got her wishes through tricks as her guardians were opposed to the marriage.
- Khadeeja also was an independent merchant woman, who inherited the wealth of her earlier husbands, and didn’t need the approval of any male to do her business.
- It was Khadeeja’s wealth, which allowed Muhammad not to work after his marriage with her.
- Neither Khadeeja nor the other Muslim women ever wore veil until Muhammad became powerful and imposed it on the Muslim women. Obviously, the women of Jahiliyah of Arab society never worse veil.
- Though the women of Jahiliyah used to propose their marriages to men of their choice, the men had to pay “MAHR” (dowry) to women as marriage-gift. Muhammad Islamized this tradition into his cult.
Barbaric murder of clan-leader woman Umm Qirfa by Muhammad's Jihad gang
CONCLUSION: The above mentioned norms were rather common to any culture or civilization of that time. Then what made Muhammad to push back his nations to the dark ages? Specially, he turned the fate of the females, equal to, or lower than, that of domestic animals. He did not keep it restricted to his time alone; he perpetuated it for all times. Is there a way to unshackle the enslaved women from the Muhammadan cult? Let’s analyze this in the Part 3 of this article.
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