For us non-Arab Muslims, Arabic language becomes a part of our life, though we could not understand even 1% of its meaning. We get up with Arabic, live by Arabic and go to bed with Arabic. It controls every moment and occasions of our life.
This article is written not to hurt the feelings of Arabic speaking people, but to reveal the truth about the boundless Islamic dogmas. Every language has its elegance. No language of this world has its value, and it has nothing to do with religion. Whereas Muhammad stolen the language of Arabs and made his own, and his successors used it as a weapon to enslave the minds of millions of non-Arabs, who came under the fold of Islam. Muhammad and his invading successors created a myth about Arabic as the language of Allah, the language of the grave and the language of the Heaven. They have succeeded in their mission to enslave the minds of over a billion non-Arab Muslims and still trying to extend it over the Western infidels. Muslim apologists of today try to fool the westerners by their usual twisted interpretation of Arabic scriptures in the media. India is among one of those victimized countries of Arabic language. We Indian Muslims have become the slaves of Arabic language for the past 1000 years by just reciting it instead of studying it. What happened to our intelligence? As one of the affected victims, I don’t want it to be extended over innocent infidels who outside the folds of Islam.
The strength of Islam from its beginning was totally depended on sword, arrogance, terror, deception and subjugation. Today, the strength of Islam is its non-Arab Muslims. Today, most of the Muslim agitators in western countries, who, holding their little banners, shouts against the free western governments belong to the 70% of the victimized non-Arab Muslims.
As an ex-Muslim from non-Arab country India, I know very well about the divine aura the Arabic language holds among the Muslims of my country. For them, Arabic is not just another manmade language. Instead, it is a divine language, a language of the Heaven. They were made to believe that, they will be speaking Arabic after death and will be interrogated in their graves in Arabic by the arrogant Angels of “merciful” Allah. Also they believe that, the conversation in heaven will be in Arabic. In my country, if a Muslim happened to see an unattended, worn-out piece of paper on a floor with Arabic text, he should immediately collect and kiss it and should keep it safely in his sacred book shelf or should drown it in to water well. The idea is to prevent it from the reach of the dirty non-Muslims, so that it does not lose its sacredness.
We were taught from our childhood to use the Heavenly Arabic terms and strictly guided by our elders to adopt it in our day to day activities. So, Arabic language becomes part of our life, though we could not understand even 1% of its meaning. We get up with Arabic, live by Arabic and go to bed with Arabic. It controls every moment and occasions of our life. We get up from our bed with “Kalima-E-Taiyab”, which testifies “Allah is our Lord and Muhammad is His Messenger”. We say “Alhamdu Lillah” whenever we sneeze, “Astaqfir Allah” while we yawn, “Bismillah” while we start eating, “Shukar Allah” while we finish eating, “Allahu Akbar”, “Salaam alaikum”, “Subhaanallah”, “Maasha Allah”, Insha Allah”, “Rahmakallah” and “Jazakallah” at every now and then, while meeting our own family members, and finally while going to bed again we say “Kalima-E_taiyab”. How nice it is?
This is not the end. Apart from all the above Arabic terms, we have several Arabic terms for special occasions. We were taught to say “Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi Raajioon” if we hear the death of any Muslim, which means wishing the diseased get a place in Heaven. Once, while I was a child, a non-Muslim neighbor, who was very friendly with us, was dead. On hearing that, I uttered the same Arabic term, which I used to say on the death of Muslims. On that, my mother got angry with me and she taught me a new term “Fi Naari Jahannama Qhali Deen” which means wishing the deceased non-Muslim be thrown into Hell. I argued with my mom and defended the diseased non-Muslim that he was nice and kind to us. My mother said, “Even then, he will go to Hell, for his crime of not accepting Islam”. My mother is illiterate, innocent and kind to all. But in religion, she was a typical gullible Muslim. This is how Islam and Arabic spread venom in the hearts of innocent human beings.
Muslims boast that all scientific discoveries of our time were recorded 14 centuries earlier by their all-knowing Allah in the Quran. And despite reading the Quran day and night, Muslims themselves could not discover those sciences. They only adopt it after the dirty descendents of apes and swine – the Jews, Christians and others – invented them.
Cell phone is one of such latest inventions of the dirty infidels, which is proudly being used by Muslims after Allah mentioned it in the Quran 14 centuries ago. Here too the Muslims of my non-Arabic nation never forget to show their loyalty to the language of Heaven. They use the audio of the Arabic language as their “Ring Tone” in the form of Adaan (call of prayer), Quranic recitations and some Arabic lectures. With this typical attitude, anyone can evaluate the extent of their love, loyalty and affection towards Arabic -- “THELANGUAGE OF HEAVEN”. They have “degraded” (according to Islamic standards) themselves to such an extent that they use Arabic pop songs of belly dancers as “sacred” Ring Tones in their cell phones, due to their ignorance about the Arabic language. According to their knowledge, whatever they hear in Arabic must be of divine origin. Having spent 10 years in Saudi Arabia, I am well-versed with the Arabic pop songs of the neighboring Arabic nations.
Similar to taking Arabic Belly dance songs as “SACRED”, the non-Arab Muslims unknowingly accept the Quranic texts as sacred without knowing their actual meaning. They use the terroristic, pornographically motivated and immoral Quranic verses at least 40 times a day in their 5 prayers, just like they listen to dirty Arabic belly dance pop songs as something “SACRED”.
While working in Saudi Arabia, I noticed that the Arab Muslims call the infidels and also us the non-Arab Muslims “MUQH MAAFI”, which means stupid and fool. At first, as a perfect Muslim, I used to think: “It is perfectly alright to call the infidels as MUQH MAAFI, for their crime, of not embracing Islam. But, how come the Arabs call us the non-Arabic Muslims MUQH MAAFI too?”
Later, after getting enlightened, I realized the reason why the Arabs are calling us with the title of “MUKH MAAFI”. They do so in frustration. Though the Arabs understood the absurdities of the Quranic teachings, they cannot go against it, as they are ruled by arrogant rulers with the mighty weapon of shariya law to silence them. Whereas the situation is not similar in the free non-Arab countries, with most of the Muslims are educated. They are free to STUDY and ANALIZE the Quranic teachings and come out of this politically motivated cult. But they don’t want to do so for some inexplicable reasons. So, the Arabs are correct in calling non-Arab Muslims “MUQH MAAFI”.
CONCLUSION: To rescue the entire world from the deceptive, twisted interpretations of Arabic scriptures by Muslim apologists, it is an urgently necessary to lift the veil from the entire Islamic scriptures by translating from Arabic to other languages. They also needed to be excerpted in short form. The translated scriptures that we have with us is too wide, which the younger generations hesitate to read. In order to reach quickly to each and every infidel, it should be made shorter and should be made easily available in our Websites in all major languages. Moreover, there are so many Arabic Ahadith collections and History of Islam, which are not translated yet. They, the dirtiest one of Muhammad’s saga, are needed to be translated as well.
I request to our Arab apostates and atheists to help the entire world by translating these Islamic Arabic scriptures into all known languages. I humbly request to Mr. Ali Sina and other humanists to guide us and set a target to achieve this goal. The entire media is dominated by the false, twisted Arabic propaganda by the apologists of Islam, backed by the mighty Wahaabi Saudi Rulers. To overcome such monstrous propaganda, we need to unite and get well communicated. We may need funds to overcome this task. So, please don’t hesitate to collect funds for this noble cause.
For more images displaying how Arabic language has enslaved the non-Arab Muslims, see following links:
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