Anil K. Bali
Anil K. Bali
Knowing Muhammad's ISLAM in 20 Steps
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- Written by Anil K. Bali
- Hits: 8666
It’s very easy to understand Islam and Muhammad. Read the following 20 points. That is the whole Islam.
Write comment (74 Comments)Hijab: Muhammad's Criminalization of Beauty
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- Written by Anil K. Bali
- Hits: 10451
Behind the hijab... did Muhammad hide his sins and lust..
Write comment (78 Comments)Muhammad: A Curse for Humanity
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- Written by Anil K. Bali
- Hits: 9794
The likely untold truth about Muhammad's childhood and the curse he brought upon humanity....
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Muhammad's Islam: A Curse for Humanity
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- Written by Anil K. Bali
- Hits: 13404
Muhammad was the man who said my food is better than others food so all should eat my food, and he slaughtered people who did not agree with him.
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