In his excellent new book "Did Muhammad Exist? An Inquiry into Islam's Obscure Origins," Robert Spencer has questioned the very existence of Prophet Muhammad. Robert bases his thesis of the non-existence of Muhammad on the following key reasons.
Quoting from Spencer:
"No record of Muhammad’s reported death in 632 appears until more than a century after that date.
The early accounts written by the people the Arabs conquered never mention Islam, Muhammad, or the Qur’an. They call the conquerors "Ishmaelites", "Saracens", "Muha- jirun", and "Hagarians", but never "Muslims".
The Arab conquerors, in their coins and inscriptions, don’t mention Islam or the Qur’an for the first six decades of their conquests. Mentions of “Muhammad” are non-specific and on at least two occasions are accompanied by a cross. The word can be used not only as a proper name but also as an honorific.
The Qur’an, even by the canonical Muslim account, was not distributed in its present form until the 650s. Contradicting that standard account is the fact that neither the Arabians nor the Christians and Jews in the region mention the Qur’an until the early eighth century.
During the reign of the caliph Muawiya (661–680), the Arabs constructed at least one public building whose inscription was headed by a cross – a symbol abhorrent to Islam.
The lack of confirming detail in the historical record, the late development of biographical material about the Islamic prophet, the atmosphere of political and religious factionalism in which that material developed, and much more suggest that the Muhammad of Islamic tradition did not exist, or if he did, he was substantially different from how that tradition portrays him.
One of the questions that must be addressed is why there is a "personality change" between the initial peaceful Mecca Surahs and later violent Surahs. If the entire Quran was cooked up after the fact, there wouldn’t be that difference – as it would all come from the same "pot"."
Throughout history, there have been many men who have pertained to be prophets of God possessing a special relationship with God including communicating with God or an intermediary. The fact that there would have been a man called Muhammad proclaiming to be a prophet around 610 AD claiming to be receiving divine teachings thru Angel Gabriel would not have been unusual.
We know that Islam is divided into 2 phases; the initial Mecca phase where Muhammad preaches peace and tolerance and the Medina phase in which the Quran becomes a violent, military manual of death and destruction bent on conquering the world for Allah, subjugating its peoples and destroying all other religions.
It is important to understand that Islam without the initial Meccan peaceful teachings would have gone to oblivion. Without the cover provided by these early teachings, Islam would have lacked any religious creditability masking the Medina call to conquest.
Prophet Muhammad was born around 570 AD in Mecca. He belonged to the Quraysh tribe of Mecca. Muhammad became a trader who married an older, rich woman. One day in 610, he claims to have met the angel Gabriel in a cave on Mount Hira. Gabriel transmits teachings from God to Muhammad. For the next 13 years, Muhammad labors as a preacher trying to convince the Jews, Christians that his God – Allah is the same God as worshipped by them and convince them and the pagan Arabs to join his new religion Islam and become Muslims. After 13 years, with his wife dead and no success in Mecca, Muhammad departs Mecca for Medina with a small band of believers where he dies. After his death, his followers collected the revelations Muhammad claimed to have received from Gabriel into the Quran. Muhammad, Islam, Allah and the Quran go to historical oblivion.
Muhammad would have disappeared from history if it had not been for the leaders of the Arab empire who near the end of the 7th century needed a religious ideology to unify the empire.
Quoting Spencer:
“Historical records make clear that toward the end of the seventh century and the beginning of the eighth, the Umayyad leaders of the Arab domains began to speak much more specifically than anyone had before about Islam, its prophet, and eventually its book. Muhammad, if he did not exist, or if his actual deeds were not known, would certainly have been politically useful to the new Arab Empire as a legendary hero. The empire was growing quickly, soon rivaling the Byzantine and Persian Empires in size and power. It needed a common religion—a political theology that would provide the foundation for the empire’s unity and would secure allegiance to the state.”
These leaders discovered that hundreds of years before there had been a preacher born in Mecca who had preached a new religion called Islam, followers were called Muslims of a God called Allah and had a book recording this new religion’s teachings. In short, they had a pre-packaged religion and their necessary “legendary hero” upon which to build the mythology of their warrior prophet.
At this point, they turned the Quran and Islam into a military ideology with their God – Allah rewarding his followers with a virgin delight Paradise for those who killed kafirs or were slain in the attempt, as many sex slaves as they could conquer, women as their property and 80% of the booty from the conquered territories. To finance the conquests, a special tax was imposed on the Jews and Christians and later the Hindus.
These new teachings were incorporated into the original peaceful Quran and the original peace teachings were cleverly utilized to give Islam its religious cloak to deceive the kafirs while the Muslim armies planned their military demise. Of course, the new Quran’s teachings abrogated Muhammad’s original Quran.
If this is so, then Prophet Muhammad was a good man who never killed, raped, terrorized, tortured anyone but tried to make a difference to his community. Prophet Muhammad after his death would have joined Gabriel in heaven.
The Muslim men followers of this new Islam created by these evil leaders upon their death would not ascend to any paradise filled with virgins but descended into hell to join not only these evil Islamic conquerors but all the other killers of history: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc who sold their souls for power.
The bastardization of the original Quran and the creation of a monster from Prophet Muhammad life by these men of evil gives Muslim men a way out of the Islamic nightmare that now perils mankind. Muslim men could rise up and renounce these pretenders, denounce their warrior prophet fabrication and embrace Prophet Muhammad and his teachings. Unfortunately this is not going to happen.
Muslim men will never give up the benefits granted to them by these later teachings made up by these Islamic conquerors. Their women and children are their property, unlimited sex with sex slaves, child brides, unlimited booty, unlimited political power and unlimited eternal sex.
So tonight, Prophet Muhammad is in heaven to be joined by all Muslim women who having been brain washed and mentally and physically abused from their birth deserve external solace while all their sons, brothers, fathers, husbands having been born with free will have chosen to follow evil condemning their souls for all eternity.
Unmistakably historical, however, are the Arab conquests and the empire they founded. Every empire of the day was anchored in a political theology. The Eastern Roman Empire was Christian; the Persian Empire was Zoroastrian. The realm of political theology offers the most plausible explanation for the creation of Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran. The Arab Empire controlled and needed to unify its huge expanses of territory, where different religions predominated. Islam began as an umbrella monotheistic movement that presented itself as encompassing the true forms of the two great previous monotheistic movements, Judaism and Christianity.
Whatever be the truth about his existence, Muhammad, as presented in his actions outlined in the Quran, Hadiths, and Sira, was one of the most diabolically evil persons in history. Such an evil incarnate can never be a representative of the supreme creator of the Universe. Even if one claims that Muhammad was thoroughly bastardised by his later followers, it is impossible that a true prophet of the omnipotent God could be so badly bastardised by earthly man to the point of making him the most evil ever. So, Muhammad was never a prophet of God, period!
Jake Neuman is the author of “Islam and Sharia Law Are Treason: Jihad Is Treason” and Prophet Muhammad (AKA ALLAH): Monster of History (free download) at His book ISLAM EVIL IN THE NAME OF GOD™ was banned in Malaysia.
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