It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Jihad. Excerpts from the e-book, “Islam and Sharia Law Are Treason: Jihad Is Treason”, which can be downloaded from
In order to immediately stop law abiding citizens from exercising their right of freedom of speech with regard to exposing the hateful, murderous reality that is Islam -- anyone who opposes Islam is branded an evil, racist, bigoted, Islamaphobic to intimidate and shut them up. (For 10 translations of these Quranic verses go to: ( ). Use this web site throughout this book.
It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Jihad; there are 164 Quranic teachings of Jihad.
- JIHAD IS TREASON (Quran 29.6, 29.53, 22.52)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Pre-Pubescent Child Rape (65:4)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Rape (4.3)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Gang Rape (24:13)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Sex Slavery (4:24)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Torture (22.19-22)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Whipping (24.2)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Amputation and Crucifixion (5:33)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Beheading (8:12, 47:4)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Wife Beating (4:34)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Inferiority of Women (2.228, 4.11, 4.176)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Women as Sex Objects (2.223)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Murder (2:191, 9:5)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Killing kafirs (47.4)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Terrorizing kafirs (8.60, 3.151)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Immoral Paradise guaranteeing accession to Paradise for Muslim men who kill kafirs or who die in the process of trying to kill kafirs (9.111)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Massacre (8.67)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Genocide (8.17)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Theft and Robbery (Entire Chapter 8 called Booty)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of All other religions must submit to Islam (2.103, 2.286, 3.19, 48.16)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Your children are your enemies (9.23, 64.15)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Revenge (5.45)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Hate (5.60, 2.61)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Slavery (2.178)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Extortion (9:29)
- It is NOT ISLAMAPHOBIC to have a rational fear of Lying (3:28, 5:51)
What is following next in this book is such diabolical evil that you will immediately come down with the dreaded disease of ISLAMAPHOBIA for which the only cure is the Guts and Courage you will need to muster to stand up for democracy and oppose Islam.
In many EU countries it is hate speech to quote from the Quran punishable by large fines and/or jail. The UN is in the process of trying to pass hate speech laws that would criminalize any criticism of Islam worldwide. There have even been mutterings of passing such laws in the US. Islam is hate speech. Below is a very, very small, introductory sampling from the thousands of intolerant, hateful and violent passages inciting extermination, murder, torture, terrorism from the Quran/Hadith. If laws against “Hate speech”, blasphemy, etc. have any meaning today, they should be used against the Quran and Islam, or be entirely abolished. Go to:
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