Louis Palme
Louis Palme
Sharia Shock: Graphic ISIS Videos Force Moderate CAIR and Fiqh Council to “Revise” Sharia Law
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 4681
Thanks to ISIS’s well-oiled social media publicity campaign, Muslims and non-Muslims around the world are seeing just how gruesome and barbaric the actual provisions of classical Sharia Law truly are. This has forced “moderate” Muslim organizations CAIR and the Fiqh Council of North America to publish an “Open Letter” admonishing ISIS for being a bit too zealous and literal in their implementation of commands of the Quran and Sharia Law. (See: http://lettertobaghdadi.com/index.php) Careful reading of the 28 page letter reveals some new spins on Sharia Law that are intended to make it more palatable to Western consciences. If they were implemented by ISIS, they would certainly tame ISIS, but the revisions also confirm that classical Sharia Law (as documented in al-Misri’s “Reliance of the Traveler”) has no place in the 21st Century. The references below apply to the numbered topics in the CAIR/Fiqh Council Open Letter.
Write comment (27 Comments)Islam’s Abhorrent Social Values and Well-meaning Westerners' Paradoxical Defence of It
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 8987
A bizarre story last week got my attention: California Governor candidate Tim Donnelly (R) accused rival Neel Kashkari (R) of being soft on Sharia because Kashkari spoke at an Islamic banking conference in 2008. Congressman Darrell Issa (R) came to Kashkari’s defense and shot back, “There is no place in any public discussion for this type of hateful and ignorant garbage.” That statement was over the top, and it indicates that “Sharia” is now such a toxic (or sensitive) word that politicians, both Democratic and Republican, are really nervous about its political implications. Sharia has become the new “N-word.”
Of course the present Democratic administration has gone to great lengths to avoid discussing the ideology of Islam – to the point that Islam and Sharia Law are virtually eliminated from the government lexicon. During the presidency of Barack Obama, many political conservatives have pined for the time when the government will be back in the hands of Republicans – who, they believe, will come down hard on the “creeping Sharia” they see slowly infiltrating our nation. Perhaps now is a good time to see if that hope is even realistic.
Write comment (321 Comments)CAIR Loves Democracy – Islamic Style!
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 5105
On March 22, Corey Saylor, CAIR’s National Legislative Director, gave a forty-minute speech in Vacationland, Maine, on the topic: Is Sharia Compatible with Democracy? His dancing between likening Sharia to political democracy and hiding behind “religion” to oppose anything that didn’t fit his premise was enough to make one’s head spin. See the text at: http://www.cair.com/cair-blog/entry/is-sharia-compatible-with-democracy.html. But before we get into his devious arguments, let’s define the situation for those who haven’t been exposed to Sharia Law and CAIR.
Write comment (63 Comments)The Medina Charter – A Manifesto of a Band of Robbers, No Match for the US Constitution
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 7698
The Islamic Society of Orange County (Garden Grove, CA) recently sponsored and posted on YouTube a lecture by Salam al-Marayati on “The Medina Constitution”. Mr. al-Marayati is the President of the Muslim Public Affairs Council which is in the business of making Islam look good to non-Muslims. His choice of the Medina Charter as an example poses quite a challenge in this regard because it was basically a pact among thieves. Undeterred by facts, Mr. al-Marayati extolls it as a “wonderful document”, and tries to compare it favorably with the US Constitution. Here is a link to an English version of that Charter: http://www.constitution.org/cons/medina/macharter.htm
Write comment (91 Comments)Open Mosque Day – Muslims Serve Up Tea and Taqiyah
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 5751
Sunday, October 27, was Open Mosque Day at twenty-two Mosques and Islamic Centers in Southern California. An invitation communique from the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California assured non-Muslims that “Muslims are happy to answer questions about their religion.” Based on reports from those who visited the mosques, their hosts were very cordial. The visitors were provided with refreshments, guided tours, and even question-and-answer sessions about the mosque and Islam in general. However the answers to ideological questions left more than a few visitors disappointed, and they felt their intelligence was insulted by the evasive answers. Taqiyah – the art of deception to hide the shameful truth about Islam -- was on full display.
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