Louis Palme
Louis Palme
CAIR-FAIL: Analysis of CAIR’s 2013 Report on Islamophobia in the U.S.
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 7009
The Council on American-Islamic Relations has released its 2013 report on Islamophobia, titled “Legislating Fear”. The report constitutes one big pity party over the abject failure of CAIR (and other Islamist organizations) to convince Americans that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. Although the report is 162 pages long, much of it was cut and pasted from their previous 2009-2010 report.
Write comment (12 Comments)A Rebuttal to PBS Documentary ‘The Life of Mohammed’ (August 2013)
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 9289
The following comments are a rebuttal to the documentary aired nation-wide on PBS, which can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RMQhmOcWAs. It was obvious to anyone who watched that show that the narrative was slanted to present Islam and its prophet as the champions of peace and brotherhood among all mankind. The few times that opposing views were introduced into the TV series, the narrator dismissed them as controversial or misunderstandings of Islam. Non-Muslims need to become aware of the extent to which Islamists distort their own history and sacred documents to make Islam appear to be something that stands in stark contrast to the violence and intolerance displayed by devout followers of Islam and Muhammad in the media every day.
Write comment (60 Comments)Pity, Pretexts and Prerogatives: Islamists’ Tools for Eating into Our Culture
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 8035
America is a nation of immigrants. Our country is probably one of the most tolerant—racially, religiously and culturally—of any nation in the world. Our legal system reinforces this tolerance with laws against discrimination of any kind, and the worst epitaph that can be meted out to someone in this country is calling a racist or bigot. This is America, after all.
So how does the author justify making accusations against Islamists? Why have they become the exception to America’s general tolerance of just about all life-styles, cultures, and racial backgrounds?
Write comment (41 Comments)How Egyptian President Morsi Dismantled Democracy
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 6202
Egyptian President Morsi was democratically elected on June, 2012. He garnered a thin majority with 50.7% of the vote, which represented only 25% of the Egyptian electorate. Once in power through democratic process, he took or tried to implement the following actions, seeking to dismantle democracy and solidify his absolute control of Egypt:
Write comment (14 Comments)African-American Muslims—Slaves to a Racist Ideology
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 9841
The fastest-growing sector of Muslims in the United States is among African-Americans. African-Americans have been receptive to Islam, which they see as an anti-White and anti-Christian religion. The Nation of Islam was founded in the 1930’s by a white silk merchant Wallace Fard, who urged African-Americans to dress like Arab Muslims and buy his robes and apparel. Islam became the “lost-found nation of Islam in the wilderness of North America.” Today, many African-Americans are lured into Islam while in prison after learning that Allah’s laws reject those “man-made” laws that got them into prison in the first place. There is no clearer and sadder case in history of the exploitation of a group of uninformed people in the name of Islam than the Black Muslim movement in America.
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