Many of you should know the name of Harun Yahya, whose real name is Adnan Oktar. He is a liar of the league as that of Zakir Naik. They just know well how to become rich and famous among Muslims, fooling them by sustaining and conforming what Muslims are eager to believe. If one wishes to see how an Islamic liar looks like, the opportunity is here. He has written a number of books refuting Darwinism, although he doesn’t have the necessary qualification for discussing the theory of Evolution. When I read his book called ‘Atlas of Creation’, I could trace no less than hundreds of fallacies and lies. His works are mostly sensationalism and stand only on the fall of other theories without validating his own proposition.
In this article, I will support neither evolution nor creationism, but would try to highlight how rampant is ignorance in Muslim societies and how Islamic lairs are exalted.
He wrote in one of his book with the heading: "Uncle Darwin, We have not evolved".
I would say Uncle Harun, you don’t have to mention it, as it is quite evident from the collective behaviour of Muslims globally that evolved or not, Muslims certainly regressing back to apes.
Darwin’s the theory of Evolution does not attempt explain to the origin of life. If a theory does not explain critical part of a puzzle, it does not mean whatever it explains has to be false. Evolution neither attempts to explain the origin of life nor the origin and development of the universe. Biological evolution describes primarily the process by which species and other levels of biological organization originated, which ultimately links all life-forms back to a common ancestor. Beyond that it is not primarily concerned with the origin of life itself, nor does pertain at all to the origin and evolution of the universe and its components. In simple terms, the theory of evolution deals primarily with changes in successive generations over time after life has already originated.
Uncle Harun! A theory which does not explain everything is not necessarily false about what it explains. Likewise a theory is not necessarily correct if any contrary theory falls flat. Valid theories have to stand on their own validations. So, even if the theory of Evolution does not explain the origin of life, that does not make the incestual Islamic theory of Creationism the ultimate truth.
Uncle Yahya, Paleontology, Embryology, Vestigial structures are not the only evidence of Evolution but Taxonomy, Genetics, Distributional Evidence are also there. What do you do think of them?
Uncle Harun, remember that Creationism portray us as created and Evolution as evolved. It is completely at your discretion to believe whether you were or evolve.
Harun Yahya wrote, “When you observe this Earth we live on, you see that it is a wondrous place that meets all your needs in the most perfect way.”
Then why people grow stones in their kidneys, why so many people generate so much gas in their stomachs, why people man and animal suffer from different diseases, why the major part of our life is wasted in sleeping, eating, defecating and growing, arranging and making foods, why we get tired after works, why we grow old, why we die, why we need a constant supply of oxygen, why we need water every now and then. If one says these are to test human by Allah, then what Allah wants to judge from making us defecating, pissing, burping, sneezing, farting and sweating? Why Allah gave us unnecessary hair (e.g. pubic hair)? What virtue Allah wants to judge from them? Why men have nipples? Did Allah forgetfully put them in men? Why we go senile in old age and become weak physically with age? Finally, Menstruation offers vibrant proof that no intelligent creator designed any mammal.
Yahya blathers, “The fossil record constantly refutes Darwinism's claims and points to the fact of Creation. All Darwinists' efforts to prove otherwise have ended in failure. The evidence in the sedimentary rocks documents and clearly declares that living things never underwent evolution. Two of the greatest proofs of this are—again—the absence of any intermediate form fossils and the stagnant "stasis" in the fossil record itself.”
All pictures in his book, pictures of fossils are finely neat, I wonder wherefrom Yahya got such neat and clean and colourful fossils or he grew all these fresh fossils in his orchard.
Believers, particularly Muslims regard science as an enemy of religion, but science never care about religion or anything similar; it concentrates on unveiling the mysterious of nature. If religious absurdities are refuted on the way, then it is not the fault of Science.
All the high-profile biologists around the world acknowledge “evolution” of life-forms to be true, but Harun Yahya, who has contributed not even a grain to Science, claims it to be patently false. It seems that Muslims are willing to glorify anyone, who would criticize aspects of science that may go against what their cherished religious scriptures say. For them anything goes, so long their religious claims are appeased. Did any Muslim ever ponder about what qualification Harun Yahya has to be able to criticize the theory of Evolution with confident authority? Yet, the same Muslims are most eager to demand for qualifications and credentials of anyone, who criticizes Islam?
Uncle Yahya and all Muslims, if you believe in Evolution, then you are the evolved progeny of Apes; but if you believe in Creationism, then you are the product of incest – nothing more, nothing less. Now you may have your own choice.
The other theories, like Evolutionism, fail to explain the facts, such as the regression besides the evolution. The main case of regression is that some exemplars of Homo sapiens became creationists.
Nature is as likely to produce a good design as a poor one, because it has no intelligence, nor purpose. Whatever survives and reproduces flourishes. Nature is also fickle—metaphorically speaking, of course. Traits that might enhance survival and reproduction in one environment might be detrimental in another setting. Nature has a way of altering habitats and environments with such things as ice ages, volcanism, hurricanes, floods, lightning fires, and the like. So, if at times certain creatures or parts of creatures appear to be unintelligently designed, that is because they weren't really designed at all. Nature is opportunistic rather than intelligent.* Likewise, just because some creatures or parts of creatures appear to be the result of some intelligent designer with a purpose in mind doesn't mean they were designed.
Evolution is the most rational, conceivable and befitting theory which satisfies all biological queries and confusions and helps in the biological discoveries to full extent. There is no discord among very large majority of biological and earth scientists.
According to Newsweek in 1987, "By one count there are some 700 scientists with respectable academic credentials (out of a total of 480,000 U.S. earth and life scientists) who give credence to creation-science..."
700 U.S. earth or life scientists who accept creationism / 480,000 U.S. earth or life scientists X 100% = 0.15% of U.S. earth or life scientists that accept creationism.
"I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars, or that a cat should play with mice."
--Charles Darwin
"If there are any marks at all of special design in creation, one of the things most evidently designed is that a large proportion of all animals should pass their existence in tormenting and devouring other animals."
--John Stuart Mill
“Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution.”
--Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975, Ukraine-born American geneticist and zoologist)
“Today, the theory of evolution is an accepted fact for everyone but a fundamentalist minority, whose objections are based not on reasoning but on doctrinaire adherence to religious principles.”
--Dr. James D. Watson, (The winner of the Nobel Prize for his co-discovery of the structure of DNA)
Finding his place |
Harun Yahya has not really put up any logical attack against evolution. Yahya attacks a straw man, his own uneducated conception of what he thinks evolution is. But he fails to adequately explain any of the anatomical anomalies in whales, giraffes and humans with his copied Christian creationism.
Yahya’s favourite holiday destination is Turkey jail, where he often visits. He was sentenced to three years in prison on Friday for creating an illegal organization for personal gain, state-run Anatolian news agency said. Here
Muslims love and relish lies, when they support their disgusting cult ‘Islam’. They gulp all lies as if they were paradisiacal fruit when it is in favour of the evil cult of ‘Islam’, while they become cynical and skeptical of most evident truth when it goes against Islam.
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