Washikur Rahman
Washikur Rahman
Moderate Muslims' Jaw-Breaking Answers to Insulting Comments of Atheists, Part 3
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- Written by Washiqur Rahman
- Hits: 4145
An article by Washiqur Rahman, a Bangladeshi ex-Muslim and atheist, murdered by Islamic fanatics in Dhaka on March 30, 2015.
Insulting Comment 41: Whatever Islam demands to believe in and whatever evidence is shown in their support comes from the mouth of Muhammad. Besides that, there are no proof. Then how can one know what Muhammad said were true?
Jaw-Breaking answer: For 14 hundred years, hundreds of crores of the Muslim Ummah have believed the prophet. A liar can not attain the trust of such a huge number of people. That is enough proof that Prophet Muhammad said the truth.
Insulting Comment 42: A few hundred crores of Christians have believed for a longer period that Jesus was the Son of God. Does that mean their belief is correct?
Jaw-Breaking answer: It is no logic that something is true just because crores of people believe it. Is there any proof in support of their claim other than just their belief?
Write comment (31 Comments)Moderate Muslims' Jaw-Breaking Answers to Insulting Comments of Atheists, Part 2
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- Written by Washiqur Rahman
- Hits: 4223
An article by Washiqur Rahman, a Bangladeshi ex-Muslim and atheist, murdered by Islamic fanatics in Dhaka on March 30, 2015.
Insulting comment 21: Islam is claimed to be 'the best and the complete way of life'. Does that mean that slavery is valid for eternity?
Jaw-breaking answer: See, Islam is a humane religion. Slavery was not forbidden because of the situation of that time. But there scope for 'qiyas and ijma' (consensus and reconsideration) in Islam. That means any custom can be abolished.
Insulting comment 22: Why then Muslims are not agreeing to equal inheritance for girls through 'qiyas and ijma'.
Jaw-breaking answer: See, Islam is a 'perfect and complete way of life'. Its 'codes of life' has been formulated for the overall welfare of humanity. Islam has basically given women the highest honor. But you want to abolish the laws of Allah for the sake of inconsequential earthly benefits. This is not acceptable.
Write comment (23 Comments)Moderate Muslims' Jaw-Breaking Answers to Insulting Comments of Atheists, Part 1
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- Written by Washiqur Rahman
- Hits: 3887