Adrian Morgan
Adrian Morgan
British Islamist Anjem Choudary and Al-Muhajiroun
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- Written by Adrian Morgan
- Hits: 9128
A review of British Islamic extremist Anjem Choudary and his genocidal Al-Muhajiroun organization....
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Persecution of Christians & Minorities in Islamic Pakistan
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- Written by Adrian Morgan
- Hits: 12510
A terrible state of affairs for the minorities of Pakistan. One wonders what would be the reaction of Muslims worldwide, if Muslim immigrants would be treated in the same way in the West, say in Britain or America?
Talibanist Islamists on the Rampage in Nigeria
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- Written by Adrian Morgan
- Hits: 9725
The background and history (which goes centuries back) to the recent violent offensive by Boko Haram, a radical Islamist group, that wants to establish a Talibanist-style rule of Sharia across entire Nigeria...
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