While fascistic Islam has penetrated "fortress America" with its proponents, adopting the "stealth jihad" strategy, even infiltrated the government, ours leaders, the useful idiots, glorifies Islam as a great religion of peace, thus, doing the work of the people of the sword, aka Islam...
Nearly 1400 years ago, a large number of Muslim jihadists from across the scorching Arabian desert, motivated by the ideology of Islam, indoctrinated by Muhammad, unafraid of death, conquered Iran (Persia), one of the greatest, strongest and most tolerant empires known throughout the history of man. The Bedouin Arabs, who toppled the Sassanid Empire, were propelled not only by a desire for conquest and to steal Persian jewels and treasures, but also to enslave Iranian women and children, while imposing their barbaric ideology upon the entire population. With that, they almost destroyed one of the most benevolent religions of all humanity, Zoroastrianism, often called the mother of all revealed religions.
The political nature of Islam demanded that a conquered people, not only convert to Islam but also to regard its past history as a time of darkness (jahiliyah) before the light of Islam came. Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is busy purging pre-Islamic Persian history from text-books. Islam required the conquered peoples to scorn their past and love their Islamic Arab conquerors by striving to imitate them. According to Islam, all history before Islam was an era of "darkness" and should be discarded.
The prophet of Islam motivated his rapidly growing body of followers to rally around him by proclaiming: if they are victorious they will have the treasures of the infidels as well as their women and children as slaves to keep or sell; if the faithful kill the infidels in doing the work of Allah, further reward awaits them in paradise; and, in the event that they are killed, they become martyrs and find themselves in Allah's glorious paradise for eternal life of joy and bliss. The Persians underestimated the power and dedication of this newly formed Islamic ideology of hate and vigilance by the desert dwellers. Their unorthodox attack on Persian army caused the Persian army to fall into the hands of the butchers of Islam and eventually the culture of death prevailed and the era of Islamic terrorism began.
Islam once again, 1400 years later, flushed by petrodollars, is seeking world domination through worldwide Islamic terrorism. It is seeking the destruction of everything in the world that is good, and it intends to replace all that with the most barbaric ideology known as Sharia law. Islam sees Christian America as a formidable enemy standing in its path of world-domination. Hence, it has waged stealth jihad on Christian America.
In many surprising ways, America resembles the great ancient Persian Empire. Like the ancient Persians, who were the first world managers and the most tolerant empire-builders, America, by its constitution, is also the most tolerant and benevolent nation in the world. Is America’s destiny will end up like that of the Persians?
Reading about the Islam-mandated horrific acts and even seeing them on television or the Internet may momentarily repulse, but does not terribly concern, many Americans. After all, those things still are happening on the other side of the world and away from their homes; we are safe in fortress America; so goes the thinking. Wrong!
“Fortress America” is a delusion that even the events of 9/11and Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan massacre seem to have failed to dispel. Many prefer to believe that the assault of 9/11 was an aberration, since nothing like it has happened before, and it is unlikely that anything of the sort will ever happen again; so goes the wishful thinking. The reality portrays a vastly different picture. America is far from a fortress, given its vast wide-open borders. It is a nation of laws where all forms of freedom are enshrined in its constitution; where Americans live by humane ethos diametrically different from those of Islamist savagery. Sadly, these differences confer great advantage to the Islamists and place America in imminent danger.
The breach of “Fortress America” from the air on 9/11 is only the first instalment of many more forthcoming heinous assaults, about which we have been repeatedly warned by Muslim thugs living in caves. Unless we abandon our way of thinking, we will suffer the consequences of dangerous complacency. We need to stop relying on the invincibility of the law-enforcement people and willingly make sacrifices that would protect our way of life.
Not that the 1.2 billion Muslims are all jihadists aiming to destroy civilization and establish Muhammad's Ummah over all of us; certainly the active jihadists are a small minority. Yet, it takes a blind eye to ignore militant minorities. Did Hitler become the Chancellor of Germany because he and his gang got the majority vote in Germany? More than 65% of Germans were not supporters of Hitler and his party, and viewed the Nazis as louts and worthless. Yet, we all know what this little minority did while being ignored.
What about forest fires? You cannot ignore a little smoldering fire here, a little smoldering fire there, because the rest of the forest is not on fire. Only a fool will ignore these fires, because they will eventually devour the forest.
Now, wishful thinking and being optimistic on the basis of some evidence here and some evidence there is the way some people prefer to deal with the Islamic threat. In the process, they tell us how some Muslim Turkish officers are working to combat Islamic terrorists or how some Pakistanis are also helping the West. Surely these folks don't want to look at the horrors of this "minority" in places such as Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and every other Islamic country.
A longstanding Islamic practice is to be meek while weak, and assume despotic intolerant power as it gains strength. Recent migration of Muslims to non-Islamic lands began as a seemingly harmless, even useful, trickle of cheap and needed labor. Before long, greater and greater numbers of Muslims deluged the new territories, and as they gained in numbers—by high birth-rate as well as new arrivals—Muslims began reverting to their intolerant ways by, for instance, demanding legal status for Sharia (Islamic laws), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of man’s barbaric past.
On a sobering note, mild Islamism is already here. As an example, there is the Muslim cab driver of the Minneapolis Airport’s refusal to ferry passengers with alcohol or even those with seeing-eye dogs, Muslim inmates demanding to be served with only halal food, Kentucky Fried Chicken opens first halal restaurant in New York City, honor killing, Muslim students badgering universities for special facilities for their meetings, and, for the first time ever, Muslim Congressman’s assuming the office by swearing on the Quran and not the Bible.
Islam need not even literally destroy the civilized world. All it needs is to gain enough power to impose its worse-than-death Sharia on everyone. If you are not up to speed with the horrors that Muslim governments and their jihadist foot-soldiers commit on a daily basis, you need to open your eyes and deal with this deadly threat of Islam with much more realism.
“Hitler knew that it would be an easy matter to transform the skilled, young glider aviators into fighter and bomber pilots. As the Mullahs and Ahmadinejad know today that once they have enough enriched uranium, have the missile tested out for their range and have other building blocks of nuclear technology in place with uranium enrichment, it would be a walkover to a nuclear weapons suite to blackmail and then destroy the civilized world,” while the rest of the world is snoozing.
Ignoring the smoldering fire and relying on a few local "firefighters" to keep the fires from spreading is either naive or outright criminal. But, it is certainly the easiest thing to do. That's why I have chosen to fight the fire, and I am calling for help to put out Islam, the source that raises arsonists—however small a minority they may be. It takes one arsonist to set a fire that a thousand firefighters will have difficulty putting out, right? The few Muslims, who are brave enough to advocate reform of their religion, are tossed out of mosques or, very likely, much worse.
When our leaders, for instance, call Islam a great religion, they are appeasing, if not lying outright. We the people elect our leaders, and we hold them accountable to be honorable: using their voice to call a most deadly threat a great religion that threatens everything we cherish legitimizes Islamofascisim, on the one hand, and infuses the rest of us with a false belief, on the other.
In this relentless campaign, Islamists have a vast cadre of “experts”, “talking heads”, and for-purchase politicians, who keep endlessly broadcasting the false mantra that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’. This latter bunch is criminally complicit in making the populace complacent and furthering the work of the Islamists.
While President Obama glorifies Islam, the creed of fascistic Islam has penetrated our fortress. Its proponents have infiltrated our system of government. This time around, the people of the sword have their collaborator, Useful Idiots, inside busily doing all they can to dismantle our republic, and replace it with the tyrannical Islamofascisim by appeasing our enemy.
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