Andrew Bostom
Andrew Bostom
A Moroccan ex-Muslim's Thoughts on the "Arab Spring" and Islam
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- Written by Andrew Bostom
- Hits: 6837
The invaluable blog Gates of Vienna, has translated the Die Welt interview of a thoughtful, courageous 22 year-old Moroccan "apostate" from Islam, Kassim al-Ghasali. Requisitely threatened with death because of his openly professed rejection of the Muslim creed, al-Ghasali fled Morocco in February, 2011, and now lives in exile in Switzerland.
Write comment (47 Comments)Hamas's Love for Death and Ceasefires
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- Written by Andrew Bostom
- Hits: 9675
It's due to the Quran and prophetic tradition, particularly the Prophet's Treaty of Hudaibiyyah....
Write comment (56 Comments)Islamic Justice: 14-year-old girl raped, charged with adultery and lashed to death in Bangladesh
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- Written by Andrew Bostom
- Hits: 20849
The tragic treatment of women in Islamic justice system, the Sharia...
Write comment (84 Comments)Itamar and Islamic Jew-Hatred
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- Written by Andrew Bostom
- Hits: 8314
On the savage murder of an entire Israeli family at Itamar by Palestinian Muslims, which has been celebrated by Islamists... Where does the root of this horrible Jew-hatred lies???
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Wafa Sultan: Allah’s Apostate Cassandra
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- Written by Andrew Bostom
- Hits: 7117
A review of Wafa Sultan's book, "A God Who Hates"...
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