Saudi Arabia is in an uproar…no, no one desecrated Muhammad’s grave. No one put cow dung on the black stone. No Sir. Saudis are in uproar because a young man tweeted some of his views about Muhammad.
Here is what he wrote:
“On your birthday, I will say that I have loved the rebel in you, that you’ve always been a source of inspiration tome, and that I do not like the halos of divinity around you. I shall not pray for you,” he wrote in one tweet.
“On your birthday, I find you wherever I turn. I will say that I have loved aspects of you, hated others, and could not understand many more,” he wrote in the second.
“On your birthday, I shall not bow to you. I shall not kiss your hand. Rather, I shall shake it as equals do, and smile at you as you smile at me. I shall speak to you as a friend, no more,” he concluded in the third.
In all honesty, I tried hard to sympathize with the Saudi people, who want Mr. Kashgari swiftly beheaded. I just can’t find anything “rude” or disrespectful in what Mr. Kashgari wrote. Readers, please read those quotes again. I just can’t see what the fuss is all about. My only explanation is that cult followers cannot stand putting their leader or prophet on an equal footing as other humans. After all this is the nature of a cult.
There is nothing insulting to anyone in what Mr. Kashgari said, not even to Muhammad himself. In fact, Kashgari is giving some credit to Muhammad claiming that Muhammad was some kind of a rebel, and that he had some characteristics that others envy. This is probably because Mr. Kashgari is still young and grew up in Saudi Arabia, where the whole of the educational system in the kingdom is designed to glorify Islam and Muhammad. The fact of the matter is Muhammad and Islam deserve an objective critical analysis through a closer look at the historical narrations about Muhammad and early Islam.
Now, Muhammad’s first successful attack was the Nakhla raid. He attacked a Meccan commercial caravan on a holy day and month. Then his “revelations” justified the evil he did that day.
In one day, Muhammad annihilated a whole tribe, namely Bani Qurayza. He beheaded between 600 and 900 hundred adult men, participating in the beheading festivity himself. He then distributed the tribe’s belongings to the Muslims after taking a prophet’s cut of the deal (20%).
Muhammad attacked the tribe of Bani Al-Mustaliq while they were unaware. He attacked Khayber, a Jewish town without any justified reason. He killed the leaders, and “married” one of the leaders’ wives on the same day hekilled her husband and all male relatives. Well, Muslims call what he did a “marriage”. I call it by its name: Rape.
Muhammad used to send his henchmen to assassinate people he did not like. One of them was a very old man; Abu Afaq. Another was Asma bint Marwan; a mother of five youngsters with one still nursing. There are multiple stories of assassinations that Muhammad did. I dealt with some of those stories in some of my previously published articles on and
Muhammad married a child that was six years old, then had sex with her when she was eight years and nine months old. Hadith narrations have so many just on the fact that Ayesha was six years old when Muhammad “married” her, it is not even funny. Yet, you find Muslims denying the story of his marriage to Ayesha at such a young age. In any case, Muslims call that marriage. I call it rape and child abuse and molestation. You see, I like to call things by their name. One has to be honest to the facts.
When Muhammad entered Mecca. He ordered the killing of about a dozen people. One of those was Ibn Khatal. Being in Mecca, Ibn Khatal sought protection in the holiest place, the Ka’aba. He held to the curtains of the Ka’bafor protection. Muslims found him, but being in such a holy place, they did no know what to do. So, one of them goes to Muhammad telling him: “we found Ibn Khatal, but he is holding to the curtains of the Ka’aba for protection.” Now, readers may think that since Muhammad was the victor that day, and since Ibn Khatal was seeking protection in the holiest of sites, Muhammad pardoned him and set him free. History tells us otherwise. Muhammad said “Kill Him” and indeed Ibn Khatal was killed in the ugliest of ways.
Muhammad was an evil person. Respect is the least thing he is deserving of. If living today, people like him get executed after rotting in a filthy prison first.
Even so, the tweets from Mr. Kashgari were very simple and reflecting of certain questions playing in Mr. Kashgari’s mind. Nothing is wrong with that. What is frustrating to me is that, so far, I have not seen some western governments condemning the Saudis for using Interpol to try to locate Mr. Kashgari and haul him back to Saudi Arabia where justice is never insight. No one is condemning Saudi Arabia on this gross violation of human rights violation.
Is oil so precious to western government that we can turn our eyes elsewhere while knowing in full that Saudi Arabia is living up to its barbaric Islamic rule? Islam is the problem, and I bit western governments will admit that only when oil is not a major economic factor anymore. But, Alas, that is probably 60 years down the road.
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