M. A. Khan
M. A. Khan
Should Ongoing Islamic Violence Be Called "Terrorism"?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 7118
Western governments, in the past few years, have been grappled with debates on how to define ongoing Islamic violence to help deal with it best. So far any mention of 'Muslim', 'Islam', 'Jihad', and last of all 'terrorism' have been removed from documents and discussions on it. Nonetheless, it is out and out "terrorism" in ideal defenition of the word.
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Would 'Boobquake' End the World or Prove Islam Wrong?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 8206
Following an Iranian cleric's statement that immodesty and sexual immorality cause earthquakes, a facebook group, called "Boobquake", is testing the theory by urging women around the world to show their cleavage on Monday, 26 April, to see if the world faces devastating earthquake on that day...
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To Rid Islam of Pedophilia, Muslims Must Discard Both the Quran and Hadith
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 16740
Some liberal Muslims think that pedophilia in Islam originates from unrealible or false hadiths, and discarding hadith and sticking to the Quran, the Muslim holy book, would solve the problem. But pedophilia, in fact, is an Allah-sanctioned divine institution is Islam, established by the Quran (65:4). To rid Islam of pedophilia, Muslims have to discard the Quran first.
Write comment (141 Comments)Christian Burned Alive, Wife Raped, for Refusing to Convert to Islam: Emulating Islam’s Barbarous Prophet
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9915
Muhammad, in following Allah's command, used to slaughter those, who refused to embrace Islam, and enslave and rape their women. This Sunnah, which has been in action throughout Islam's history to the present day, has been implemented again in Pakistan just recently...
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Tarek Fatah and the Making of a Secular, Liberal Muslim
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 6807
Tarek Fatah claims he is a moderate-liberal Muslim of the "hardened secular" variety, but his antics in his recent tirade against Wafa Sultan, an ex-Muslim critic of Islam, proves that Muslims, of whatever variety they are, can't just fit in liberal-democratic societies....
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