Earlier we have reported that Pakistani ex-Muslim Imran Firasat’s refugee status was revoked by the Spanish government on the ground that he was a national security threat because of his criticism of Islam, particularly his making of the movie “The Innocent Prophet”. His identity card was also abruptly confiscated, paving the way for his possible swift deportation to Pakistan.
As of latest, Imran’s case has moved to the Spanish court, where he will defend himself against the government’s plan to revoke his refugee status. He will be represented by The Legal Project, a New York based organization, which has a large transnational clientele, “includes authors, bloggers, journals and politicians.” It is dedicated to “…protect the right in the West to freely discuss Islam, radical Islam, terrorism, and terrorist funding.”
In an interview with the World Net Daily (WND), Imran Firasat said, “Muslims are involved everywhere in terrorism. Christians are being persecuted in Islamic countries to the maximum level of torture and suffering and Islam is trying to invade the Western world and kill our values. Who will stop this all?”
He added, “…for me, the truth is that Islam is a man-made religion which was created in order to govern the world. It has several contradictions in itself. It teaches killing (Jihad), hate non-Muslims, discriminate women, rule the world at any price etc…”
Interesting about the case of Imran is that it was exactly the threat to Imran from Muslims for blaspheming Islam that the Spanish Interior Ministry granted him refugee status in 2004. And today, due to the same threat from the same community for the same reason that the Spanish government has revoked his refugee status and is determine to send him back to Pakistan to face certain death.
On Imran Firasat’s case, The Legal Project noted, “The Spanish government has revoked Imran Farasat’s asylum status because he made a film. Besides denying him his right of freedom of expression, the government is now trying to facilitate his transfer to Pakistan where Imran will face certain death for blasphemy. It is downright shameful. The Legal Project plans to take every measure possible to make sure that does not happen.”
Sam Nunberg, an attorney with The Legal Project, explained to WND that “The Spanish government is reneging on the fact that they granted him asylum in the first place…”
More fundamentally it is “…a violation of his right to freedom of expression to be able to speak out against Islam,” added Nunberg.
This, to Nunberg, amounts to the Spanish government’s implementation of Sharia law.
Imran further told WND that “The Spanish government wants to set an example for all the Western countries that all the countries should do the same thing with the anti-Islamic bloggers and activists what Spain has done to me. My status has been revoked and I am on the verge to be deported, not because I have violated any Spanish law, but it is all because of the fear from the Islamic world.”
On his fate if deported to Pakistan, Imran added, “I know if I would be sent back to Pakistan, I will be killed on arrival for the blasphemy. What I consider is the truth. Muslims consider that the blasphemy. They do not have the capacity to bear the truth. That is why they kill brutally … everyone who speaks the truth about Muhammad.”
On this point, said Nunberg, Imran’s case “would be the first case where they [the Europeans] flat out extradite someone to an Islamic country to be killed for blasphemy.”
On the fear of the increasing encroachment of the Shariah law in the West, Imran said, “Then a day will arrive in a very near future when expressing your view on Islam will be declared a legal crime according to the Western constitutions. Anyone can criticize Jesus Christ and insult the Christianity and nothing happens. But criticizing Muhammad for his cruel acts and corrupt life doesn’t fall anymore under the right of liberty of speech.”
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