Mumin Salih
Mumin Salih
The Quran: Jesus is God
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 9615
Note: This article looks at Jesus from the Islamic perspective. Therefore, and for the sake of arguments, Allah will be considered as God, which is believed by Muslims, although not shared by non-Muslims.
The Islamic perception of Jesus is clear to Muslims of all sects, in fact it is one of the few areas where all Muslims are in agreement. In summary, Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet with a status second only to that of Mohammed, just like Moses and Abraham. He had different conception and birth from the rest of humans in the sense he had a mother but no father. Allah blessed Jesus with some special miracles, just like he did with the other prophets. The Jews tried to kill Jesus but they didn't, they killed another person who looked like him. Jesus did not die and was taken to heaven, where he is living today.
Write comment (88 Comments)The War on Syria - A Syrian's Perspectives
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 8666
What is happening in Syria is not a revolution against the Assad regime, it is an invasion of the country. From the beginning, the Islamist rebels were gathered from inside and outside the country and were generously financed, organized and armed by outside powers. Many of those rebels were not Syrians at all and know little about the country they want to destroy in order to 'liberate'. The invaders are outside powers, who used disillusioned Muslims of various nationalities to do the killing on their behalf. This is not a secret conspiracy, as the West’s intentions were obvious even before the rebellion started. America, Britain and France, once again have been the usual culprits. Their tools in the Middle East have been the same again: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey.
Write comment (59 Comments)The Most Peaceful Verse
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 13594
“...whoever kills a person, it is as if he had killed all mankind. And whoever saves one it is as if he had saved all mankind... ”
This short article discusses verse 5:32 in the Quran, which Muslims commonly quote when debating critics of Islam. Muslim intellectuals and Imams, as well as Western apologists, often quote this verse as evidence to support their false claims that Islam is a religion of peace. The verse is anything but peaceful and shames, not only the Quran, but Islam in general and all those who quote it.
Write comment (71 Comments)Hats off to Egypt
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 5937
Egypt is making history again. The events taking place in that country are of extra ordinary significance. The events, which are big in themselves, got even bigger because they are happening in Egypt, which is the heart of the Middle East. With 84 millions, Egypt is by far the largest Arab country. It is also the cultural centre of the Arab world. In the last century, Egypt contributed more to the Arab culture than all the other countries put together. In addition, Egypt has always been a leading Islamic country because it is the home of Al Azhar which is the most prestigious Islamic institute. Also it is the birth place, and the power base, of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the mother of all Islamic terrorist organizations.
Write comment (80 Comments)A Good Reason to Leave Islam
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 8432
The history of religion is probably parallel to the history of man; they came to existence together and may disappear together. As humans became more sophisticated, they became more aware of their lack of understanding of life and death. That lack of understanding provided fertile grounds that nurtured gossips and theories of all kinds. With continued human development, people thought of those questions concerning life and death and probably each person formulated his/her own theories and interpretations. Most people were honest enough to keep their own ideas to themselves without forcing it on others because they knew they made it up. Others were not that honest and proposed their own imagination as true answers for those questions surrounding life and the after life. That was the origin of religion and those dishonest people became the guardians of religions; clergymen, priests, ministers, sheikhs etc, you name it.
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