From the Middle East to the West, the spectacular advance of Islam is deliberately aided Western politicians.
After years of campaigning to expose the evil reality of Islam, I watched with disappointment the Arab countries falling one after another to the Muslim Brotherhood. I don't think any of the Muslim Brothers predicted such a victory even in their wildest dreams. It is like they won the jackpot of politics, without even paying for a ticket; a big win and it came free. Some people wondered if this rise of Islam could signal an eminent fall. The example of Iran is alive with us; most Iranians had enough of Islam after thirty years of Mullah’s rule. I shared this optimism for a while and still hope it proves to be true, but probably it is only a wishful thinking. However, I still believe, that Islam’s death is inevitable at the hands of the Internet.
Millions of Arabs and Muslims tasted life under the ruthless Saudi regime for nearly a century without changing their minds about Islam. On the contrary, many of those ‘Muslims by name’ who went to Saudi for work returned to their home countries fully Islamized after embracing the Wahhabi teachings. To add to this gloomy analysis, it doesn't surprise me if the Brotherhood does a reasonably good job in running the countries they won, consolidating the already strong position of Islam even further. In Egypt, as an example, the deposed regime was run by a western-style politician, who suffered from western-style political greed and corruption. I would imagine it is easy for the Brotherhood to beat that low level of efficiency, especially that American money is still flowing.
The Mullahs failed in Iran mainly because of America which applied sanctions and helped to drag the country into a costly war with Iraq. Iran was never given the chance to recover from the turmoil that followed the revolution. The Gulf states, America and Europe were all keen to see the country on its knees. The Mullahs in Iran are excessively naive politicians and never considered the welfare of their country and people as a priority.
The disappointing fact is that Islam does seem to be going from strength to strength, which is not the ‘future’ my generation looked forward to. It feels as if the clock of history started to move backwards because this ‘future’ looks more backward than the past, when it was rare to see men with Islamic beards or women with head scarves. I made several visits to Egypt, as a young man in the late 1960s and still remember that most of the staff and all of the students of the Al Azhar University wore western clothes. Even at Al Azhar’s ‘Girls College’ only a handful of girls were covered with head scarves. Nowadays, it is common to see women with head scarves, or even full veils roaming the streets in the Middle East as well as London and Paris!
After the Second World War, religion stepped back to give room to a new culture with values like democracy, freedom of expression and human rights among many others. Islam forbids freedom of religion or expression and is openly racist against the Jews and scorns all other religions and cultures. In short, Islam was standing against everything Europe was standing for. In such unfavorable climate, Islam could only survive in mosques, where it belonged. Despite all the odds, Islam found its way up like a rocket, not only in the Middle East, but also in Europe and America. This affection between Islam and Europe is like the affection between the predator and its prey.
Something must have happened in the 1970s that changed the fortunes of Islam. Indeed, there is evidence that Saudi Arabia, America and Europe all conspired to introduce Islam into Europe and sustain it. There is nothing new about Saudi links with dirty deals; remember that the British judicial system is still unable to look at the Yamama arms deal because of the Saudi pressure. The Saudis have the power to influence the politicians and the mainstream media as well as the major companies in both America and Europe, especially if the reputation of Arab sheikhs is at stake. But it boggles the mind that the wealthy western politicians can be easily manipulated by oil money.
The Western politicians in successive governments, cheated their own people and countries under the temptation of oil money. They collaborated with the mainstream media to nurture and foster the sense of guilt in their nations to desecrate their own culture and revere a seventh-century cult. They appear defenders of morality as long as morality is not violated by a Muslim or an Arab sheikh. The spread of Islam in the West did not happen by accident, but was a result of an evil policy to prop it up and sustain it.
France: Cooperation with the Saudis to introduce Islam into Europe
Recently, I read an article by Mohammed Hasanain Haikal in which he mentioned a series of meetings between him and high ranking French officials including the President and the head of the French intelligence service that took place in the 1970s in Paris. The French officials informed Haikal that France was already cooperating with Saudi Arabia, and already signed a treaty, to promote Islam and introduce it into Europe, ‘because that was good for Europe’. Haikal is the most famous Arab journalist and political analyst who held important positions in the past and met with the most important figures of his time. The man, in his eighties now, knows what he writes about and his writings are taken seriously.
This piece of information is not new but the article adds to its credibility. A number of authors, like BatYe’or and Oriana Fallaci, addressed the issue from a different angle. Eurabia, or the Euro-Arabian axis, is still considered as just another conspiracy theory. Haikal apparently referred to this treaty between france and Saudi Arabia in one of his books back in the 1970s, which I wasn't aware of and didn't read. It makes sense to assume that the Saudis made other similar agreements to promote Islam and introduce into other countries. The Saudis are more aware than anybody else of the authority and supremacy they inevitably achieve because of Islam, which implies unavoidable domination over the others.
Britain: The Labour party flooded the country with Muslim Immigrants
The multi billion dollars Al Yamama Arms deal was called the deal of the century. We only know that the deal involved some dirty tricks from both sides. The Saudis threatened severe ‘trade’ punishment if attempts to investigate the deal went ahead. It is obvious that the British governments and main stream media are are completely silent about the regular human rights breaches in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, which contrasts with their loud criticism of other countries, even China and Russia.
The British press reported that Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, admitted that the labour government deliberately flooded the UK with immigrants to change the social make up of the country and “rub the nose of the conservative party on diversity”. The labour’s policy changed the fabric of the British society forever causing lasting damage to the country.
The West: A civilization that is keen to bring its own downfall
The illustrious West suddenly suffered of a strange political disorder that disposed of its legendary intelligence. The politicians and the main stream media are collaborating hand in hand to bring the downfall of their countries. The signs of the disintegration are everywhere. They react with extraordinary stupidity to events affecting their countries. If a person attacks another, the normal human response would be some form of self defense or retaliation or at least getting angry. The West responds to terrorists’ attacks by denial, trying to find excuses or even helping the attackers in someway, which defies logical interpretation and common sense. With every terrorist attack, the Muslims seem to make more gains in the form of more privileges and more government concessions.
As an example, the Muslims are credited for the invention and developing most forms of airplane hijacking, which is their only contribution to aviation. Without such contribution, air travel would become a cheap and boringly hassle free daily routine. Considering their track record in hijacking and their unrivalled skill in the field, one would expect Muslims to be banned from flying in Western airlines, or at least watched carefully. The UK politicians responded to the problem by hiring more Muslims to be in charge of airport security! Recently, some of those officers allowed a fully veiled woman to pass unchecked through security, but detained a person who made an innocent remark on this insanity!
After 9/11, most Muslims in my area were happy to see America in agony but many didn't have the courage to go to work, not for fear of reprisal but to avoid embarrassment. Those Muslims assumed the westerners would behave as Muslims would in such circumstances. Many men shaved their beards while women removed their head scarves to camouflage their connection with radical Islam. I wasn't surprised by the reaction of the Muslim community, it all seemed natural and predictable, considering the circumstances. For a short while, I thought that might bring an end to the rising wave of Islamization. Unfortunately, it was the moderation that soon came to an end as it became clear that the West was mainly concerned with the safety and well being of Muslims.
The Muslims didn't interpret the West’s response as civilized, which it wasn't, it was a stupid response. The Muslims’ interpretation was that it was a proof that it was all made up and nothing to do with Muslims! Soon, men started growing their beards and women putting on their head scarves!
After the 7/7 bombings in London, the immediate reaction of the Muslim community in my area was to camouflage their radicalism with a thin layer of moderation like shaving their beards and removing their head scarves. An Egyptian, who used to run an Islamic school, was nervous as he received a message for a meeting with a police officer. He ordered his two daughters to remove their head scarves. He also decided to close the school temporarily. When I met him afterwards, he described how kind and protective the police officer was; he promised protection and monitoring of the telephone line in case of any verbal abuse and suggested the girls should keep their head scarves.
Oil: No serious effort to find practical alternative
Oil is not a clean source of energy, and this has been obvious since the discovery of oil. The association between oil and Islamic terrorism cannot be denied. We may justify using oil only if it is free or very cheap but it is not. Technologically, we are very advanced and it is difficult to accept that we still cannot find a practical alternative to oil. If oil runs out next week, a cheap and practical alternative suddenly appears. Knowing the dirty tricks of companies and governments it would come as a no surprise that our dependence on oil is carefully planned by the countries and companies profiting from its sale. The Gulf countries are keen to keep their oil selling well and are rich enough to influence other companies and politicians.
The Gulf States: Wasted wealth
The Gulf States are some of the richest on Earth. We only hear about their wealth in terms of extravagant lifestyle. Wealthy countries have obligations, called foreign aid, towards the rest of the world, but the Gulf States seem to be exempt from this rule. It has been obvious that the Gulf States’ contributions in cases of natural disasters doesn't match their massive wealth, but the West and their media seem to be happy about it.
The Muslim Countries: Breaches of human rights go unnoticed
The West is normally very sensitive and outspoken to any violation human rights, racist practices, suppression of women and restrictions on freedom of religion among many others. The Muslim countries regularly violate those values. Slavery is still practiced in some Muslim communities, although it is formally abolished, indeed the way Asian workers are treated in the Gulf States amounts to slavery. The West is usually silent about all those practices! In fact, the Muslims are allowed to violate the western values in the western countries and get away with it. The Gulf Arabs regularly bring their own slaves (called servants) with them to the west but only murders and serious abuses make the news. Muslims are openly Anti-semitic and anti gays and get away with it. Women are oppressed and subjected to honor killings and you hear nothing from the feminist movements. For every victim of honor killing, there are hundreds, who suffer silently from social intimidation and torture, which are never investigated or reported.
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