Radhasyam Brahmachari

Protests by local residents, joined by English Defence League activists, lead to cancelllation of building a multi-million-pound mega-mosque at Dudley, West Midlands, UK.

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After initially approving a giant mosque-building plan next to Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, officials were forced to scrape the permit, thanks to overwhelming opposition from local residents and fear of security-threats from army officers..

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Michael Moore to President Ahmadinejad, some prominent taqiyyah tacticians of today...

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To explain the Arabic word TAQIYAH, Hughes Dictionary of Islam says, “Literally it means “Guarding oneself”. (It’s a) Shi’ah doctrine. A pious fraud whereby a Shi’ah Muslim believes he is justified in either smoothing down or in denying the peculiarities of his religious belief, in order to save himself from religious persecutions. A Shi’ah can, therefore, pass himself off as a Sunni to escape persecution.”

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Ground Zero Mosque Imam's repertoire of lies and deception --- all for the sake of Islam....


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